Chartstalkers - February 2009

Whats going on Sarafet you are down to test for the 6th ??? Should have looked at your chart :wall: I know you hav been poorly, do you think you might be preg or the witch being late ??
LouF said:
Whats going on Sarafet you are down to test for the 6th ??? Should have looked at your chart :wall: I know you hav been poorly, do you think you might be preg or the witch being late ??

i don't even think i've OV'd :wall: :lol: so neither :rotfl:
sarafet said:
i don't even think i've OV'd :wall: :lol: so neither :rotfl:

Hopefully something will happen soon either way :hug: :hug:

What do Mel and the others reckon??
Tough to tell w/o some normal temps in those empty days, tbh.

Anyone hear anything from Pudsie?
melissa5317 said:
Tough to tell w/o some normal temps in those empty days, tbh.

Anyone hear anything from Pudsie?

No not heard from Puds and no temps since sunday, maybe she is having a few days off.

I haven't been on much over the weekend, don't know about anyone else but this ttc can really have it's low days, so if Puds has been off I understand :hug: :hug: :hug:
LouF said:
melissa5317 said:
Tough to tell w/o some normal temps in those empty days, tbh.

Anyone hear anything from Pudsie?

No not heard from Puds and no temps since sunday, maybe she is having a few days off.

I haven't been on much over the weekend, don't know about anyone else but this ttc can really have it's low days, so if Puds has been off I understand :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean, this is only my second cycle of temping but I might take a break after this one, it's driving me mad.
Wanting1 said:
LouF said:
melissa5317 said:
Tough to tell w/o some normal temps in those empty days, tbh.

Anyone hear anything from Pudsie?

No not heard from Puds and no temps since sunday, maybe she is having a few days off.

I haven't been on much over the weekend, don't know about anyone else but this ttc can really have it's low days, so if Puds has been off I understand :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean, this is only my second cycle of temping but I might take a break after this one, it's driving me mad.

I don't think the charting gets me down at all as I'm quite new to it and I find it intruiging(sp) to see what the temps are doing. Just think the whole thing off building your hopes up for them to come crashing down month after month is just so heart breaking.

However I cannot begin to imagine how Mel, Rose, Puds and the others with irregular cycles must feel and I then feel guilty for moaning, same as when I read some of the miscarriage bit, I feel a right selfish cow when I read some of the girls stories.
well temp is back up today, i took an hpt this morning just out of curiousity but it was bfn of course..

i hope puds is ok and back soon :)

:hug: to all the girls with irregular cycles, this is my first month of charting, my cycles all over the place and im already stressed :hug:
Morning ladies.....

Sarafet - looking at your chart I would say you OV'd somewhere around the early part of this month so it could be a few days before you could get a BFP so stay positive while those temps are still higher :pray:

SpaceAngel - I joined up again yesterday too after charting to get PG with my first we're now trying for number 2....race yah!! :lol: I don't think that tossing and turining in bed wold affect your temps too much, it certainly wouldn't affect them enough to make a difference to your chart. It's only really if you get up and start to walk around etc that your BBT will rise enough to look odd on your charts. I don't know if it still does it but you used to be able to put in something on FF that would say if your input for that day could be off slightly. good luck TTC

Lou F - I know what you mean about the low day, I was TTC for nearly a year last time and it's sooooo rustrating. Is this your first time TTC?? It was for me last time and I found that worse than anything because I didn't even know if it was all totally in vain because we couldn't even have babies. I don't feel as down about it this time because I'm pretty sure now it will happen eventually because it's happened once already. How many cycles have you been TTC for??? If it gets your down too much I found that just temping up to OV was good for me....once I'd OV'd I'd stop obsessing about it until Af came and then temp to OV again. :hug:

:wave: :wave: hi to everyone else.....little miss is waking up now so gotta shoot. :hug:
I will race ya, and we can be TTC buddies! I have no idea if I ov'd this month at all. I didnt notice my CM changing.
hi girlies- did u miss me?!!! :lol:
dh had a couple of days off. his birthday last week and mine on sat (valentines day!!) so we had a day at the spa on monday as a treat- very relaxing! yesterday saw my friend and her sister with their babies in the morning then went to bluewater. ended up in tears in the middle of bluewater for no reason! think it was seeing the babies.
no news here still same old but my blood results are in. have an appointment for tues 24th for them but the doctor is calling me 2moro hopefully to let me know basically what they say. the scan is today at 3.30- thankyou for those who were asking- made me feel very loved!!! i'm very nervous and still feel liable to burst into tears at any moment but also very pleased to be getting some answers- hopefully!! i'll let u all know later on how it goes.

only had a quick stalk but big :hug: to holly. sorry hun next month will be the 1. also to louf :hug: sorry she got u hun.
:cheer: to all those who have lines/ think they have ovulated - babybrigsy, sarafet, louisec
:pray: cyprus, wanting1 and cori
:wave: to the newbies and returning chartstalkers!
:wave: waterlilie, donna and puddin
:hug: rose, mel and a &j- who's gonna be first out of us to kick our arse into gear!!

i'll have a proper catch up later.
I have dotted red lines!! (but it doesn't look to me like ov...) can you have a looky please!

good to have you back puds!
roseanimal said:
I have dotted red lines!! (but it doesn't look to me like ov...) can you have a looky please!

good to have you back puds!

Aww, bless that FF - it's trying desperately. :lol: No, it doesn't look like you ov-ed yet to me, hon - I think your temps will be more in the 36.6 and higher range when you do. :hug:

:wave: Pudsie. :D
Hi all :wave:

how is everyone? i haven't yet ovulated so it's another dragging cycle for me but i feel happy after my GP appointment (see my other post ). I am looking forward to getting some answers and hopefully finding out that everything is normal and that it's just a matter of time :pray:

Puds, glad you're back :hug: your day at the SPA sounds amazing :D
i hope your hear good news on your blood tests tomorrow. Just relax for your scan, i'm sure all will go well :hug:

Chrissie1, welcome to the mad house! :wave: Glad to have someone in here who had conceived after charting. You will be a valuable member on this thread! get ready to answer loads of questions :lol: I had a look at your pics (i love looking at pics on facebook :oops: :D ) your little girl is beautiful :D i hope you get your BFP soon
Hi waterlilie..... :wave:

It's nice being back after conceiving... I feel like the fountain of all knowledge :rotfl: :rotfl: I know what you mean about the pics though.... I go through all my friends pics, it's ace being nosy! :hug:
Chrissy1 said:
Sarafet - looking at your chart I would say you OV'd somewhere around the early part of this month so it could be a few days before you could get a BFP so stay positive while those temps are still higher :pray:

thankyou hun :hug: i hope you get your bfp quicker than last time :hug:
well... the doctor phoned with my blood test results- she started the conversation- we have ur blood test results in, they are not good but thats what we expected - :? thanks love!! :lol: anyway she went on to say the testosterone was within the normal limits - so does that mean pcos is not so likely??(when i called dh to tell him this he said "good, your not a man then!!" :lol: ) but progesterone was v low showing that i havn't ovulated- which i knew!! she said that as it was such a long cycle the other hormones which were tested could be due to different stages and that we wouldn't know what they were yet???!!! but that it was progesterone that was the problem :think: so- no new news i guess!!

had the scan - which was my first dabble into the 'your privates are now going to be recalled publics ' :lol: so i guess i'm going to have to get used to that!! the lady doing it wouldn't tell me anything though so i have an appointment for tuesday 24th for the results so i am now in my very own 2ww!! :lol:

sorry for the ramble all about me and its probably a load of nonsonse that doesn't even make sense but its good to get it off my chest!!

:wave: melsie, waterlilie and rose! its good to be back! :hug:

puds said:
well... the doctor phoned with my blood test results- she started the conversation- we have ur blood test results in, they are not good but thats what we expected - :? thanks love!! :lol: anyway she went on to say the testosterone was within the normal limits - so does that mean pcos is not so likely??(when i called dh to tell him this he said "good, your not a man then!!" :lol: ) but progesterone was v low showing that i havn't ovulated- which i knew!! she said that as it was such a long cycle the other hormones which were tested could be due to different stages and that we wouldn't know what they were yet???!!! but that it was progesterone that was the problem :think: so- no new news i guess!!

had the scan - which was my first dabble into the 'your privates are now going to be recalled publics ' :lol: so i guess i'm going to have to get used to that!! the lady doing it wouldn't tell me anything though so i have an appointment for tuesday 24th for the results so i am now in my very own 2ww!! :lol:

sorry for the ramble all about me and its probably a load of nonsonse that doesn't even make sense but its good to get it off my chest!!

:wave: melsie, waterlilie and rose! its good to be back! :hug:


Those damn docs! Nice of them to tell you absolutely nothing. :roll: Man, nothing like stressing you out for another two weeks, huh? :wall: I hear you about the internal scan, too. I've had two of those b/c I have a tilted uterus. The second one was extra fun - that was the one where I found out about my m/c, and there was trainee guy in there along with the doctor and my DH, so that wasn't awkward AT ALL... :|

If testosterone isn't the problem then it's unlikely to be PCOS. A bit weird that they're considering the lack of progesterone a problem since the lack of progesterone is caused by the anovulation, so really whatever's causing the problem will be something getting in the way before progesterone would even be made in large quantities! Hopefully the info you get in two weeks time will shed some light on that one. You can still have PCO without having the syndrome, so FX that's not the problem either! :hug: :hug:
Hey Puds :wave:
The Spa day sounded nice and relaxing :D
At least your starting to get some answers now, hopefully the scan results will be positive hun, fingers crossed for you.
Good to have you back :hug:

Hello to everyone else :wave:

As for me, weve decided to wait another year now- credit crunch has meant that my OH hasnt been paid his wages for a while... although weve stopped ttc im still going to chart so i can get to grips with my body for when we start ttc again.. and of course im gunna still come on here and see how your all getting on :lol:

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