Can someone please slap me?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I'm feeling really fecked off with myself.

Totally rubbish post and you'll probably be just as frustrated as I am...

My GP's nurse and my consultant have both told me I need to lose weight to be healthy for baby and to improve my fertility cos he said he doesn't believe I'm ovulating and am therefore infertile.

Once we left the appointment, DH was quite blunt and said if I want to help myself I need to lose weight and be serious, if I don't bother then we might as well forget the infertility clinic etc cos if I'm not helping myself then what's the point? And he was saying that if I really want this baby, I'd be on our exercise bike every minute I could spare (and I have a lot of them).

But I'm not.

I'm really, really struggling!! :(

I know my motivation should be that I want a BFP, I want this baby so badly so why the hell can I not seem to get up and start doing something about it?

I've got the PCOS diet book, so have started writing down the food I need to be eating/cutting out but it's the actual exercise bit.

I mean, my exercise bike is in the fricking living room!! :brat:

Why am I finding it so hard to change? :cry:

Don't get me wrong, I want to, I don't like being the weight I am, I hate that some of my clothes don't fit me and that my boobs are bigger than my head. I want to lose weight but I just can't seem to get going! Since our appointment, I've been on the exercise bike ONCE.

I need a really, really big slap. :(

x x
Oh hun, motivation can be hard. What do you currently do in your spare time? Could you go on the bike at the same time as watching TV? Or bite the bullet and get OH to hide the TV fuse or something?
I don't watch TV that much lately, mostly in the evenings when hubby gets home. My weakness is obviously my laptop, I know I could do something like put my ipod on my docking thingy and listen to music and exercise...I'm looking at getting a wii to be able to do the Zumba, my sister lost a stone on it in about 2 weeks. Also wanted the wii fit cos I could do loads of different things and in my own time and space which is great cos of my condition.

I actually enjoy going to the gym, swimming etc but I had an operation about 2 years ago which has caused me problems ever since and my mobility is an issue cos I can't walk very far or stand for long periods, so gym and swimming aren't really possible.

I used to ride horses for years, love it so much but cos of my mobility, I can't ride anymore and had to give up my loan horse. I think one of my issues is I find the exercise bike boring but I'm so restricted I've not got a lot of choice really. :(

x x
Going to try and make myself do some time on the bike, logging off now. Will update! x x
oh hun, the doctors arent always right, the doctor told me i needed to loosed at least 2 stone to conceive (i'd already lost 2 n a half) and they thought i'd got pcos turns out i was already pregnant when they sent me for a scan! if it's gonna happen hun then it will, no amount of stress is going to help! and if the hubby is being that mean to you has he ever had his sperm tested, because when my hubby got tested it was actually him and not me, his swimmers werent very strong!
hope everything works out hun xxx
Yay, I was about to adopt my Sgt Major role and order you offline lol :)
Wii fit's a good option, lots more fun and variety than exercise bike, plus maybe your hubby would join in too?
Oh Miss J it is hard but it can be done. Half an hour a day on the bike is enough to help weight loss initially which flies by if you put on a tv programme. I remember when I started with the bike 30 mins felt like an eternity and now I feel like its a warm up. Can do 90 mins at points! You can do it honey! Xxx
Thanks ladies. :love:

I've just done 27 minutes and burnt 200 calories. :yay:

I know I can do it, it's just making myself do it that's hard.

I think the Wii Fit would definitely be better, it's more fun, more variety and I think I'd enjoy it more.

Winnie - He wasn't being mean, just trying to get me motivated lol cos we were discussing exercise and he was being honest which I appreciate but sometimes it does sting lol.

Thanks for your support ladies, really appreciate it. x x
Hey hun, personally I find the hardest part of exercise is getting going, I know once I've done it I always feel great. I think if you can get yourself into a routine, for example do half an hour at the same time every other day, within a couple of weeks your body will start craving it. Also as well as getting that bfp see it as an excuse to get your OH to buy you a brand new wardrobe :)

Good luck xxx
Oooh yeah, he's promised to buy me new stuff for Christmas which I am uber excited about. :yay: x x
Yay that's fab missJ :) you can do it! xx
Hey Hun with us & ur family/friends supporting & egging u on, ull loose the weight in no time. Have u thought of trying weight watchers or slimming world? My friend was a size 20 & is now a size 10 from doing weight watchers, it didn't take her that long either. Aqua areobics is good, I do it twice a week, it's good fun & the water supports u so u don't hurt yourself. I am sure u can do it just think of all the possitives u will gain from it. Xx
I like the idea of aqua aerobics but as I said with my mobility, I can't really go for something like that. I have the app My Fitness Pal on my iPhone so that helps with calorie intake and I've been given a wii board so just need to get a wii and I'll be all set!

Also need to buy some scales so I can keep a check on whether I'm losing weight lol.

x x
Our local pool runs a special aqua physio type session for people with restricted mobility post surgery etc. It might be worth seeing if there is one near you. It's a lot gentler than aerobics and builds up strength gently whilst giving the weightlessness of water.

Have you thought about Tai Chi? Its amazing for balance, building strength, breathing to improve oxygen to different parts of the body, not as agonising as tying yourself in knots with yoga and is very calming. (Plus all you have to do is speed it up it's good self defence). My Dad does it and his leukaemia count is actually improving :shock:. You can do the upper body movements from a seated position if your lower half gets tired.

Good luck hun xxxxxxxxx
I like the idea of aqua aerobics but as I said with my mobility, I can't really go for something like that. I have the app My Fitness Pal on my iPhone so that helps with calorie intake and I've been given a wii board so just need to get a wii and I'll be all set!

Also need to buy some scales so I can keep a check on whether I'm losing weight lol.

x x

if u get a wii the balance board will be ur scales as it w
wieghs u.
Wii fit is the way to go!
After a while you forget its exercise and just do it for the fun of it.
Rather than constantly checking my weight I just used the BMI checker on it and watched that go down! It saved me obsessing over each lb!

Really wish you the best of luck and remember you have all our support x
Don't feel bad MissJ :hug:

People need a sense of achievement and that only comes from setting goals and beating them.

You need to set yourself a goal that you can beat, just, each and every day.

Jump on the bike and maintain the same speed for however long possible.

Then your goal will be to increase how long or how fast you can do it each day :)

That is why the Wii Fit is good because you get told how you are improving - or not.

It's hard for anyone to do something that they don't get any immediate gain from, especially if they actually feel worst for doing it xx
Thanks everyone. :love:

I totally forgot about that Tinks, thanks for reminding me! Saved me spending more on scales I wouldn't have needed! :)

Going to get the wii, try that for a while and see what happens. x x
Posted at the same time Lou! :lol:

I admit I felt pretty chuffed with myself for doing nearly 30 minutes, my OCD nearly kicked in though cos I hate un-even numbers which is why I kept going with the calories, nearly stopped at 183 but decided to make it an even 200 then noticed my minutes were at 27 and I wanted to make it 30 but then thought it would mess with my calories! :rolleyes:

x x

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