Chartstalkers -- January 2009

have just put all my temps into ff from while i was away and its given me my lines- which i know is wrong. my temp has been higher as it was 30 degrees in antigua instead of -3 at home b4 i went and also there is a 4 hr time difference. i was temping at 5am antiguan time which would be 9am here. do u think i should disregard all the temps? i have had negative opks everyday and my temps were a lot higher last month post ov so i know i havn't ov!!!
sorry for the rant!!!!
Afternoon girlies :wave: Triple yay its friday :dance:

Still not sure if I ov'd or not, still negs on my opk, ewcm gone already, temp slightly higher but not by much. Shall hope it rises over the next 2 days otherwise I'm gonna spend the next 2 weeks stressed again and I cant afford the hair dye!

Waterlille, hope those temps start rising hun xx
Lilly, no doubt you will ov tomorrow, fingers crossed you do, i'll have to change your date on testing thread if you do!
Oh Waterlille, I changed yours to the 25th, hope thats about right, let me know.

Holly, please please have a shorter month this month, mine was like yours last month and its horrid.

Melissa, well, hmmmmmmmm, feeling for you girl xxx

Sam, yay, fully flegded FF chart stalker, you must be mad :lol:

Puds, :hug: s Need cheering up too. This is surposed to make it easier not get us stressed :wink:

Becs, I still think you ov'd on day 15, you have dipped like that before, cant see todays temp though so have me fingers crossed its back up. Think the girl timing adds stress as well, well it is for me because I dont seem to ov when I think I am and miss it all :( My sister found out yesterday she is having a girl, 1st in the family for 15 years. It was all girls for 38 years, then boys for 15 and shes broke it with the girl. I'm really pleased for her, shes over the moon and I cant wait to have a niece after my sons and my nephews, but I must admit I am also a little gutted at the same time :( Must snap out of it!

Hi everyone else :wave:
Puds, I wouldn't change it hun. Your temp now your home is much higher than before you went which could be that you ov'd somewhere along the lines. I've only really had ewcm this month and it only lasted 1 day, could you of maybe missed it while you were away having fun, did you swim alot?
thanks donna :) sooooo trying to feel positive but just done todays opk and surprise surprise its neg. oh well!! hope u get ur lines soon. there seems to be more of us with messed up charts than normal charts recently though!!!
good luck
I just cant seem to get a positive on these damn opk's Puds. I've put down on the last couple of charts that I did but the lines were never as dark as the control lines :( I bought the clear blue ones this month and haven't had half a positive and followed them up in the afternoon with ebay cheapies and nothing. But I've had ewcm properly for the 1st time :cheer: :lol: so theres hope there somewhere :pray:
Positive thinking :wall:
Puds, sorry you're having a bad day :hug:

I don't know much about temperatures but didn't think your body temperature changes dramatically if you moved from a cold to a hot region..i mean sure it does during the day when you are out in the sun but i thought it stabilises when you get 4 or 5 hours of sleep. It's all very confusing :?
Well if you are sure you haven't ovulated yet just carry on bding hun and don't think much of it. Try to enjoy love making with your hubby and don't let it become mechanical, it's very important to keep the pleasure and the spontaneity :hug:
That's cool Donna! i'm sure you will ovulate in the next couple of days :dance:

Thanks for changing my testing dates on the testing post..didn't i ask to remove me completely from the list? :think: :shakehead: well it's a good thing you didn't because i would have felt so silly to ask you to put me on the list that i'm feeling more positive :lol:

I keep looking at my chart and thinking if i ovulated on day 19 as i suspected i would have been 12 DPO today...i mean FF can get it wrong sometimes right? what if the following 2 temperatures which are inaccurate were meant to be high?! i don't know what's happening to me but i feel a sudden urge to use a pregnancy test. Heeeeeeeelp please stop me :roll:
Waterlille, SIT ON YOUR HANDS! No POAS is allowed at the present time! :lol: I have to agree with FF hun, you had such a drop in temp before for 3 days that I also think you ov'd on day 26. Its really unusual to dip for 3 days after ov, you have an implantation dip, but that normally only lasts a day, so try and hold out for a couple of days yet.
waterlilie said:
humpf! fine i won't...but that means i have to hold out for 7 days not just a couple :evil:

I've just created a really cool chart on this french website and it changed my ov date to cd1 9 after tempering with my temperatures. I can't copy the link so i took a picture: ... /?edited=1
That gives a massive implantation dip on day 7, hmmmm. See looking at that I would be tempted to test, but you did tamper with your temps, so you could just be setting yourself up for a BFN but then who knows. The choice is yours :wink:
Lol! see even you would be tempted to test!! :D

I guess you're right, i am sure it'll be BFN if i did so i'm just gonna be a good girl and wait :wall: :D
waterlilie said:
Lol! see even you would be tempted to test!! :D

I guess you're right, i am sure it'll be BFN if i did so i'm just gonna be a good girl and wait :wall: :D
Even I would test :lol: your not wrong, but it doesn't take much for me. Remember last month DH hid my tests because I wouldn't stop testing. So what did I do? Popped to Asda and bought another :lol: If he knew :talkhand: :lol:
BUT BUT, big BUT I have taught myself a lesson and have promised myself not to test before day 12 this month and I haven't bought anymore ebay cheapies so I cant anyway because theres no way I'm going to pay clearblue prices for testing every damn day!
(think the £1 shop do them though, 2 for a pound :lol:)
:lol: :lol: 2 for a pound!! i wouldn't trust them if i got a BFP!! might try them though if i find them :lol: :lol:

I bet they are specifically designed for POAS addicts like us, who don't mind getting BFN every day but at least they'll keep us going until DPO12!! :rotfl:
They are designed for us POAS addicts coz it does keep me happy and I already have my 1st response standing by if they did come up positive. Must remember to buy a few packs when i next go up there :lol: Slaps wrists :moon:
Donna's here said:
waterlilie said:
Lol! see even you would be tempted to test!! :D

I guess you're right, i am sure it'll be BFN if i did so i'm just gonna be a good girl and wait :wall: :D
Even I would test :lol: your not wrong, but it doesn't take much for me. Remember last month DH hid my tests because I wouldn't stop testing. So what did I do? Popped to Asda and bought another :lol: If he knew :talkhand: :lol:

You are a BAD GIRL, Donna! :lol: My poor dh knows exactly how much money I've already spent on tests, vitamins, herbs, etc. b/c I have to use his ebay account to buy it all, so every time I've bought something else he gets another e-mail. I think he feels bad tho b/c he spends £5 on lunch every day, so me buying stuff is just a blip compared to that, really. :D

HOLY CRAP, LADIES, WHAT THE BADIDDLYDOOK IS GOING ON??????? WHERE ARE ALL THE NORMAL CHARTS??? *sigh* Ok, sorry, I feel better now. Just a bit of charting rage I had to get out. :wall:
Melissa, this is where you go wrong. I've got another ebay account DH knows about but doesn't know the passwords so if I want something I dont want him to know about, I use that one :lol: You can pay via paypal already set up but their email acknowledgements are instant, so just delete them. ooooooo I'm bad arnt I :lol:
but then your not spending loads so dont worry about it.

And yes agree, these charts are not good. :(
as of now this puds has a very positive attitude towards ttc- positive i tell you, VERY postive :lol:
have got the crying out of my system and am genuinly feeling better- just had to let it out! was going to urge waterlilie to test but if poasoholic donna thinks its a bad idea it truely must be! :lol: donna-will u let me know when it is a good time to encourage waterlillie to test?! - i think she may be an easy target- she's already considering it after all!!! :lol:
hope ur temp goes up 2moro donna and thanks for ur advice. swam a little but nothing much and there deff was no sign of ewcm- only had 1 day of it last month but none this time. i have also had a sneaky temp. test at various intervals throughout the day and some were very low- so almost 100% not ov yet- so at least there will still be a chance for a feb testing date!!! it will happen ( see told u i was feeling positive!!)
i've becoming a thermometer oholic- my dh knows now that if he is calling me from another room and i don't answer its cos i have a thermometer sticking out of my mouth!! :lol:

:wave: melissa

god i missed u lot while i was away- so good to share things with u all :hug:
Glad you're feeling better puds! sometimes all you need is a good rant/cry to start feeling positive again. I also think you haven't yet ovulated and i am sure your positive attitude will help you do so in the next few days :hug:

Well i don't think i'd need any encouragement to take a pregnancy test. Just remembered i still have 3 ebay cheapies at home and a boots test which comes with 2 tests sooooo.....i have decided to take a cheap test on sunday which will be 14 DPO according to my french website, 13 dpo according to another charting site and 7 DPO according to FF (yes i am running 3 charts at the same time, this is my full time job :lol: )

I know what you mean about becoming addicted to your thermometer. I've fallen in love with mine and some mornings i find myself hugging it when i wake up. I'm also becoming obssessed with stalking other people's charts...i can't count how many charts i visit every day! if chartstalking was a crime, i'd get life sentence :shock:
waterlilie said:
(yes i am running 3 charts at the same time, this is my full time job :lol: )

I'm also becoming obssessed with stalking other people's charts...i can't count how many charts i visit every day! if chartstalking was a crime, i'd get life sentence :shock:

Holy pooper, woman, that is commitment! I have a hard enough time keeping up with one! :lol: So, tell the truth, how many times a day do you actually check out everyone's charts?? :wink: I do it at least twice - how sad is that? :rotfl:

:wave: wb, puds

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