Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish....

My opk yesterday was as dark as the day before, no darker (as far as I can tell), my cp is lower today and feels more closed, and my cm seems to be disappearing!

!%$^%£$"£$%$"^£%$!"£%$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Insert the proper expletives)

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Melissa, that's almost 2 months hun!! i feel like :wall: :wall: myself everytime i look at your chart! i'd take that chart if i were you and go see a doctor, either to check your your estrogen/progesterone levels or to induce AF so you can at least start a new cycle and put an end to your agony! :hug:
Bloody charts ay... who'd have em!!! :)

ok then, im taking it as ive not OV'd. BD's last night and will do tonight.

ive had belly ache today so maybe its an OV sign. really wanted temp to have risen today!but like you guys have said it could be my OV dip i usually get!
You ok Mel? Maybe a trip to Dr's could be a good idea but then they know you have pcos and its just one of those things. Feeling for you babe :hug:
I thought I might ovulate today with that dip, but I still haven't had a line on an OPK. I usually get a faint one for about a day and then a dark one for about 12 hours, so I should have had a faint line by now, shouldn't I? I'm testing 4 times a day. First one at about 8am and last one at about 10pm.
Melissa.... im thinking of you!!

:hug: Healing sent your way!! :hug:
Cori, opk's :wall: after the last 2 months trying to use them :talkhand:

Surprised with you though, just keep testing and hope!
But they have always worked for me apart from one month, but I wasn't testing 4 times a day then.
If my temp rises tomorrow, could I have ovulated today, even if I haven't had a positive OPK?
Donna's here said:
Holly, if your cm seems to be changing then I would start the opk's just incase. Plus your temp dipped a bit this morning which again could be a good sign!

CM is still good today :cheer:

had a migraine today though, totally forgot to do my OPK at 4.. and my temp is still low.
going to see how my head is later and hopefully it'll be ohkay enough to BD, just incase, and i'll start using my OPK tomorrow.

things are looking really good for an early OV this month.
fingers crossed i actually do OV early though!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I just did 2 OPKs - an ebay cheapy and a FR. I got no line on the ebay cheapy AGAIN and an almost positive on the FR! So that's either the start of my surge or the end, so that means I have ovulated today or I will do tomorrow! I don't think I can trust ebay cheapies anymore, looks like I'll have to stick to the FR.

But I thought the ebay cheapies were more sensitive than FR?

My boobs feel like I'm coming up to AF, not ov! I never get sore boobs a week before ov, only a week after. I've had lower backache since last night too. Why have I had all the symptoms of PMT for the past week? Could I be having a phantom pregnancy? :think:
Cori I haven't a clue, these opk's are doing my head in. Fingers crossed you ov tomorrow :hug:
Thanks Donna, you too :hug:

I just did another 2 tests now and got the same result with both, exept on the FR, the line is slightly lighter, but so is the control line, so God knows what that means. I'll do another one tomorrow morning.
seems loads of us are waiting for OV! :hug:

lets just hope for a huge rise in temps tomoz and those + signs!!

hi girls
big :hug: for melissa- i know how u feel!!!
donna- really don't think i did ov- have had positive opks previous months and much higher temps- my slightly higher temps must be due to going to a hot climate from being freezing here!!! my skin has gone crazy again just like it did when i first came off the pill- really feel like i'm back to square 1!! have made an appointment to see gp on thurs so at least i feel like i'm doing something about it- wondering now whether i have pcos?? :think:
hope lilly, donna, cori, holly and anyone else i've forgotten have all ovulated or are going to soon- go catch those eggs!! :pray: let there be some baby chartstalkers this year!!!!
waterlillie- didn't mean for you to test yet hun!!sorry!!! :hug: was just getting ready to yell test test test when the time came!!! hopefully you will still get a bfp- it was deff too early. fingers crossed!

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