Chartstalkers -- January 2009

my longest cycle so far has been 32-33 days but normally Ive had 27-28 day cycles. I think I might POAS in the morning and if its a BFN I might go and speak to the nurse just to get some advice.
sounds like a plan. At least it will put your mind at rest...
Ok, now it looks like i ovulated yesterday...and didn't bd! where did i inherit my bad luck from?? i had what looked like EWCM and found that strange but dismissed it thinking there was no way i'd ovulate on day 26! well, i was wrong (long sigh), now i just feel like staying at home and crying all day.

Would we still have a chance if we bd tonight, around 8 pm or shall i just leave it and wait for AF to show in 2 weeks time? in theory, what are my chances in percentage?

Ok i just did some research and i have my answer. Basically i have 0 chances of conceiving this month even if we bd tonight. There might have been a little chance if we did it early this morning so i won't even bother tonight, i'll just carry on charting for 2 more days until FF confirms my lines and then i'll stop all this charting malarky because i've had enough :cry:

So sorry for ranting i'm just having a really difficult day...
Hi everyone,

Just letting you know there is no temp for today as I have lost my thermometer! But everything else is filled in and I should be back on track with temps tomorrow!

Also 1 question:


shaunie_louise said:
Hi everyone,

Just letting you know there is no temp for today as I have lost my thermometer! But everything else is filled in and I should be back on track with temps tomorrow!

Also 1 question:



when are you testing again?
Aww lillie I'm sorry mate.

But as long as you've had sex there's NEVER a 0% chance.

The first BFP I got we'd only had sex twice that month... Once too early and once too late. Hubby had had a ball scare and was in a lot of pain so we gave up TTC for that month... go figure :think:
buddabun said:
Aww lillie I'm sorry mate.

But as long as you've had sex there's NEVER a 0% chance.

The first BFP I got we'd only had sex twice that month... Once too early and once too late. Hubby had had a ball scare and was in a lot of pain so we gave up TTC for that month... go figure :think:

well there is hope then :dance:
Yes i guess there is always hope but i don't have any CM anymore, in fact i feel very dry today and i just did an OPK just in case i still had some LH levels but it came back negative :(

I'm just annoyed to have a 40 days long cycle, this has never happened to me before. I have to wait 5 weeks at least before trying again so won't be testing until March probably!!
buddabun said:
Hubby had had a ball scare and was in a lot of pain so we gave up TTC for that month... go figure :think:

Forgive me, but what's a ball scare?
he found a lump in his ball... accompanied by a lot of pain. it was fine, just an infection but it meant he felt like doing anything BUT bd-ing that month :lol:
Calling all chartstalkers....

I'm still waiting on my af..depo shot covered me till 22nd December....but would have thought an af would have arrived by now?

Would that mean no ovulating yet either?

I'm charting (my charts on the list) and i've done one OPK with an ebay cheapie and was a neg.

Shall i use another opk in a few days? or is it not worth it till after my first af?

Baby-Briggsy said:
Calling all chartstalkers....

I'm still waiting on my af..depo shot covered me till 22nd December....but would have thought an af would have arrived by now?

Would that mean no ovulating yet either?

I'm charting (my charts on the list) and i've done one OPK with an ebay cheapie and was a neg.

Shall i use another opk in a few days? or is it not worth it till after my first af?


Hi hon! :) It's not uncommon for AF not to arrive a while after birth control is stopped b/c your body needs time to get used to being normal again. Best way not to waste an opk is only to do it on the days that you find you have more fertile quality cm than others, and that way you are unlikely to accidentally miss it by skipping a day here and there.

Hope that helps!
ive not just bought a load of pg tests and opk's from amazon honest... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
sam27 said:
shaunie_louise said:
Hi everyone,

Just letting you know there is no temp for today as I have lost my thermometer! But everything else is filled in and I should be back on track with temps tomorrow!

Also 1 question:



when are you testing again?

I dunno when or whether to test again??

shaunie_louise said:
sam27 said:
[quote="shaunie_louise":10zsm82w]Hi everyone,

Just letting you know there is no temp for today as I have lost my thermometer! But everything else is filled in and I should be back on track with temps tomorrow!

Also 1 question:



when are you testing again?

I dunno when or whether to test again??


i know what i am like so if i am honest i would test again in the morning, but it depends how you feel it wouldnt hurt to leave it a couple of day, depends if you can xxxxx

good luck and fx :hug:
But I already got BFN?

I'm really tempted to test again but I have a feeling I know what the answer will be! :(


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