Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Cori said:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I just did 2 OPKs - an ebay cheapy and a FR. I got no line on the ebay cheapy AGAIN and an almost positive on the FR!

That's really weird, b/c like you said, the ebay ones are supposed to be more sensitive (or at least equally sensitive) to the FR ones. You don't have to with the FR ones as far as I'm aware, but are you definitely letting the wee get to room temp before dipping for the ebay ones? I find it usually takes longer than the 20 minutes it recommends - I leave it for about 40.
i didn't know that melissa about letting it get to room temp- does it make much difference?! although not sure anythings gonna help me this month!!!!
For the ebay ones, however it is that they work, they need the urine to be at room temp - the instructions have that bit in bold, so it's probably important, yeah. :lol: It's definitely excruciating waiting for it to cool down, tho...
:doh: almost feel as stupid as i did when i found i was supposed to be putting my thermometer under my tongue!! :oops: i will become an expert, i will, i will!!!! :lol:
Hi girls :wave:

Hope everyone is ok and in a better mood today :hug:

I am feeling really sick today. I woke up with a sore throat and a terrible headache..Not sure if this is the flu but it looks like it!

Puds, i was only kidding hun of course you didn't encourage me to test. I had an urge to waste a hpt and get disappointed so i've only got myself to blame :hug:

Well you seem to be sure you haven't ovulated might be right as you know your body better than anyone else but i don't think you should worry about having PCOS , i think your cycles got a little disturbed from your holiday. Too much relaxation and a change of diet can definitely have an effect, i've had the experience!

Donna, Cori, Melissa, Holly and Lilly, fingers crossed you will all ovulate this week! :hug:

Melissa sorry i didn't know you had PCOS, that explains your long cycles then. I posted an article few weeks ago about spearmint tea and how it helped woman with severe PCOS ovulate and even conceive. It sounds really amazing unfortunately it's not sold ANYWHERE in England but luckily you can buy it online and it's not expensive at all. :hug:
I confirm about the ebay opk. I did the experiment and got a blank test when i tested straight after urinating. I retested in the same afternoon after leaving the sample to cool down for 30 mn and got a faint line. God knows why but this is just another reason why i'm not buying them again!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Don't worry, hon. :D

I'm feeling a bit better today - tired of being depressed about things anyway. I'm gonna contact my kinesiologist back in the US and see if he might have an idea what's going wrong, and I'm going for another reflex treatment this weekend. I need to get outside more, too - I spend all of my daylight hours indoors at work! I just need to be patient and let my body do what it needs to do...patient, patient, patient. :lol:

Thx waterlilie, I'll look into the spearamint tea. I have trouble with peppermint (it makes me want to :puke: ) so hopefully they're not too similar! :) Your chart is looking fab-o, and maybe your sickness is baby-related...? :wink: :hug:
Think thats where I went wrong with the ebay cheapies, I never let it cool down :?

Glad your feeling a little better Mel. I'm getting annoyed going this far without ov let alone your time babe, I really feel for you, the stress and upset must be terrible :hug: I'm just praying it changes very soon for you, it has to!

Waterlilie, your chart looks FAB, so when you testing :lol:

Me, got ewcm again today :wall: so maybe I'll ov soon, but I said that last week :doh: The question is, should I buy yet more opk's???
donna- have just bought my 3rd lot of 40 opks- getting darn expensive!! :lol:
Hiya everyone!

How is things going for everyone? Any BFP's i've missed?!

Still no af for me...strange as i was sure it was due when i was getting those pains!

I think its going to be a long time before i can start TTC properly....come on AF hurry up i want to TTC!!! x
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

was off work again today as my head still wasn't 100%.

checked my CM: EWCM :cheer:
left it a few hours and did an OPK: i got a line! not as dark as the control line but pretty dark :cheer:

going to do another one in about half a hour just to see what kind of line i get
obviously going to BD tonight.
will do another OPK tomorrow at around 12ish like i did my first one today to see what kind of line i get then aswell.

tomorrow is a non-pupil day at my school so if i still get a good line tomorrow i won't have to wait to BD; ill be jumping OH there and then!

excuse my ramble! haha, i'm just so happy that
a) i'm ovulating earlier than CD22!
b) i actually know that i'm ovulating at the time; rather than FF announcing it a few days later when it's too late to BD on the day of OV.

aaah, happy holly :D

:hug: to everyone.
i'll be on later to stalk everyone's charts and post about something other than my hyper-ness about my almost positive OPK. :rotfl:
I never knew you had to leave your wee to get to room temperature for the ebay ones. But I've never done that and there have only been 2 months that they didn't work. But I will do next time, so thanks for letting us know that!

Well, it looks like I've ovulated! :cheer: What do you think? I got an almost positive FR OPK at half 7 and half 10 last night, then I woke up at half 5 this morning with an intense pain in my left ovary that lasted about a minute, then my temperature was up when I took it at 7, then I had a faint line on a FR OPK this morning (with second wee) and again at half 1. So I reckon I ovulated at half 5 this morning when I had that pain. I've had the same pain before when I've ovulated. Anyway, I BDd this afternoon at 4pm, so what are the chances of that lot of sperm getting to the egg in time?

Also, I tried using preseed again, as I haven't had any fertile CM at all this month. Last time, I had a reaction to it, or at least thought it was that. But this time, I was fine. I only used half the tube, but I think it was because this time it didn't run out as soon as I put it in. Then when I stood up, nothing came out straight away like it usually does. I even managed to walk to the bathroom before anything came out, so it seems like the preseed kind of held it all in. So I think I'll be using preseed everytime now. I might try the one where you can use as much as you want. Or is it too much faffing about with that one?

Anyway, that's my essay for today :lol:

top one being at 12:15pm today. bottom one being at 5:15pm today.

i'd say that's a positive ? yes ?
espesh the second one :D
holly said:

top one being at 12:15pm today. bottom one being at 5:15pm today.

i'd say that's a positive ? yes ?
espesh the second one :D

I would say that is a positive :cheer: :cheer: Go get bding :wink: :lol:

Sorry I have not posted in here for a while :oops:

My monitor is on high today and I have ewcm :cheer: I have been doing opks but still only getting faint lines :roll:

Yayy cori :cheer: Hope you catch the egg :pray:

Aww Baby-Briggsy I hope AF turns up soon (or even better a bfp :pray: ) then you can TTC.

Pleased that you are feeling better today melissa :hug: :hug: :hug:

Good Luck ladies :pray: :hug: :hug:

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