Chartstalkers -- January 2009

i think i may have OV :dance: my temp has gone up :dance: at last :dance: :lol:

thank-you everyone for crossing your fingers.. and toes :wink: hehe.
roseanimal said:
oh, really low temp today :think: no idea why. it was earlier than usual cause i woke up early but if i took it when i really got up it would only be an hour's sleep.

and what's the difference between filled in circles and white/empty circles?

empty circles mean ou took your temp at a diff time.
woo hooo!!! congrats holly! so happy your temp has gone up :cheer:

mines has changed :cheer: i did get up half a hour earlier this morning though :think: it's went down a wee bit, duno if that means anything? xx
sarafet- your temp usually drops before ovulation- hopefully this is the case for u- get bding just in case!!!
holly- yay pleased for u hun
lilly- what the ****!!! not too sure whats going on there! have u bd recently just in case ff is right? i agree don't test for a while see how ur temps go and take it from there. :hug: another one with a ****ed up chart- whats going on!!
Lilly, have to agree, what the %?!* Dont agree with that at all!

Holly, yay :dance: :lol: Make me sooooooo pleased to get ov I know what you mean xx

HELP, my chart! On sat morning, I took my temp at 5.30, 2 hours before normal and got a temp of 36.26, then I woke up at 10.30 and took it again and got 36.56. I put it in FF as the 1st one and nothing happened. I just played with my chart and if I put it in as the 10.30 one I get my lines and it thinks I ov'd. What one should I go with? Tempted to leave it at the higher one as it's nice to think I've ov'd for a couple of days and see what my temps do, do you think I'm right doing that? If my temps drop again I can just change it back and go from there, would you do that girls?
Hello ladies, hope everyone is ok. :D

Donna, woohoo 3 DPO!! Well done girl :clap:

Becs, your chart looks fantastic. Can’t wait to hear from you hopefully it’s a BFP!!! :pray:

Lilly, I’m speechless!!!! :shock: What the hell’s going on? You’re right don’t test now, hopefully FF is just confused and will come back to its sense tomorrow :hug:

Puds, sorry you’re also having a weird cycle. I know how you feel :hug:

Sam and A&J , looks like ovulation is on its way :cheer:

Louf, you’re already 4 DPO how exciting!! :dance:
Oops Donna just saw what you wrote about your temps...i don't really know hun but on saturday i took my temp at the usual time (5.30) and it was 36.37 and again at 10.30 after 5 hours sleep and it was 36.66. I was also tempted to believe that my second temp was the correct one but then AF showed up in the evening and this morning my temp was 36.26 so my guess is that you should go with the temp which was close to your temp today..hope i'm making sense? :? :hug:
Yeah you are hun, I'll change it back, just wishfull thinking on my part :(
hopefully u'll get ur lines 2moro donna- pretty sure u will!!
thanks waterlilie- not stressing too much now as i have the scan coming up hopefully it'll give me some answers.
off to do todays opk- wish me luck!!!
sorry hun..i know it's frustrating but it will happen for you i'm sure, just keep on bd'ing regularly :hug:

I'm sure it's the change of season that's causing this mayhem in our cycles. I've just realised something interesting last night. I was looking at my last year's diary, i wasn't TTC then but i've always kept record of my period start and end dates and in January last year i had my period at exactly the same dates as this month and a 40 days cycle!!!!!!! my second cycle was 35 days long and from March my period became regular with a 30-32 days cycle until January 2009! how weird! so i'm now sure it's a cyclic thing that happens once a year to me and possibly to all women! I am really hoping my theory is right and that this cycle will be shorter than 40 days :pray:
puds said:
hopefully u'll get ur lines 2moro donna- pretty sure u will!!
thanks waterlilie- not stressing too much now as i have the scan coming up hopefully it'll give me some answers.
off to do todays opk- wish me luck!!!

Good luck :hug:
Puds, hope you get a positive opk babe xx

Waterlilie, I've got my diary for the last 16 months and last Jan was one of my shortest!
Jan 32 days, Feb 32, march 35, April 33, May 37, June 33, July didnt have one, Aug 42, Sept 37, Oct 33, Nov 31, Dec 35. So its not the case with me, bugger lol. As for this Jan, the way it's going I'm going to miss it like last July :(
aww sorry hun :hug: i was hoping you'd confirm my genius theory :lol:

Well it's probably just a coincidence anyway! will see how this month goes but i'm making an appointment to see my GP about this pre-af spotting business because i'm not reassured. There's always something to worry about! humpf :shakehead:
I know, you think you have it all sorted and something else happens. Not sure what your spotting is all about, be a good idea to go see your gp hun. Always best to get checked!
Hi all! :wave:

Anyone else getting sick of looking at my stupid chart???? :wall: :wall: :wall:

:bored: I hate being left behind. :(
melissa5317 said:
Hi all! :wave:

Anyone else getting sick of looking at my stupid chart???? :wall: :wall: :wall:

:bored: I hate being left behind. :(
Every damn day I look at your chart with my fingers crossed that something is happening and every day nothing :wall: I've had enough with mine already and yours is over double and I so feel for you :hug:
melissa5317 said:
I hate being left behind.
exactly how i'm feeling hun- try to put brave face on it but in honesty i'm gutted. it's mine and my dh's 25 birthdays in the next 2 weeks and our 4th wedding anniversary at beginning of march - so expected to at least be pregnant by then. another negative opk today. other 2 cycles i got no line until a faint line the day before a positive. this cycle i've been getting faint lines almost all the way through with clearly visible but still faint lines the last 2 days- what the hell is going on!!!
how do i add a picture to this?? melissa?? :lol:
Puds, if your lines are getting darker you could be about to ovulate, don't give up yet!

which OPKs do you use?
puds said:
melissa5317 said:
I hate being left behind.
exactly how i'm feeling hun- try to put brave face on it but in honesty i'm gutted. it's mine and my dh's 25 birthdays in the next 2 weeks and our 4th wedding anniversary at beginning of march - so expected to at least be pregnant by then. another negative opk today. other 2 cycles i got no line until a faint line the day before a positive. this cycle i've been getting faint lines almost all the way through with clearly visible but still faint lines the last 2 days- what the hell is going on!!!
how do i add a picture to this?? melissa?? :lol:

It's awful, isn't it? I know how you feel - my DH and I have been married for 4 and a half years now, and weren't officially trying the entire time but everytime I saw I had EWCM we would purposely bd, and in all that time I've been pregnant ONCE and I didn't get to keep her. :( I get lines on my opks every day and I always get a little bit inwardly excited when they start to get darker, but I've never had one darker than half as dark as the control line. It's slightly maddening! :lol:

A picture: if you upload one to photobucket, it will give you a url code that you can paste in - is that what you mean?
thanks lilly.

still not figured out how to put ff link to here - little help?

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