Chartstalkers -- January 2009

I know I dont know you but got a good feeling for you x Have a bit more from me !!!! wish there was a smiley or something like a flashing tube of glue to click on !!

there you go!
oooh i really hope so

cheers for the glue - with a handy 'inserter' on the lid :lol:

ok im leaving now for some sleep. it's 5am :oops:

night all :wave: thanks so much for the wishes and vibes, they worked :D
thought it would come in handy!! 5am! in your condition? off to bed!
Hi Ladies, sorry not been around the last couple of days, been a little busy.
Gonna catch up quick, but I just got to say WAY TO GO BUDDABUN Massive massive baby sticky dust being thrown all over you babe :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :D
Waterlille, dont give up hope yet. I still think you ov'd when FF says you did, which means you did bd around the right time. You never know hun :hug:

Melissa, what can I say! I cant get my head around your chart. Am wondering now temps have dropped the past couple of days that maybe af is gonna show. Lets hope she does really so you know where you are :hug:

Shaunie_louise, I think you'd best test again. Your temps look great. I cant figure why FF has you on day 5 of a count down when you dont go this long. Have me fingers crossed babe :hug:

Rose, I think you've checked your temp after youve taken it to get 36.50. If its a baby mad thermometer then hold the button down for a few seconds and it gives you your last reading. If you just turn it on it always says 36.50 thats why I'm asking coz it caught me out last month lol.

Hi everyone else :wave:
Congrats Buddabun... fab news!!

:hug: and tons of sticky stuff!! :cheer:
Donna's here said:
Melissa, what can I say! I cant get my head around your chart. Am wondering now temps have dropped the past couple of days that maybe af is gonna show. Lets hope she does really so you know where you are :hug:

holy crap, I just have no idea. I'm really really hoping that I'll ov finally, 'cause I've been busting my ass trying to be good, avoiding eating even one chocolate or biscuit b/c I always want more afterwards, exercising again, avoiding caffeine like the plague, taking my vitamins and nutrients every day and drinking my grapefruit juice and water. :angel: :angel: :angel: We'll see, right? :lol:
Donna's here said:
Hi Ladies, sorry not been around the last couple of days, been a little busy.
Gonna catch up quick, but I just got to say WAY TO GO BUDDABUN Massive massive baby sticky dust being thrown all over you babe :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap: :D

:lol: sounds like it's gonna be hell to clean up.

Thanks for all the good wishes guys, you really are fab. Best of luck to everybody. I will still stalk you if it's all the same :oops:
Morning, How is everyone feeling today??

I'm not feeling great at the moment, my af still hasnt arived even though i'm tierd, feel sick, have body ache and tummy ache. I was so sure it was af coming as its been like this the past few days! - do you think my chart and temps indicate af is on her way?

I'm worried that if its not af i might be coming down with something :( I hope its not that horrible bug that was going around!!

I really don't feel right so going to get some fresh air, will try and pop back on tonight and catch up on posts then!

Babydust to all!!
Congrats to the BFP's!!!

maybe it's ov symptoms? some people get them...

I'm ok. knackered from my little middle-of-the-night chat with you lot (I went to bed at 5 lol) but have had a nap and will go to bed early before doc's tomorrow.
Hi guys, Baby B hope you dont get AF and you are preg symptoms sound good!

Melissa or anybody whats with the grapefruit juice seen others talk of it is it good for something? Off work today with crappy cold but will dash to shops if need be!!!!! :rotfl:

Hi Budda hope your not too tired, put your feet up and take it easy :hug: , good luck with dr will you get early scans?
LouF said:
Hi guys, Baby B hope you dont get AF and you are preg symptoms sound good!

Melissa or anybody whats with the grapefruit juice seen others talk of it is it good for something? Off work today with crappy cold but will dash to shops if need be!!!!! :rotfl:

Hi Budda hope your not too tired, put your feet up and take it easy :hug: , good luck with dr will you get early scans?

helps with ewcm, i tried it this month and it did make a difference, i had none last month. has to be the fresh juice, i have the tropicana one, not from concentrate. drink a glass from cd1 till you O
Right thanks Sam will pop out later!! Saw you on testers bet your all over the place fingers crossed for you :pray:
sam27 said:
LouF said:
Hi guys, Baby B hope you dont get AF and you are preg symptoms sound good!

Melissa or anybody whats with the grapefruit juice seen others talk of it is it good for something? Off work today with crappy cold but will dash to shops if need be!!!!! :rotfl:

Hi Budda hope your not too tired, put your feet up and take it easy :hug: , good luck with dr will you get early scans?

helps with ewcm, i tried it this month and it did make a difference, i had none last month. has to be the fresh juice, i have the tropicana one, not from concentrate. drink a glass from cd1 till you O
Good luck with the grapefruit. I could only get the 'from concentrate' stuff and it was so vile I gave up after 3/4 glass :lol:

Lou I am going to ask to be referred to the specialist woman I saw before (she told me to come back) for hCG tests and a scan. I think it's too early for a scan at the mo but as soon as I'm far enough along I'm in there. I want those blood tests though (says the needle-phobe :puke: :puke: :puke: )
What do the blood tests show? I dont mind grapefuit might just try x
well my opk's and pg tests are here (just got a bfn!) so i am ready for the next cycle, am going the whole works...

ff VIP (when my paypal sorts out they dont accept my card and dont want to have to ask hubby)

with a little added grapefruit juice and epo! rock on!!! out little eggie we are coming to get you :D

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
So positive Sam well done x x Go for it get that egg and have some baby dust too sprinkle sprinkle!! :dance:
Grrrrrrr thought I'd ov'd. Stupid blo**dy chart :evil: And we had timed it so well for a girl :wall: :wall: :wall:

Hope you are all okay. Melissa sending you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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