Chartstalkers -- January 2009

trixipaws said:
who wants to stalk my chart i just got bfp!

i am sure thats a chart of a serious ttc'r :dance: :dance: nice one hun :hug:

well i just thought i would try an opk all be it early and got a faint line! not +ve but a faint line, thats earlier than with the clear blue, do the cheapies start to show up earlier? or maybe i might O a bit earlier this month :dance:
:cheer: yay waterlillie gonna test 2moro!! :cheer:
see u in the morning!!!!- please make it good news! :pray:
starting my temping tomorrow! here's hoping I wont be in ttc much longer!
Waterlilie- go girl!! im praying for ya hun!!

Roseanimal- Good luck... Wont be long before your obsessed with your temp like the rest of us in this mad house!! :D
Trix, I put yesterday your chart looked FAB for someone not TTC at the mo and I wanted your chart, I was right! Blimming well done babe, knew you wanted it really :hug: :cheer:

Rose :wave: Yeah, your gonna fit in perrrrfect in here hun, get that blimming horrid cycle out the way and get temping, fingers all goes well tomorrow with your results :hug:

Waterlilie, I have this same feeling for you babe, you've got to test tomorrow :pray:

Hi Cori, Becs, Puds, Melissa, Holly, Sam, Lilly, Baby briggsy, am I missing any one?? Hope not.

As for me, after reading Cori's post, I'm now cutting out milk and yogs and eating more broccoli come monday and just taking extra supplements. And my new batch of opk's arrived today and I nearly have a positive :cheer: I'm sooooooooooooooooo pleased I cried :shock: so I hope my temps rise and show that I am oving over the next few days, that will be a great birthday pressy on it own coz I've been so worried I'm not oving which hasn't helped :(
i dont understand donna why FF hasnt picked up OV on CD17. you had a great temp rise! you just might have missed the surge on your OPK!! But a faint line now is a good sign! :hug:

its nearly the weekend.. yaayy!! :D
good luck girls!!

i am stressed out, my temp has been the same the past 3 mornings, (36.3) i thought it might be the thermometer, so asked OH to take his, and his was completely different :wall:

i also tested again after having a rant about it and it had went to 36.5 :rotfl:
Thank you all for praying for me yesterday :hug:

I got a BFN this morning but i'm not giving up yet! still got 2 days to go :D

My temp has gone slightly down this morning but i'm not sure if it's right. I take it every morning at 5.30 am but this morning i got up to go to the loo at 2.50 am so i had less than 3 hours sleep before taking my temperature. could this have had an effect?

Donna, i'm so happy for you babe, your body finally seems to be doing what it should do, FX you will ovulate before monday! :hug:

:wave: everyone, will have a look at your charts later
waterlilie- yes less than 3 hrs sleep has really affected my temps in the past- hopefully thats the reason for your slightly lower temp today. fingers and toes still crossed for a bfp!

donna: yay thats really good news. im cutting out some of the dairy and sugary things too. hopefully it'll sort us out!

lilly- temps still looking great- any signs yet?

:wave: everyone else!

as for me i think i may have had the first signs of egg white cm today- i'm not sure though as yesterday it was creamy- can it change from one to the other without going watery in between?? not even sure it was ewcm- was like a blob- thickish slightly clear with streaks of white- almost like jelly. hadn't bd for 2 days so don't think it was left overs. as i don't normally get ewcm i don't know!! as iv had a long cycle this month i've had lots of time for plenty of grapefruit juice so maybe thats helped!!
:wave: everyone!

temprature has gone up by 0.1 today, not much but an increase! haven't done an OPK today yet because i came home, peed then remembered to do an OPK so might just leave it until tomorrow now, if my temp hasn't risen again tomorrow.

i have so much CM today aswell, sorry TMI, can't remember last time i had this much, leaving marks in my undies :oops:

might try and see if i can steal OH from his Xbox tonight to BD, just incase.
i'm totally confused at my chart at the moment.
Just read that if you get up from bed 2 hours before taking your temp it will be higher than it should be, is this true?? this means my temp should have been even lower than it was this morning? :(
Aww honey, I'm afraid that's true. :hug: Not over until it's over, tho, hon, and your temp is still pretty high, even if it was supposed to be lower today!
Afternoon girls xx

Waterlilie, sorry it was a BFN today babe. Have such a good feeling though, it's not over yet!

Lilly, I think I have to agree with FF that I didn't ov on cd17. I was using clear blue opk's in the morning and ebay cheapies in the afternoon and didn't even get a faint line. Plus my temps after that are dreadful. Still hopeful I have yesterday or today. Cant do an opk yet as I've been out all day visiting family and drunk way too much, shall test in a while.

Rose :hug: 's have replied on your other thread babe, keep positive :hug:

Sara, looks to me that when your temp does rise you would of ov'd. Its sometimes good to have a nice steady temp, it makes it so much easier to read when you do ov!

Melissa love the blinkie, just got your mail thanks doll, am ok, shall mail you back later xx

Hi everyone else, shall stalk all charts properly later, just a flying visit now as I should be cooking and cleaning (yes darn boring) but it needs doing. :wave:
Afternoon all, hope everyone is well. :wave:

Waterlilie sorry to hear about your BFN but fingers still crossed for you not over yet! :pray:

Well i had my CT scan this morning :D , it was scary but not to bad. I had to have an injection of something in my arm to show up on the scan, i'm not good with needles, i always faint! but today i didn't! wooop wooop getting used to being prodded about i suppose! - Get my results back in about 7 days so fingers crossed that is nothing too serious!

We are ready to TTC now, well when i feel better got an awful cold at the moment!, low down pains have eased though! :dance: , just need an af to arrive so i know all is normal! - Come on af hurry up! lol

I'm temping properly now so we will have to see what happens with that.

Anyone want to put bets on when my af will arrive? lol - Depo finished on 22nd dec....started charting on 1st Jan......bets anyone! lol :think:

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