Chartstalkers -- January 2009

Dont know Lilly, I just think it's gonna be another one of those months. I'm now day 19 and still no temp rises :( One of THOSE months again :wall:
:hug: :hug:

Its rubbish isnt it!! but we can only keep plodding on!! day at a time!! :)
I didn't have any signs of ovulating yesterday, even got a negative OPK, but I suppose it would have been positive if I'd have done one on Thursday.
Oops sorry! I thought it wasn't posting, but obviously it did.
The server went down for a second, it logged me off! :D
Me too lol.

Last month, I was drinking for a week from Christmas day, but my temps didn't even reach 36.6. So maybe I did ovulate yesterday.
Servers been kicking me off all morning!

You 2 just seem to ov earlier every month. I'm not jealous :shakehead: :fib:
Aw Donna :hug:

Do you think it's worth me BDing again tonight?
I would Cori, not going to hurt is it! Your not 100% sure, so i would keep going for a couple of days if you can.
Yeah, I will do then. I wish I hadn't have got drunk last night. That could have prevented the egg fertilizing, couldn't it. And I took some Ibuprofen yesterday! :wall:
Donna's here said:
You 2 just seem to ov earlier every month. I'm not jealous :shakehead: :fib:
Donna....Oh babes.... hugs sent your way!! :hug:

Cori... FF hasnt recognised it yet, wait till you get you lines. :hug:

im waiting for mine to change!! although i did BD around then and FF says ive got a 'good' chance of PG, but its said that every month!!
Wouldnt worry so much with the drink, I know lots of peeps who drink and have fallen pg, try to stay away from the Ibuprofen though, I've taken to paracetamol lately to stay on the safe side, but try not to get your self worried over it all ok because that will help even less, keep positive :hug:
Thanks for the hugs lilly. Am panicing myself that FF wont show ov again like last month. Doesn't help with neg opk's all the blmming time.
Do you think FF has you wrong?
Thanks Donna, I'll try to keep positive lol.
I've only got 1 clearblue opk left :( and 2 eaby cheapies :( So I've only got this afternoons one and tomorrows. What if I get negs again tomorrow :( Oh ffs :wall:
ive only got one clear blue left too! im hoping for a smiley face tomoz!!!

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