Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Donna want some of my +OPK results ? i have enough for both of us right now! :rotfl:
im not taking temps yet, tbh not sure what to do :oops:
ive bought a load of opk's, last month i ov'd on day 20 but will be testing from day 11 just incase
im on a mission this month to get pg so any tips would be great :hug:
Glad you had a good birthday Donna, lol. Hope you ov soon! Have you had a cycle this long before?
Had 2 days of +opks Holly but nothing yet from them :( Thinks its even more annoying get positives then no ov, it's like why, how :?

Cori, in the last year my cycles have been from 31 to 42 days, but mostly around 33, so this is a long one even if I ov tomorrow (lets hope) it would make it a 42 day one, but i have only had 1 of those, well 2 now really :( Blimming annoying mate, it just takes for ever to go round :(
Aww Donna :hug: I imagine it would be annoying. I guess I'm lucky really that I'm having short ones.
I'd love short cycles. Think of it this way, I'm getting what, 8 maybe 9 goes a year to fall pregnant to yours say maybe pushing to 14 to 15! But then I have a lot less upset with af's then you so in one way it's swings and roundabouts! :hug:
Donna, a slightly belated happy birthday hun, i hope you had a nice day :hug:
Donna's here said:
Lilly, fingers crossed hun for a bfp tomorrow :pray: .
thanks Donna... me too!! :D

Donna's here said:
The only reason i ask, is some thermometers store the last temp but you only get to see it if you hold the on button down for a few seconds otherwise it shows a start off temp say 36.50, I've been caught out before!
i agree Donna.... mine says 36.1 every time! i thought i was going funny before i realised! :D
Donna's here said:
Sarafet, it's nice to see a chart soooo consistent, but it's unusual for it to be 5 days in a row. Are you reading your temps straight away or looking back later? The only reason i ask, is some thermometers store the last temp but you only get to see it if you hold the on button down for a few seconds otherwise it shows a start off temp say 36.50, I've been caught out before!

i am getting so frustrated with it being the same every morning. i have asked OH to do it, i took my sons yesterday and the day before because he wasn't well, so it's defo changing. there's being other temps displayed, so it's defo not the last one it's displaying, there's only one button on it too, so it can't be anything like that.

i literally press the button, wait a few secs then stick the theremometer in my mouth until it beeps 4 times, then take the reading. i wake up at half 7 most days, and i do get up to pee through the night, but it's always around 3am.

theres not even been .1 of a difference in the last 5 days, and i thought i should have OV'd in the last week :wall:

if it says 36.3 tomorrow morning, i will SCREAM.
BeckyJ said:
im not taking temps yet, tbh not sure what to do :oops:
ive bought a load of opk's, last month i ov'd on day 20 but will be testing from day 11 just incase
im on a mission this month to get pg so any tips would be great :hug:

If you go to fertility friend you can sign up for free and they'll give you some days of the VIP membership to begin with as well. First thing to do is to get yourself a basal body thermometer (I think most of us have bought ours online) and start taking your temp each morning at the same time as soon as you wake up and before moving. You can log those temps on FF. Generally your temp will stay low-ish until the day after you ovulate, and then you will see a sustained rise in temperatures which FF marks with crosshairs (you can see on a bunch of our charts...not mine, sadly :lol: ). The other thing you'll want to start doing is checking your cm and recording that on the chart as well. Whatever your most fertile cm of the day is should go in there. This is the important part of the follicular phase (the part before you ovulate), and the temps are the important bit in the luteal phase (after ov).

Hope that helps? :)
i just asked OH to take his there, just to see if it was 36.3 (and to see if thermo was broken..) his was 36.9.

i then done mines and surprise surprise, it was 36.3 :wall:

i did test it a few times yesterday a different times of the day, just to see if it changed and it did.
oh no you must be really frustrated!! its enough worrying about your chart with out this adding to it!!

keep with it tho.. its got to to change soon!! :hug:
can everyone cross their fingers for me that my temprature goes up in the morning ? :lol:
holly said:
can everyone cross their fingers for me that my temprature goes up in the morning ? :lol:

me too please :lol: (or down, or just isn't 36.3, pleaseeee...)

really for my fingers and toes crossed for you holly :hug:
What has happened to my chart!! i cant believe FF has moved my lines to day 18. im really not having that!!

My rise in temps where better earlier on! havnt a clue now when AF is due! im not testing again! :x
sam27 said:
roseanimal said:
bit more successful with the charting today. did get a lower temp today than yesterday, I knew I'd messed it up!

annyway, looking forward to knowing what my body's doing!
told dh that we'd have to bd very frequently all month, not just for a week - he was devastated - NOT!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: that will be a tough one for him im sure! :rotfl:
Rose have you got a ff chart? or am i going blind as well as mad!
yes but not figured out how to link it to here! :doh:
oh, really low temp today :think: no idea why. it was earlier than usual cause i woke up early but if i took it when i really got up it would only be an hour's sleep.

and what's the difference between filled in circles and white/empty circles?

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