Chartstalkers -- January 2009

lilly said:
i got my surprise lines today... wasnt expecting it this morning.

only start OPK on CD10,11 and now 12 all negatives, but FF thinks (for now anyway) that i OV's on CD9.

sounds really early! im not so convinced, althought my temps seems to be evening out. ive had higher temps than 36.70 DPO.

any ideas???

I don't think you've ov-ed yet. This beginning looks a bit like your second (I think?) chart down where you had a dip and then it came back up to about 36.7 a few days later. Plus you've only just gotten your ewcm!
Im glad you said that Melissa. thats exactly what i think!! :D

im taking it as ive not OV'd and FF will change!!

getting the sharp pains low down now, so i really do think i will get a smiley face tomoz!!
I've got cramps right now, like I get just before I ovulate. I don't suppose it's possible to ovulate on the same day as your temperature rises? Or can you have the cramps the day after you ovulate without having them on the day?

Maybe I'm releasing 2 eggs? One yesterday without the cramps and one today with the cramps :lol:

Don't look now, but...I've got a medium-dark opk result, I've got a fern on my saliva scope, my cp is high, my cm is increasing, and my temp is raising a bit - as per my other charts, this seems to signal... ov...ssssssssssshhhhhhh, don't scare it away....

:pray: :pray: :pray:
melissa - if i speak in hushed tones maybe we won't scare it off!- so hope this is ov for u- it'll give me some hope if it is!! please lets break the curse! can't wait to hear todays opk result. good luck fingers crossed 4 u. :D
Well, I'm still no wiser today! :wall: I can't have ovulated on weds, cos I would have lines, so I reckon it's either friday or today, or it could be tomorrow! What do you reckon?
milissa thats a great sign.... its strange how FF hasnt picked up your other rises tho, you've had a few '3 in a row' ones! :hug:

Cori... your like me. i really thought i would have got a positive OPK this morning and nothing, maybe i did OV early this month. that was my last CB OPK. only got cheap ebay ones!

buggar!! :?
hope u get some answers soon cori :hug:
:wave: lilly, if its right that is so early to ovulate- i'm not in the least bit jealous!! do u always ovulate early or have u had some months where it is a bit later? i would personally keep bding evry other day for a few more days yet just in case though. whoever makes opks must be making a fortune off us lot!
Lilly, I still don't think that you've ov-ed yet. Seems crazy that you would have so early, and plus you're still getting EWCM - bd like crazy, girl! :) Oh, and I think FF has given up on me b/c I overrode its last guess. It's pouting in the corner now.
Morning ladies xx
I'm starting to think we all have the chartstalkers curse. Has anyones chart gone to plan???
ive never OV'd this early. Ealiest was CD11 max CD14. Thats why i think im still getting ready.

im not OPking now, not buying another CB till next month. so its just keep BDing for me!

Morning Donna or make that afternoon!

my chart thill thinks ive OV'd... :?
I've run out of opk's too Lilly. Your chart is different I must say. Keep bding and hope hun xx
And yeah its afternoon :lol: I got up veryyyyyyyy late :D
different being the right word!! hehehe

i didnt go the bed till 4.30 so i think it will be a pj's day for me!!
afternoon girls :wave:
i agree with melissa lilly about your chart i think maybe it'll be tomorrow-its just way to early to ov- even for u!! quick q if you didn't go to bed til 4.30 what time did you temp? was it your normal time and after 3 hrs sleep? just wondering whether that could have affected ur temp.
donna ur chart looks pretty normal compared to mine and melissas :lol: is there any reason ur temp could have been so high today other than ovulation? if not it looks to me as though the 2ww has started!
melissa- lets hope ff cheers up and plays nice soon!! think i must have done something to offend it 2!!
hey all its a flying visit as i am on nights but i had something that will make you ALL laugh!!

got into bed this morning and hubby said what should my temp be? i said why and he said he had man flu (oh no)

anyway, not sure how it came up but it turns out he took his temp with my themometer ....

IN HIS EAR!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hence i have not got a temp for today! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: what a nutter

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