Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Wanting1 :wave: You've got such a cool name!

Cori and Holly :dance: for oving, not jealous or anything :fib:

A&J, faint lines are a start, never had a real positive, going off to ebay in a mo and buying my next lot. Just gone through a box of clear blue without a positive but then it looks like I'm oving late or not at all so I cant afford them again.

Baby-Briggsy hope she arrives soon (cant believe I just said that) :hug:

Lilly your chart in starting to confuse me :think:

Melissa, yours is getting lower, please let AF be on her way get rid of that cycle :pray:

Waterlilie, go girl :pray:

Puds, need a smiley rubbing it's head coz yours is still confusing me as well!

I want to see normal charts, where have they all gone? Has the christmas time messed with us all or what?? Corrr dear!

I've made a plan tonight. Monday I start a hard diet and exercise routine. I've been reading loads of info about being over weight affecting your cycles and lack of exercise and I must admit I need to shed a few pounds or stone. I've been swimming the last 2 weeks and managed 30 lengths but I used to do 50 lengths 2 to 3 times a week and not bat an eyelid. Also read that certain foods can sway the sex of the baby if you fall so gonna hit that too. So Monday I'm on it, be aware I might be a bear with a sore head for a few days, any posts from me being a bitch please just ignore :? :shakehead:
hi girls, i've started using FF to try and work my cycles out, they seem to be all over the place, so could i please be added, would be nice to have a look at everyone elses to compare and also get some comments/tips on mines :)

i'm not using OPK's or anything just now, think i'll wait and see my next cycle and see if there's any patterns forming first as i'm just recently off the pill.

thanks!! :hug:
well ff has now taken away my dotted lines which i agree with cos i know i havn't ovulated yet! donna i agree - think this sums it up: :wall: :doh: :think: :wall: :shakehead: :( :x :cry: :wall: !!!! hope urs sorts its self out and good luck with the getting healthy routine.
:wave: to sarafet, welcome! charting is a very good way of working out what ur body is doing (or not doing in my case!) after the pill. i hope u have more luck with getting back to normal than i'm having!!!! feel free to ask any questions!
good luck everyone else! will have a stalk when uve all put todays temps in!
my chart has gone well loopy!!

FF has moved my cover line so its looking a little better. im usually really warm and sweating in bed by now but i dont feel anything.

so im just plodding on this month dont really know when i OV'd. FF still isnt convinced!!

at work at the mo so will have a good stalk later.

have a great day ladies!

i think i may OV some point today.. because yesterday my temp was 36.6 with a +OPK, today it's 36.4 so i'm guessing that's my pre-OV dip and i'll OV later today.

didn't BD last night :( :( going to jump OH later if i get a +OPK in a little whiile.
Hi girls :hug:

well you've been quiet today i guess you're all busy with work :)

Donna, i can't believe you're tempting me to test 10 DPO!!!! :lol: naughty girl

Well i must admit i did feel like testing this morning but resisted the urge!! I'm so proud of myself :cheer:
But tbh nothing is encouraging me to do so, except the temperature which looks good but it's only 10 DPO and it can all change tomorrow or the day after. I have absolutely no symptoms, no bloating, no sore boobs, no nausea and no CM...just some very mild lower back pain and a mild dry flu which is horrible. Last night i waited in the freezing cold for 15 mn for my tram and i had the most excrutiating pain in my nipples i felt like crying! i had to hold my bag against my chest to stop the pain but it wouldn't stop. My nipples never hurt usually so that's the only odd symptom i'm having and that's what's giving me a tiny little hope :pray:
Anyway, i really would like to hold on until i am 14 DPO but might do at 12 if it becomes unbearable! :D

Puds, nasty FF is messing you around again! :evil: so sorry hun but the positive thing is that you still have a chance to catch that egg!! :hug:

Lilly, i hope FF has got it right this time and won't change its silly mind :D

Donna and Melissa, still praying you both ovulate this week :pray:

Cori and Holly, welcome to the 2 ww!! :cheer:

Baby-Briggsy, no hun you haven't missed any BFPs and sorry you're also confused about your cycle! hope AF will make up her mind soon :hug:

Wanting1 and Sarafet, welcome to our crazy house :wave:

Good luck to anyone i've missed :hug:
Hello Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been lurking a lot this month rather than posting. I am so sceptical about my ability to conceive when trying for a girl, i.e no sex within 2 days of ov that I kind of find it hard to know what to say especially when some of you are having a rough time conceiving either sex. I don't want to sound spoiled. (Make any sense?)

I'm so sorry that others here are having such trouble just ovulating, what a huge pain in the arse!! You are putting so much work and dedication in, the least your bodies can do is play ball.

Just wanted to send :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all. I am here, just a little quieter this month. But definetly sending waves of baby dust.

Becs x x x x
I'M COLD!!!!

Waterlile - I'm getting the same pain in my nipples at the moment! My house is pretty cold in the day as i dont put the heating on i was sat up at the table studying when my boobs began to ache then after a few mins BAM - i was agony, my nipples felt like solid ice cubes! lol I grabbed my dressing gown and a hot drink to try and warm me up! I've been getting the same pain most days atm - I think this cold weather plays silly buggers with our bodies! - I'm stalking your chart to get an idea of what to look for - I've :pray: for you!

I still don't know what to look for with my temps on my chart e.g what temp pattern indicates ov, af or a possible bfp
P.S. My temp for yesterday was taken at 10.45 rather than 8 like normal!

Again......I'M COLD

:cheer: trixipaws and waterlillie :cheer: your temps both look great!!
:hug: becs for thinking of us who are trying to kick our bodies into ovulating!! its so frustrating when u are so dedicated to ttc and your body can't do what should be the easy part!! at the doctors tomoro so thats giving me the smallest glimmer of hope that they will do something about it!

waterlilie- oooooooh sore nipples- i'm jealous! :lol: thats a good sign. hoping u get ur bfp in 2 days!!!! (although i'd so miss u in here!)

holly- i agree looks like u'll ovulate today- good luck with the bd'ing! :pray:

good luck to cori and anyone else in the 2ww :pray:

:wall: donna and melissa- guess we'll all be here for a while yet!!!

good luck to everyone else.

B-B, feeling cold too!! Last night I was shivering so much hubby had to wrap me up in 2 covers while we were watching tv! :lol: And yet the heater was on and the living room really warm .
I just looked at your chart and it looks like you ovulated on CD 12 so you could be 9 DPO! :eek: You had a huge dip yesterday (implantantation?) but your temp went high again this morning. Do you take it every morning at the same time?

Thanks for praying for me hun I hope you will get your BFP very soon!:hug:
:wave: ladies!

Puds and Donna.........what's left to be said? *hands you both a pillow to scream into* It helps! I would know....

Waterlilie - I've got my FX for you, woman! Everything's looking good - I'd say you've got a lovely triphasic chart going on. :) (*cough**cough**test**cough*)

*hands Baby-Briggsy a hot water bottle and a glass of port*

Hi sarafet! :) Welcome to the madhouse.

Donna, good luck with your new routine! I'm right there with you, and I hope it works wonders for you. :hug:

Hello everyone else, too! :D
puds said:
:hug: becs for thinking of us who are trying to kick our bodies into ovulating!! its so frustrating when u are so dedicated to ttc and your body can't do what should be the easy part!! at the doctors tomoro so thats giving me the smallest glimmer of hope that they will do something about it!

waterlilie- oooooooh sore nipples- i'm jealous! :lol: thats a good sign. hoping u get ur bfp in 2 days!!!! (although i'd so miss u in here!)

holly- i agree looks like u'll ovulate today- good luck with the bd'ing! :pray:

good luck to cori and anyone else in the 2ww :pray:

:wall: donna and melissa- guess we'll all be here for a while yet!!!

good luck to everyone else.


:lol: Puds i'm not pregnant yet hun!!! and by the way i have no intention of leaving this thread once i get my BFP, i got so used to coming here every morning i'd feel sad if you decided to kick me out. Besides i am so addicted to chartstalking i'd need a strong therapy to stop! :lol:

:wave: Becs
oh i forgot, baby-briggsy hope u warm up soon!!!
melissa5317 said:
:wave: ladies!

Waterlilie - I've got my FX for you, woman! Everything's looking good - I'd say you've got a lovely triphasic chart going on. :) (*cough**cough**test**cough*)

ooh haven't thought about that before! looking at it now it does look like a triphasic chart :D
I am going to be sooooo devastated if i am not pregnant this month! :?
puds said:
holly- i agree looks like u'll ovulate today- good luck with the bd'ing! :pray:

did another OPK at around half 12/1 o'clock and it's a strong positive just like yesterday. me and OH will have the house to ourselves in half a hour :wink: :lol:

i feel so much more confident this month that what i'm doing is right!
last month just using FF it was hard to know if i was BD at the right time and in the end it got like a 'chore' because we didn't want to miss it.
with the OPK it feels like the pressure has lifted loads and there's only the 1/2days we have to BD and the rest of the time we can enjoy ourselves without having to think 'what day is it ? do we need to BD ? have we missed it ?' etc. etc.
holly said:
me and OH will have the house to ourselves in half a hour
nothing like a bit of chartstalkers to get you in the mood- who needs foreplay! :wink: go get him!!
waterlilie said:
B-B, feeling cold too!! Last night I was shivering so much hubby had to wrap me up in 2 covers while we were watching tv! :lol: And yet the heater was on and the living room really warm .
I just looked at your chart and it looks like you ovulated on CD 12 so you could be 9 DPO! :eek: You had a huge dip yesterday (implantantation?) but your temp went high again this morning. Do you take it every morning at the same time?

Thanks for praying for me hun I hope you will get your BFP very soon!:hug:

I take it at 8am everyday (apart from yesterday i took it late as rushed in the morning)
If i did ov on CD 12 like you said when should my af arrive? I really want to start TTC properly and to do that i need an af to arrive so i know that i'm oving!

Got a hot water bottle now :) Warming up slowly!!

Baby-Briggsy said:
I take it at 8am everyday (apart from yesterday i took it late as rushed in the morning)

are you taking your temp first thing before you get up, drink, move about etc? just wanted to make sure as it makes a big difference to your temps.
if you did ov on day 12 your af should be due about day 26ish which will be sunday. you should get a pretty accurate result around friday/sat but feel free to test now and let us know the result!! :lol:
puds said:
Baby-Briggsy said:
I take it at 8am everyday (apart from yesterday i took it late as rushed in the morning)

are you taking your temp first thing before you get up, drink, move about etc? just wanted to make sure as it makes a big difference to your temps.
if you did ov on day 12 your af should be due about day 26ish which will be sunday. you should get a pretty accurate result around friday/sat but feel free to test now and let us know the result!! :lol:

core puds! your trying to turn me into a testaholic! - theres NO chance of me getting a bfp yet, only came off depo dec 22nd remember!! - how i would LOVE to be one of those lucky ones tho!

Its the same all week really get up at 7, shower and get dressed then start making OH pack lunch at 8 with thermometer sticking out my mouth...same routine most days how sad am i!

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