Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Right seen as I am such a computer whiz now I have taken the wheel thingy off!!! :rotfl: What does anybody think to the chart does this look normal?? Thanks for your help Mel and Lily x x x :hug:
two temprature dips in a row, i think i may OV today or tomorrow; does that sound about right looking at my chart ?
hi lou... :wave:

do you take your temp the same time every morning, before you get out of bed, even before you move!!??

hi holly... :wave:

Yep you need a rise tomoz then its all go go go!!
Doll, the only thing I see right now is your BBT chart overlay, which is fine for your first cycle but will start to be confusing next cycle b/c it will be a chart with all of your cycles on it. Can you find your normal chart (the one that isn't green)? :hug:
Yep I dont budge! Have been reading the toni weschler book so know not to move! But have been waking at odd times like 5am 6am but usual is 7am when I have woken early I have taken temp and adjusted time on chart accordingly. I think the early wakes are cause its first time doing this and got a bit excited so kept waking early but last few days been normal and feel like its just routine now.

Right Mel I will have a look bear with me though!!!
isnt our Mel good!! what would we do without her! :hug: although i will let you move on when your get you BFP!! :pray: only if you promise to pop back in and help the newbies!
Right guys I think it is finally right!!! :dance: :cheer:

I think the unshaded circles are the time where I woke early or like today it was 8am instead of 7am.

Yes Mel is a star and thankyou for your help x x
AWwwwww :oops: You guys are too much. :lol: I'll definitely still be around if (and hopefully WHEN) I get my bfp; I"ll probably chart all the way through my pregnancy! :rotfl:
Hey thanks Mel :hug:

I'm on the list Ooooo I feel part of the gang now! :dance:

I hope you get your BFP in the very near future hun, you deserve it so much especially with helping us lot out. It will happen for all of us one day it's just the wiating that is so unfair :hug: :hug:
Hi girls :wave:
havn't got much time so i'll have a proper stalk 2moro so just a quickie:
:wave: louF. its exciting to have a new addition to our little family!!
lilly - ur temps are looking really good hun, every part of my body crossed for u- even my legs until tonight! :lol: i will NOT push u to test though- i've learnt my lesson ( but if anyone else wants to encourage lilly to test that is fine by me!!!)
fingers crossed for ovulation holly!
:wave: melissa- u really are great!!! :hug: thanks for everything u do for us all! and ur temps seem to have got so much better lately :pray: for either af or ovulation soon hun.

I'm very excited- i have a visible line on my opk- no where near dark enough yet but so hoping it will be 2moro!! how sad that a negative opk has made me so happy!!!! :cheer:

lots of love to u all!
one more quick thing: becs and waterlillue- wow what charts- i'll be looking at them first thing in the morning! wonder if we have another bfp to add to buddabuns and trixipaws!!! :pray:
i tested this morning.. BFN. Prob will test tomoz! :wink:

thanks for crossing puds, i will let you uncross tonight!!! :D
anyone know whats happened to cori? - hope she hasn't caught the chartstalkers curse!! :hug: cori
:wave: everyone.

Puds - hope you get a darker line on OPK tomorrow.

Donna - :hug: :hug: :hug: i know how you feel, i'm confused this month i've had a line on OPK for the past 5days and i'm yet to test today. none of them have been what i'd call 'light' lines either, they're all pretty dark. grr. yet to test today, i think i shall when i next need to pee. it doesn't seem to matter what time of day i test, there is always a line there stareing back at me confusing me all the more!

Lilly - good luck! your chart is looking very good at the moment. fingers crossed for you!

Lou f - welcome :D and good luck. hope your chart settles down for you soon and you can try and start making some sense of what is going on :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone else i've missed. i just had a quick stalk.
Cori, just saw your chart, hon! :hug: :hug: :hug: That's really strange that af came so soon, tho - have you had your progesterone levels checked?
I'm gutted :( My doctor was only saying last month how good my chars looked and that there was no need to get my levels checked. But when I came off the pill for a few months 4 years ago, my 6th cycle was 18 days long (this one was 17 days) and then I had a 32 day one after that and then the one after that was back to 26 days. But then I went back on the pill, so I don't know what would have happened after that. But it seemed like it was just a one off, so I'm hoping this will be too.

I said last week though I felt like I was due on rather than coming up to ov, didn't I.

Does it look like I ovd or not? Does it look like I could have ovd on CD7? Why did I get a positive opk on CD12?
Hi girls, how is everyone?

i had a miserable weekend and didn't feel like doing anything. I am now sure i am not pregnant but bloody AF doesn't want to show up. Instead i've been having the horrid tarry almost black spotting for 2 days now. It's absolutely disgusting and it makes me feel abnormal :cry: I just wish AF could show her ugly face so i can start a normal cycle and move on but no, all i get is the bad cramps and this awful spotting every time i go to the toilet. I really don't know what to do about it.

Puds, FX you'll ovulate in the next couple of days :hug:

Lilly, your chart looks fab, yes definitely too early for testing but i've got everything crossed for you for a BFP in the next few days :D

Donna, you didn't put your temp for today, i hope you have ovulated and will be joining the others in the 2 ww :hug:

Melissa :hug:

My cramps are really bad now so I'm off to get a hot bath to hopefully relieve the pain :cry:

talk to you all later :hug:
hi girlies

can i join u all in this thread???? :wave:

hope you are all ok xx
:wave: Becky J; are you charting too ?

just did another OPK, i peed and let it cool for about 45minutes and then tested. it's deffinately +OPK.

looked at my one from yesterday and it's faded but there is still a dark line, it's faded but the control lines faded more so, so i'm putting it down as +OPK.
OH said it was +OPK yesterday, but i wasn't sure.

that's now 5 days of +OPK, out of the 6days i've been testing. still with no temprature rise showing OV.
Waterlilie :hug: I'm really shocked, feel for you babe, really thought it was your month, sorry if I got your hopes up, just had that feeling, sorry :( xxxx

Cori :hug: What the hell happened there babe? I cant believe af has arrived so soon :(

Holly :hug: 's too, your just as bad as me this month. Off to do another opk in a mo too, shall see what that says :?

Lilly, fingers crossed hun for a bfp tomorrow :pray:

Lou :wave: welcome to the mad house

Mel, nice to see your temps have settled doll, hopefully something will happen soon :pray:

Puds, I got excited over my near pos opk, know how you feel :D

Becs, thought your chart was looking good then saw the neg tests :hug: Hope your ok xx

Sarafet, it's nice to see a chart soooo consistent, but it's unusual for it to be 5 days in a row. Are you reading your temps straight away or looking back later? The only reason i ask, is some thermometers store the last temp but you only get to see it if you hold the on button down for a few seconds otherwise it shows a start off temp say 36.50, I've been caught out before!

A&J, am wondering if you could be coming up to an early ov hun, your temp just keeps dipping, fingers crossed you are xx

Becky of course you can. Are you taking your temps?

As for me, I did pop my temp in but I discarded it as it was my birthday yesterday and I had a good drink, had a very late night after playing Wii Fit yoga (dont try it when you've drunk, you fall off :lol: ) and then didn't sleep very well and I took my temp 3 hours late and it was sky high, how I wish its true. Have popped it back in for now but if it messes FF up I'll discard it again, so still no ov for me :( Off to do a opk lol.

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