Chartstalkers - February 2009

Chrissy1 said:
Lou F - I know what you mean about the low day, I was TTC for nearly a year last time and it's sooooo rustrating. Is this your first time TTC?? It was for me last time and I found that worse than anything because I didn't even know if it was all totally in vain because we couldn't even have babies. I don't feel as down about it this time because I'm pretty sure now it will happen eventually because it's happened once already. How many cycles have you been TTC for??? If it gets your down too much I found that just temping up to OV was good for me....once I'd OV'd I'd stop obsessing about it until Af came and then temp to OV again. :hug:

Thanks Chrissy, we have been ttc for 2yrs, this is second cycle charting and we are off to the fertility people at end of feb for 1st app. Don't get too down just when af comes really and then it's a case of dust yourself off and get on with it but 2yrs is starting to get to me now!!!! Hopefully drs can help us now x x

Hi Puds, glad the drs are helping you and they can start to get things moving for you :hug: :hug:

Hi every one else will have a stalk later :D :hug:
ooooo... babybrigsy, just noticed your charts looking good, fingers crossed you caught it :pray:
know the feeling puddin - my oh hasn't been paid last months wages yet (they were told to wait 2 weeks and there'd be an announcement, meeting with the banks today :? ) and I've not got a permanent job yet either!! bit worried but whatever happens we'll work it out. helps our mortgage payments have gone down by £200 a month though!!

couldn't stop me ttc if the earth was taken over my mad aliens out to kill pregnant women!!
Roseanimal- its bad isnt it! The thing is we live in Turkey, and so we cant get any help from anywhere- its hard here- if you have no job its tough! We are lucky that we own our home so at least we wont be kicked out! :rotfl:
We dont want to stop ttc but dont think we have much choice- as also hospitals are not free here, its £1200 to have a baby in a Turkish hospital- thats without all the scans etc before you have the baby! ahhhh.. i am gutted... hopefully my OH will make lots of cash this summer- we sell property so we only need one good sale and we can start ttc again. fingers crossed :pray: if you know anyone thats wants to buy a house in turkey let me know :rotfl: :rotfl:

I really hope your OH gets paid soon- you dont need the stress while your ttc! Hope you get your BFP soon hun :hug:
puddin said:
ooooo... babybrigsy, just noticed your charts looking good, fingers crossed you caught it :pray:

Aww thanks hun, wouldn't it be amazing if i have caught it! Only time will tell i suppose!
thanks for all the kind words and support girls :hug: its so nice to know we are all here to help each other out- feeling very gushy at the moment!! give me 10 mins and i'll be crying then another 10 and i'll be :twisted: - bloody hormones who'd have them!!!

puddin- glad ur sticking around hun. half the problem is trying to understand ur own cycles so its a good idea to keep charting u'll have a head start when u begin ttc again.

roseanimal- i know what u mean nothing could stop me now with ttc. i'm just so pleased we started when we did cos who knows how long this will go on for and at least i have 8 months of it out of the way now!! and lucky u with the mortgage- our fixed just run out and ours has gone up about £200 a month! not sure whether to fix again or not- :think: !!!

melsie- thanks for the low down- are u free to come and translate at my next doctors appointment on 24th? :lol: "hello doctor, this is my husband mat and my fertility translator mel...." your an angel :hug:

good luck babybrigsy!! :pray:

louf- good luck to u too at the fertility clinic. hope they give u some answers. :hug:
Hello girls :wave:

I hope you are all well.

I had a 5 added this morning to my stats, does this mean that I should test in 5 days? It's exciting but I do not want to get my hopes up.
Temperatures do not look very promising but I have had AF symptons for 6 days now but no sign of AF. I keep running to the toilet thinking that she arrived but nothing... Still not 100% that I even ovulated though due to my OPKs neg...
hi wanting 1!!
according to ff u are already late(quite a few days late!! :cheer: ). the red square on ur chart is the day it would have expected af if u did ovulate when it thinks u did. it has based this on ur previous cycle(s). it gives u a date for testing which is a week after af is due to be extra sure u will get an accurate result but if its ov date is correct u should get an accurate result now so my advice TEST!! my sensible side though would say test in the morning with first morning urine if ur temp is still high. :dance: even so i will still suggest u TEST TEST TEST TEST!!! :lol:
good luck hun :pray:
was looking at my chart and I just don't get how ff decided day 87 to put the dotted line. wouldn't 85 be more likely? I doubt it's either still but just wondered why it's chosen then.

any ideas?
temps looking good cori and cyprus and wanting 1!
puds, mel - :hug:
baby brigsy hope you caught it!
sarafet - what's with your temps? still ill?
fingers crossed for you louise

:hug: to those who have af!
hi rose,
i think ff has probably gone for that day because of the ewcm. don't rely on ff dotted lines though hun unless ur temperature rises some more. i think ur temp is just fluctuating and i would think u havn't yet ov. glad u got a docs appointment hun. NHS guidelines say u will be referred for fertility investigation after 12 months ttc but sooner if another condition such as irregular cycles is present so u deffinately meet their criteria. good luck
:hug: xxxx
cool. as i said before I don't believe i have ov'd but was just wondering why ff thought i had and why on that day. :think:

got more ewcm again today :think:
thats a good sign hun- make sure u bd just in case. i think i remember mel saying though that with pcos u can get fertile cm throughout the cycle without ov? :think: can our resident fertility expert confirm this? :lol: best of luck though- i can't wait to see a happy ending for u!!
:hug: xx
Got a little question for you! I have only just started charting with my temps and I am on day 25 or a 28-32 day cycle. My temp has risen a bit since yesterday, so I am assuming that if it continues to rise, the chances are I could be PG? Is this right?

Also, a CM question, how much do you get? Do you just get a little blob on your fingers or do you get a big dollop? I am trying to find out what I should be looking for!! :oops:
hi spaceangel! :wave:
its very hard to tell much from ur chart as obv there is nothing to compare it to as this is ur first cycle charting, however it looks to me that u either have only just ovulated or havn't ovulated yet. this is because ur temperatures are low for post-ov temperatures. When u are at ur most fertile u may find ewcm- but not everybody does- i don't so can't advise how much u will see. i see ur getting watery cm at the mo- this is normally found prior to ewcm. keep taking ur temp and in a few days u will be able to tell a lot more from ur chart. post ov temps tend to be around 36.6-37 but of course everybody is different. keep bding in case u are about to ov.
looks like this cycle may be longer than whats usual for u :hug: if u don't understand anything or have more q's just ask
havn't seen cori around here for a while but those temps look great hun in case u pop in- have everything crossed for u :pray: we miss u!!!!
just noticed my chart no longer fits on 1 page!!! :(
Rose, I have been known to get ewcm when i haven't ovulated too hun. Its not a full proof thing for anyone, but it can be a sign. Your chart is interesting though. Its hard as the full cycle isnt there for us to predict whats going on. I have my fingers crossed it is the real thing this time but I'm not convinced but to ewcm again today is promising. Your doing the best thing you can though by keeping up the bding so when you do ov your in with a chance.

If your cycles are always around 28 to 32 days then you should of ovulated by now and a constant rise in temps after ov is a promising sign but thats all a sign. Its quite normal for your temps to keep rising anpart from implantation dip but then it can fall very quickly and af arrive. Have a look at some previous charts like mine and you can see the different types month to month and how much they change. Also, cm again is different lady to lady. Some have said that before they have got their BFP they are much more creamy below, but again that can differ from woman to woman.
The biggest part of charting isnt to see if your pg its to discover when your ovulating to make sure you bed at the right time. It can give you an idea if your pg by going past your testing date with a high temp still, but leading up to af or testing date it can change over night.
Good luck though hun, your getting near that time :pray:

Right, off for a stalk

(ooo hi Puds and Rose, just submitted and you 2 are here, had to say Hi, now off for a stalk lol)
Cori, 1. Where are you? 2. Your chart hasn't looked like that before. Its all progressing upwards in that nice neat rise, oooo, fingers crossed babe, fingers crossed :pray:

Puds, yep :wall: but your temps have evened out nice the past week and a half. You changed anything? Wondering if your body has kicked started itself into a normal cycle and things are on the up. Lets hope so!

Mel, 9 1/2 lb lost, well done mate :clap: Fingers crossed thngs change soon xx

Wanting1, my god, how havn't you tested? You have will power hun! TEST, TEST, TEST. :D

Cyprus, no temps for the past 2 days, you ok?

Hi to all those waiting to ov :wave:
And good luck to those just past ov :pray:

And as for us on or just finishing af :bored: least we can get going soon :moon:
Hiya everyone, how are you all today.

I'm off to do some serious stalking, going to se if i can make sense of all our charts!

Feel free to comment on mine! -

Think FF is right? - Have i ov'd? - What would you say my chances are of getting a BFP first time? - What should my temp be doing now if i've ov'd?
only have a few mins but bb its still hard to tell if uv ov or not hun- fingers crossed u have. if u have ur temps will continue to rise now and hopefully stay up. the big test will be tomoro morning- if its higher than ur temps for the past few days then that should confirm ovulation. hige amounts of luck hun.

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