Chartstalkers -- January 2009

just so you know guys he's fine,. this was back in october :)
shaunie_louise said:
But I already got BFN?I'm really tempted to test again but I have a feeling I know what the answer will be! :( xx
You are on your count down to AF...number '5'. so you might have a bit yet till/if it arrives (hope not).
melissa, your poll is a fab idea above your chart. ive added mine guess for OV.

CD25... only because of your temp but really i have no idea sorry hun! :hug:
Yeah I put CD25 too but it's a tricky one!

What is your temp supposed to do if you ARE pregnant? I know it falls the day before or the day of AF but what if AF isn't coming? Mine has been steadily rising for a few days now but i don't know what it's meant to do so could mean anything
oooooooooooh i put my temp in today and its put my red cross on! how exciting :D

we didnt hav sex on ovulation day but thats ok coz we aint ttc this month :roll:

gosh dont i have a long cycle!?!
Buddabun - Your temp is doing exactly what it should be doing if you're preggers. FX! :)

Trixi - Oh honey, you don't know what a long cycle is! :lol: :hug:
:dance: :dance:

Can't wait till tomorrow now *bites nails*

Fingers crossed for everyone testing!
omg, you guys, I'm getting SO frustrated! I'm really depressed today; I keep crying at the drop of a hat, and it didn't help that the first thing I saw this morning when I got to work was an e-mail from one of my work colleagues back in the States announcing that his wife is pregnant and has just finished with her 1st Tri. I had to dash to the bathroom to have a good bawling session. :cry: I wouldn't be so damn upset if my body would just cooperate with me and let me know what the flying f*** is going on!

What do you guys do to relax and get your mind off all this? I'm seriously going insane.
oh hon it must be so frustrating for you. i go through such emotions. excitement at this end of a cycle and depression at the other end. constant jealousy. it's just awful.

have a good cry when you need to and just avoid all pregnant women. it's not worth getting yourself so upset over people :(

big hugs
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well i think af is on her way...i have a slight headache, bad tummy ache and feel all strange!

At first i thought i was having abdominal pains linked with my kidney problem, but as its not strong enough more of a dull ache, haven't have an af since december 2007 when started depo so can't remember what it feels like?!

I sure hope it is af, at least then i can get on with TTC properly!

Weird everyone here hates af but i want her to visit me just once....... after that i don't want her back as i want a BFP instead!! lol

I posted above yesterday evening before bed...but i meant to put it in here!

Still no af, but she must be on her way after the day i've had. I was wriggling in my seat at uni due to tummy ache and i feel so tierd and genrally blaaaaa! - Hurry up af i want to start TTC!!!!
melissa5317 said:
omg, you guys, I'm getting SO frustrated! I'm really depressed today; I keep crying at the drop of a hat, and it didn't help that the first thing I saw this morning when I got to work was an e-mail from one of my work colleagues back in the States announcing that his wife is pregnant and has just finished with her 1st Tri. I had to dash to the bathroom to have a good bawling session. :cry: I wouldn't be so damn upset if my body would just cooperate with me and let me know what the flying f*** is going on!

What do you guys do to relax and get your mind off all this? I'm seriously going insane.

sorry your feeling crap hun big big hugs to you :hug: :hug:

i have done my 1st temp....36.50
sam27 said:
sorry your feeling crap hun big big hugs to you :hug: :hug:

i have done my 1st temp....36.50

Thanks hon; I just got back from a run and I feel a bit better.

Yay for temping! I always love more stalking to do. :lol:
Hi all,

I got the Toni Weschler book yesterday and a thermometer and did first temp this morning (97.1 f), I prinetd a chart of the net (got dh to do it) and filling in at home. Might progress to online chart at a later date see how we get on.

I'm quite excited to see what happens and how it progresses, after reading bits of book it seems the CF or CM whichever you want to call it is more important for telling you the best time to bonk than the temps? Have I picked out the right info?
Hi Lou! :D Yep, your temps can't tell you squat about when to BD; they can only tell you when you SHOULD have bd-ed, and by then it's too late. You've got exactly the right idea with the cm (I know, I prefer cf as well but no one uses those initials unfortunately). I check my cervical position (cp) as well just to double-check things b/c my cycles are really confusing and I don't have much cm, but you don't have to. Hope it goes well for you! :hug:
Thanks Melissa,

the cervical position chapter is my next bit to read justed skimmed to charting bit as wanted to get started on that first also still got af so cant really suss it out yet tmi sorry!
Thanks guys. I'm very nervous this one will go the way of the others but I figure - i can sit here and worry every day like I did with #2 or i can just go with it, enjoy pregnancy (however long it might be) and what will be will be. It's not liek telling everyone and being happy will make me m/c!

Still, any babyglue greatly appreciated :lol:

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