Any advice? **Update - Cycle 1 of Clomid begins!**

Hi missJ!! So pleased you're finally on clomid, yey!! How many days of norethisterone left?
The main side effect of clomid for me was that it made me crazy!! Just mega hormonal really and I end up crying for no reason! And I got hot flushes overnight mainly- I didn't sleep well as a result, but if it works these side effects are just minor annoyances really. I am also waiting for AF after finishing provera and will start 100mg again so let's hope it works for both of us. Glad you're feeling positive it's a good way to be, worrying won't help things at the end of the day!! Massive good luck xxxx
Thanks hun, today is day 8 on Norethisterone, just taken the tablets. I've definitely been feeling cramps today so hopefully AF will show early next week. :thumbup:

I think the Norethisterone has caused a few side effects for sure, hot flushes, nausea, headaches and being hormonal! Crying at the drop of a hat!! :rolleyes:

Worth it if it gets us our BFP!

Im on my third round of Clomid this month, I started on 50mg and was very hopeful and as has been said came crashing down when I found I hadnt ovulated. Round 2 was 100mg, I didnt hold much hope so was over the moon when I found out i'd successfully ovulated (was so proud of my little disfunctional ovaries that day :) )
Anyway i've just this last week done my first ever OPK and got a positive (I posted a piccy in the gallery to check it was classed as a positive) and been trying to stick to the SMEP so I've got everything crossed for this month, feel really positive although Im starting to feel its never going to happen for me so I guess we will see!

Back to Clomid and the effects I have noticed:

CM - it's not effected my CM but I bought in some Conceive plus just as an emergency precaution in case on an occasion it had had an impact (not had to use it yet though)

Hot flushes in the night galore!!!!!

Attitude problem - OH YES to rival any moody teenager

Emotional - very

Good luck with it - I hope it does the trick for you.
Thanks Anne for posting your experience, much appreciated. :)

I'm really looking forward to my first cycle, not much longer now!

Will have a look at your opk pics. x x
Good luck! Let us know how you get on.

Its really strange how when you first start them the only milestone you seem bothered about is the day 21 tests to see if they have 'worked' ie you have ovulated its (well for me it was) almost like that was the main achievement, when its a yes though the focus soon changes to well now have they 'worked worked!'
I have no experiance with clomid, only that they told my mate it wouldn't make any difference unless she combined it with weight loss, so healthy diet and exersize could only help you perhaps.

Good luck to you, really hoping it works, maybee try to see it as a three month plan of action to prevent so much of a rollercoaster
Thanks ladies. :)

Anne - I'm not having any bloods or follicle tracking scans done so going by digi ov tests. I wasn't told or asked anything about tracking ov. :oooo: x

JJ Mum - Thanks hun, I'm already on track with eating healthily (minus the chocolate I've had and some cheese!!) and I've got an exercise plan which I'm going to try my best to stick to! I'm not expecting a BFP in our first month but you never know. ;) x

It was the last day of Norethisterone yesterday so now I'm just awaiting AF! Hopefully she won't be far away. x
How exciting that you are just waiting for af now!! I'm sure she will be here before you know it. xxx
Thanks hun, hope so. Cramps have been on and off, might try and see if BDing hurries things along. :oooo:

Good one Bd'ing to hurry her along- that usually works for me too! Xxx
I BDed on Monday night and I started bleeding on Tuesday! Lol! I'm just a bit surprised it's not as heavy as normal? X
It's probably the drugs making it lighter :) so if you bled mon you started clomid Tuesday?! Eeeek!!! Goodluck this cycle xx
Thank you hun. I started bleeding yesterday so day 2 is today, which means day 1 of Clomid. :D x
sorry im half asleep this morning Goodluck xx
Some ppl dont get any side effects but jus take every day as it comes :D
Lol that's ok hun. What do the tablets look like? Mine have a M on one side of them? X
Yey for af chick :-) My period after my first round of clomid was only 2 days and very light. MY consultant said its normal to see a change so dont worry hun. Get that clomid taken :-) xxx
My tablets were bright white ... funny how they differ!!
Ah I only asked cos when I saw the M I was a bit worried I'd been given dodgy tablets. :rofl:

x x

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