Chartstalkers -- January 2009

i've had my fingers crossed for an early OV this month, instead of CD22 like last month.

this morning checked my CM and it's deffinately moving on from the 'creamy' stage! :dance:
it's not what i'd class as 'watery' but it's not completely white anymore, and alot thinner than it was :dance:

yes i'm a mad woman getting excited at my CM but i think i'll go mad if i had another long cycle this month.

i was going to start using my OPK on tuesday, but i think depending on my CM tomorrow i might start tomorrow just incase, what's everyone think ? yay or nay ? :wink:
I just did another test and could see a barely visible line. I wonder if that's it on it's way, or if that line is always there and I just couldn't see it. Maybe I will get a line tomorrow and ov on Tues. Last month, I ovd the same day I got a positive, so I could still ov tomorrow if I get a positive tomorrow :wall:
sam27 said:
hey all its a flying visit as i am on nights but i had something that will make you ALL laugh!!

got into bed this morning and hubby said what should my temp be? i said why and he said he had man flu (oh no)

anyway, not sure how it came up but it turns out he took his temp with my themometer ....

IN HIS EAR!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hence i have not got a temp for today! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: what a nutter

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :rotfl: What the days was he thinking??
:wave: Hi ladies I have come to join you in here at last :cheer: :cheer: (if you do not mind :) )

I have had a feel of cp tonight and found it (at last) :cheer: when I last checked I could not feel it properly but I remembered tonight that it is tilted slightly :doh: Tonight it feels (at a guess) medium height, slightly open but not sure about texture as it felt more like lips but not as soft so I have put medium on ff. I can always change it when I get used to feeling it :lol:

I have had ewcm today and I did a OPK at 3pm and there was a line not that faint either but I know it is a neg but will keep trying ( any excuse to POAS :lol: )

I am not 100% sure if I actually ov'd last 2 cycles as my FM did not peak but I am determined to keep charting this cycle and doing opk's when I get ewcm.

The whole charting thing does confuse me so I will add input where I can :) I think I have added my FF link correctly to my sig :think:

Sorry I am starting to woffle on now :oops:
puds said:
afternoon girls :wave: quick q if you didn't go to bed til 4.30 what time did you temp? was it your normal time and after 3 hrs sleep? just wondering whether that could have affected ur temp.

i dont take my temp at the normal time of 7.40 at the weekend cos i like to stay in bed till about 10 :D i know its naughty of me... :oops: back to the normal time tomoz tho!! :)

Donna- i think you OV'd on CD 17 like a few cycles ago and youve had EWCM on CD17 for the last couple too! your temp is looking fab!! :D

Sam27- count yourself lucky your OH didnt put the thermometer some where else, could have been worse!! :puke:
Evening ladies. Well...i went ahead and tested! BFN of course! what did i expect? :wall:

Of course i blame Donna and Puds for encouraging me to test when i wasn't so keen :shakehead: :fib: :)

I feel really disappointed and stupid for testing so early, that'll teach me i hope!

Hope everyone is ok. Didn't have time to do any stalking today and i'm feeling tired and sleepy right now, will do it tomorrow.

Night night lovelies :wave: :hug:
my CM is still looking good in my opinion! :lol:

i keep checking just to make sure it's not gone back to the creamy stuff. sad i know.

i'm going to start using my OPK tomorrow, because a) i'm impatient and my CM is looking good! and b) i have 20 so they will last!

going to test at around 3:30/4:00pm, does this sound okay ? as it's when i get in from work, and a time i can test at everyday before i will go out if i need to get some shopping in or something.
Hi ladies :wave:

Sam, you mad me laugh out loud with your hubby and his ear, brilliant :lol:

Holly, if your cm seems to be changing then I would start the opk's just incase. Plus your temp dipped a bit this morning which again could be a good sign!

A&J, yay, welcome to the nut house :hug: Its a little mad in here :D but great :D

Lilly, I hope your right with my ov at day 17. Have myself a little down in the dumps coz I had negs on all my opk's. My temp was higher today though coz I drunk last night, so shall see what it says tomorrow, fingers crossed it stays high.

Lilly & Cori, I think both you will get positives tomorrow, gonna be a race to testing day for you pair.

Puds, I still have this feeling that you did ov and that your coming up to af or testing time. You temps have been slightly higher than before your dotted lines :think: Looks how mine did last month!

Waterlillie, I did not tell you to test :lol: But your chart has that lovely looking curl to it, that gentil rise. I hve a good feeling about you this month!

Melissa, well girl, what can I say? Its been a rough 6 weeks! When the hell is your bod gonna sort itself out? Feeling for you I really am :hug:

Cyprus, just seen af finally got you, sorry mate :( :hug:

Think thats me all stalked out. Hope I didn't miss anyone
Just been on FF and popped in my symptoms for today and FF put me in a square again. How do you girls put in like headache, cramps and so without getting squares instead of circles?
Donna, have you put any notes in your chart? I heard somewhere that if you put notes in, it gives you squares.
I put notes in last week for 2 days. I've had squares ever since. I did have a circle today untll I just put in dizziness for today and then I got a square again, not that I really mind but it looks strange.
Oh that's weird, lol. Yeah, I must admit they do look better with circles.
Morning morning and a happy monday to you all!!

My temp has fell to the floor today... thats too early for an implatation dip isnt it???

FF has given me 33pnts tho, im never had that many so early!! :D
Donna's here said:
Temp back down this morning so I guess I haven't ov'd. Here I go again! :?

It looks like you could do today :pray:
lilly said:
Moring moring and a happy monday tot you all!!

My temp has fell to the floor today... thats too early for an implatation dip isnt it???

FF has given me 33pnts tho, im never had that many so early!! :D

That dip could be something else and you could get an implantation dip in a few days :pray:
Morning all! How is everyone today? :D

I’m feeling tired and moody this morning, not sure if it’s the Monday effect or AF making an announcement :?
Donna, I so hope you are right about your feeling :pray: yes I haven’t had a major dip this time but it’s only DPO8 , anything can happen!
Sorry FF is messing you around, this is exactly what happened to me this month. I am sure you will ovulate this week , your CM looks right to me just keep the bding! :wink:

Puds, well according to FF you are 10 DPO already!!! Not sure if FF is right about this but I hope it is because your chart is looking good! :D

Cori, you haven’t missed ovulation after all, phewww!! Hope you’ll catch that egg :wink:

Lilly, I hope this is implantation but your temps haven’t risen much since your ovulation according to FF, do you really think you ovulated? I’d carry on bding for few days if I were you you never know hun :D

Melissa, any more positive OPK? I really hope this is your week hun :pray: :hug:

Hi everyone else :wave:
Morning all.

Lilly I agree with waterlille, still not sure if you really ov'd or not. Am wondering if that dip today might be the pre ov dip! Your chart is a little puzzler this month.

Cori, I think your gonna ov tomorrow too babe, think yours is a pre dip too. Get bding!

Waterlillie, tired and moody, good signs hun, good signs, thats all I'm saying!!!! :pray:

Puds and Melissa :think: god knows with you 2, Still think you might of ov'd Puds, dont like that dip today if you did and as for you Mel, well :wall:

Trix, considering your not really trying hun, your chart does narf look promising :shock:

Hi everyone else :wave:

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