Chartstalkers -- January 2009

i have a mooch at everyones chart at least once a day!! its great!! :D

and update myself on very ones posts for the day!!
Donna, i noticed you have square dots instead of cirlce ones... what does that mean??
I thought i was an obsessed TTC'er since Jan 1st...but i am not worthy! I'm not nearly as obsessed as you lot - YET!! lol

So other than temping and opk's on FF what can you lot get me addicted too...come on load on the peer pressure! lol

Love you all and i'm sending you all lots of hugs so you all feel positive!

I will list the things that I do obsessively:

Check my posts on PF
Check new TTC posts on PF
Check any new posts on PF
Temping in general
Study my chart looking for some kind of CLUE (that is not healthy - I don't recommend it)
Check my cp
Check my cm
Use my saliva scope
Enter symptoms on FF

So am I obsessed?

AM I????

melissa5317 said:
I will list the things that I do obsessively:

Check my posts on PF
Check new TTC posts on PF
Check any new posts on PF
Temping in general
Study my chart looking for some kind of CLUE (that is not healthy - I don't recommend it)
Check my cp
Check my cm
Use my saliva scope
Enter symptoms on FF

So am I obsessed?

AM I????


Wow...That is true go girl! lol

Sorry for being dumb but i don't know what is meant by "cp" or "cm"

Also what is a saliva scope?
cp = cervical position
cm - cervical mucous (though I prefer the term 'cervical fluid' as a disciple of Toni Weschler :D )

A saliva scope is a device where you put a little bit of your saliva on a little glass slide, wait for it to dry, then you put a little microscope on top of it and check for a ferning pattern. If there's a full ferning pattern, it's supposed to mean that you're fertile. It doesn't seem to work very well for me, but that's probably due to my PCOS. I was trying it this cycle to see what it actually did when I was really fertile, but as you can see, that's not working out so well for me. :lol:
melissa5317 said:
cp = cervical position
cm - cervical mucous (though I prefer the term 'cervical fluid' as a disciple of Toni Weschler :D )

A saliva scope is a device where you put a little bit of your saliva on a little glass slide, wait for it to dry, then you put a little microscope on top of it and check for a ferning pattern. If there's a full ferning pattern, it's supposed to mean that you're fertile. It doesn't seem to work very well for me, but that's probably due to my PCOS. I was trying it this cycle to see what it actually did when I was really fertile, but as you can see, that's not working out so well for me. :lol:

Ahhh, thanks for clearing that up for me...i did think thats what they meant but to scared to ask before! lol

So can you give me an idea of what to look for on both? or point me in the direction of some online info about what to look for with regards to cm and cp?
Well, I always always always recommend the book 'Taking Charge of your Fertility' by Toni Weschler for great advice on fertility and an in-depth how-to on charting, but in short, what you want to look for with cp is three things:

1. How high or low it is in your vaginal canal
2. How firm or soft it is
3. How open or closed your cervical opening is

The more estrogen in your system, the higher, softer and more open your cervix will be. This takes time to get to know, however, and there's no fool-proof way of finding out b/c everyone is different, so you just have to practice, practice, practice. :) Just don't get distracted while you're practicing, as some of us have admitted doing! :lol:

With cm, there are a few options:

1. Dry/none
2. Sticky (possibly clumpy, white or yellowish, forms peaks in between your fingers)
3. Creamy (lotiony, white or yellowish)
4. Wet (can be white, yellowish, clear, streaky, or some form of combo, watery consistancy, may or may not stretch a bit)
5. Eggwhite, better known as EWCM (usually clear but can have streaky bits in it, consistancy of raw eggwhite, very stretchy)

Your cm is probably a better indicator of your fertility than your cp, and you should always record your most fertile cm of the day so that you don't miss a fertile day.

Hope that helps! :hug:
melissa5317 said:
Well, I always always always recommend the book 'Taking Charge of your Fertility' by Toni Weschler for great advice on fertility and an in-depth how-to on charting, but in short, what you want to look for with cp is three things:

1. How high or low it is in your vaginal canal
2. How firm or soft it is
3. How open or closed your cervical opening is

The more estrogen in your system, the higher, softer and more open your cervix will be. This takes time to get to know, however, and there's no fool-proof way of finding out b/c everyone is different, so you just have to practice, practice, practice. :) Just don't get distracted while you're practicing, as some of us have admitted doing! :lol:

With cm, there are a few options:

1. Dry/none
2. Sticky (possibly clumpy, white or yellowish, forms peaks in between your fingers)
3. Creamy (lotiony, white or yellowish)
4. Wet (can be white, yellowish, clear, streaky, or some form of combo, watery consistancy, may or may not stretch a bit)
5. Eggwhite, better known as EWCM (usually clear but can have streaky bits in it, consistancy of raw eggwhite, very stretchy)

Your cm is probably a better indicator of your fertility than your cp, and you should always record your most fertile cm of the day so that you don't miss a fertile day.

Hope that helps! :hug:

OK, so what cm indicates ov? af? and preg?
quick q for our resident expert (melissa!! :lol: ) what does sticky cm usually indicate? is it b4/after ov etc.
cm only indicates impending ov. It can sometimes indicate impending af if you're one of the people who get more cm right before af shows up, but it just depends on the person. There are rumours that you get more cm in your luteal phase if you're pregnant but that's not necessarily true; that also depends on the person (and the pregnancy).

Puds, if you normally have a dry time with no cm, sticky indicates that you are probably on the path to getting fertile-quality cm. It can be before and after ov.
lilly said:
Donna, i noticed you have square dots instead of cirlce ones... what does that mean??
If you put notes in, it turns them square. I had a drink last weekend so I popped that in coz it can change your temps and on wednesday I had to get up 2 hours earlier than normal, so I noted that too but for some reason FF has just carried on giving me squares, think I confussed it lol.

As for stalking, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo addicted to you lot. When I'm really busy I must still nose around these boards what 20 times a day and check your lots charts at least twice a day, then on days like today, I sat here for 2 and a half hours early going from thread to thread when I should of been doing my house work. Now dinner is burning coz I'm here again :lol: Great isnt it.

Sticky cm, I get it before and after ov and thats it.

Baby briggsy, Mel missed off opk's. Ovulation predictor tests! I do mine twice a day :angel: :lol:

Trixipaws suggested I ask you lot to take a look at my chart. Originally it said I ov'd day 15 - which is normal for me. But it changed it to 13. Any idea why?? And could I still be PG? I only have a 24/25 day cycle
thanks in advance...

Piglet xx
Hi hon. It's hard to tell without having some more info to go on, but I agree with FF on this one given the info that it has - it does look like you ov-ed on day 13. That's the day that you have an obvious temperature rise, and since we don't know what your temp was on day 15, I'd say assuming day 13 ov make sense. All the same, since you're used to ov-ing on day 15, I wouldn't assume that your period is late until your normal luteal phase is past after day 15, if that makes sense. That spotting on Day 7 is consistant with a Day 13 ov and an IB, so FX for you! :hug:

Do you want me to add your chart?
Piglet Id agree with Mel and FF too hun. If you had your temp for day 15 and it was lower than day 14 then there would be a chance that you ov'd on day 15, but with the info there I'd 100% say day 13. Did you bd around day 13?
I'm a bit worried about my temps. They have been high since yesterday. Do you think I could have ovulated on weds? It's too early for usual, but I hope not, cos I didn't start BDing till tonight!
I think I may have missed the egg this month :( It looks like I ovulated yesterday, but we only started BDing last night! However, I was drunk last night an didn't finish drinking till about 1am. Then I woke up at 7 to take my temp after 5 hours sleep and I was still dizzy when I took it. Then I went back to sleep and took it again at half 10, hoping that it would have gone down, but it was even higher!

I can't find out anywhere how much alcohol affects the temperature. Does anyone know? If I hadn't been drinking, would it have been the same as it was the previous 2 days? I had forgotten that alcohol affected it, otherwise I would never have drunk! :wall:
It does affect it babe but not by that much. Do you really feel like you ov'd already?
i got my surprise lines today... wasnt expecting it this morning.

only start OPK on CD10,11 and now 12 all negatives, but FF thinks (for now anyway) that i OV's on CD9.

sounds really early! im not so convinced, althought my temps seems to be evening out. ive had higher temps than 36.70 DPO.

any ideas???
Cori said:
I'm a bit worried about my temps. They have been high since yesterday. Do you think I could have ovulated on weds? It's too early for usual, but I hope not, cos I didn't start BDing till tonight!

you will just have to wait and see, your temp looks good tho!

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