Chartstalkers -- January 2009


Yep everybody has a thermal shift after they ov but it is very specific to the individual what consitutes a high or low temp. Have you been to is all very well explained on there and you can chart for free. Wht day of your cycle are you on?

Yeah, i'm chart is on the list.

I'll try and find the info on FF about temps.

Morning ladies xx
Shaunie, sorry you got another BFN this morning. Those ebay cheapies can be so unpredictable. Your chart still looks good though hun, so its not over yet!
hi I don't chart but next cycle (if I don't get bfp) I will!

what does the average cycle look like (what shows you ov/are about to get af etc)
That's kind of a tough one, but if you look at my link and look at the second one (ignore the first chart like it's the plague...I have no freaking clue what's going on with myself this cycle), I guess that's pretty average. You can see the day that I ov-ed, and the temps stay above the coverline for that whole time through my luteal phase until right before I get af and then they drop dramatically.
melissa5317 said:
Wooo, Shaunie got some action this morning! :rotfl: Lucky girl.

:rotfl: Not so much action as OH poking me in the bottom of my back with it at 3am this morning! I gave in so I could just go back to sleep!!

shaunie_louise said:
melissa5317 said:
Wooo, Shaunie got some action this morning! :rotfl: Lucky girl.

:rotfl: Not so much action as OH poking me in the bottom of my back with it at 3am this morning! I gave in so I could just go back to sleep!!


LMAO :rotfl: :rotfl:
shaunie_louise said:
melissa5317 said:
Wooo, Shaunie got some action this morning! :rotfl: Lucky girl.

:rotfl: Not so much action as OH poking me in the bottom of my back with it at 3am this morning! I gave in so I could just go back to sleep!!

:lol: Been there, done that, brilliant :rotfl:
shaunie_louise said:
melissa5317 said:
Wooo, Shaunie got some action this morning! :rotfl: Lucky girl.

:rotfl: Not so much action as OH poking me in the bottom of my back with it at 3am this morning! I gave in so I could just go back to sleep!!


Awww...almost a shame you're already in your luteal phase. What a lovely conception story THAT would make! :lol:
i got some questions for u chart godesses!

ov tests- do bfp's mean ovulation is happening NOW or do they mean its GOING TO happen? (if so how long before it happens)
why would one get bfp for 2 days? does it take 2 days to ovulate or what? :?

thermal shift- does that happen AT ovulation or AFTER? (if so how long after)

CM- what if u hav different types in the same day? for example today, i had creamy at first, then at lunchtime a huge blob of eggwhite, now its back to creamy again :think: iv recorded it as eggwhite is that right? sorry for the tmi!

Hi trixipaws :wave: Ok, I have been drinking, so please excuse me if I don't make any sense, lol.

When you get a positive test, it means you will ovulate between 12 and 48 hours, usually 24-36 hours. With me, it's usually about 24 hours, but last month, I ovulated the same day I got a positive.

Your temperature will rise the day after you ahve ovulated, but I suppose you could ovulate up to a couple of hours before your temperature has gone up. But I always take it as the day before the rise, like FF tells me.

If I have more than one type of CM in a day, I always record the most fertile, so if you have EWCM, I would record that.
Cori said:
Hi trixipaws :wave: Ok, I have been drinking, so please excuse me if I don't make any sense, lol.

i dont manage to make any sense sober so your not doing too bad lol :rotfl:
Why is FF telling me I still have 86% on early pregnancy signs if I have had a BFN??

Because it might well be too early for a BFP, FF doesn't know the sensitivity of the hpt you used and your symptoms must point towards pregnancy. Like they say, it ain't over till the witch shows her face hon :hug:
Well, it's definitely over for me. My temperature took a nose dive so FF took away my ovulation lines...this feels worse than getting a BFN. I just don't know why i didn't ovulate this month and have a feeling this will be a recurring pattern.
I felt strong AF cramps this morning which is unusual on day 26! what a weird cycle.

Do you think i should see my GP about this and maybe ask her to put me on ovulation pills or something or shall i chart for another month and see what happens first?
(Sits at computer drumming finger nails on the table and sighs). Im still waiting for AF to arrive (on CD38) so I can try again with temping. Been busy stalking everybodies charts and just wish AF would show up so I can join in again and chart properly this month. Ive been getting strong period pains on and off for the last 7 days so the witch cant be that far behind me so hopefully I can get started again soon
Well period pains can oddly be a sign of pregnancy. I certainly had AF cramps for a week before due last time and once I had my BFP too.

Very weird.

Fingers crossed for you hon
How long are your cycles? I'm amazed you have managed to be patient all this time and not test!

How about you do a test now!! :roll: we're desperate for a BFP on this post :lol:

Pleeeeeeeeease test :angel:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Waterlilie. I know EXACTLY how you feel - I'd rather have af by this point than not know what the hell is going on. Has anything that you've been doing changed in the last week or so (sleep habits, eating habits, exercise, etc)?
i'm baaack!
betcha all missed me :lol:

haven't taken my temp since Friday morning but AF is still here, just about.
will start temping again tomorrow now i'm home.

hopeing that this cycle will be a short one, like my Oct/Nov cycle was 31days.

going to get me some OPK aswell.
was going to get the clearblue one but i don't know if after this month i'll have the money to buy the refill strips, so there's no point in having the digital thing right ?
so might get some Superdrug one's.. they're always BOGOF so it's £16 for 14 instead of £18 for 7
First response do some too.
so will have a look around :)

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