Chartstalkers -- January 2009

bit more successful with the charting today. did get a lower temp today than yesterday, I knew I'd messed it up!

annyway, looking forward to knowing what my body's doing!
told dh that we'd have to bd very frequently all month, not just for a week - he was devastated - NOT!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
roseanimal said:
bit more successful with the charting today. did get a lower temp today than yesterday, I knew I'd messed it up!

annyway, looking forward to knowing what my body's doing!
told dh that we'd have to bd very frequently all month, not just for a week - he was devastated - NOT!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: that will be a tough one for him im sure! :rotfl:
Rose have you got a ff chart? or am i going blind as well as mad!
Lilly your temps are looking fab hun!

Cori, implantation can happen between days 5 to 11 I think I read!

Holly, I know hope you feel, cd26 and still no ov :wall: After having 2 days of positive (well nearly) opks the last 2 days I really expected my temp to rise today to confirm ov but no, t dropped again :(

Wont be round later ladies so will catch up wih you all tomorrow. xxx
I'm still here ladies.....but having a busy few days....will catch up with you all soon i promise! x
But if i did ov at 5.30am tuesday, I'm only 4dpo really.

I did an opk today and it had a faint line. But it had a dark line on tuesday, so the faint kine will be a negative won't it. Unless it would have been positive yesterday. Oh I don't know :wall: It just seems a bit late for me to ov today.
really fancied an alcoholic drink earlier, but my temps are meant to be going up.. if i have indeed OV :think:

i didn't want my temp to go up and it be because of the alcohol and get my hopes up, or for my temp to actually be higher tomorrow because of OV but because i had a drink i put it down to that. if any of that actually makes sense. hmph.

i have fanta instead :lol:
Good idea lol. I really wish I hadn't got drunk last friday night and put my temp up on the saturday (which I've now discarded). I won't be doing that again when I'm due to ov, or when I'm in my 2ww, cos I don't want to confuse myself with my temps.
your charts updated now cori :D i had a dip on 5DPO too! you never know could be a good sign for us both! :pray:
Hi ladies, I have got the basic ff chart with the free trial thing and have been filling it in, have also been doing a paper one at home too, the thing is the temps are all over the place in my opinion and I would like someone to have a look but I'm a dumbo with computers so I need an easy to understand way of how to get it so you guys can see it!! I have found my ff homepage and I can see what looks like the link address that you girls have in blue on your replies. Hope this makes sense and you can help me!! Sorry to be so dim :wall: :wall:
Ok, what you'll want to do is go to the PF User Control Panel; in the Options menu, pick 'Profile' and then 'Edit Signature'. Paste the link in there, and then I can add you onto the list. :) Welcome!
Testing again sorry everyone but think I've got it now!!!!!
Hi Lily I know just clicked on it and I'm stuck now dont know how to sort it argh this is so frustrating and asked hubby and he said I shouldnt put chart on here as its private info but knickers to him I want it on here and it driving me insane as feel such a numptey!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
go back to the page where the link was... in sharing then RRS feed. You chart link is the blue on. right click copy on all of that apert from the XML at the end. then insert it into the signiture box in yuor profile.

you are doing it right dont worry. :hug:

you dont have to show all us nosy lot when you BD or your other sympots, go to FF sharing , then home page settings... click on what you want shown.
I've done it knew I could work it out eventually !! I will not be beaten by a computer and I just needed to get the homepage settings right. Oooooer feeling clever !!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Do the rest of you put the wheel thing on I dont know how its on but it is :rotfl:
Well done hun... !! You can have a star for good working! LOL

i dont put the wheel on... dont really look at it to be honest. the chart tells me every thing!

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