Calling all ladies with children !


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Thought it would be good to have a thread to see what all you ladies contribute :)

What is all your best advice for Labour and birth? On anything from the first contraction to holding your baby ! xx
Don't expect your birthplan to stay the same!! I went in hoping for a water birth, no intervention etc and ended up with a section as she was breech. Go in with an open mind

Emma x
My one and only bit of advice is to stay calm and go with the flow.. Your body was made to give birth, it's the most natural thing in the world :) I got scared toward the end of my labour, but I swear that me being relaxed and calm was the reason I had such an amazing experience.. Breathe through everything, count down each contraction in your head, and remember each pain is another step toward meeting your baby xxx
I was going to say the same. Don't be scared of the pain, go with it and breathe through it. Let it come, don't fight it. And when it's born, enjoy every moment, it goes by so fast! Everyone says that but it's true.
A friend of mine said, you know the feeling when you have a bad period pain and you kind of crunch up? Tense your muscles? Let everything relax, it's hard, but don't "suck" everything in, my contractions were approx 30-50 seconds each time, which is such a small amount of time in reality, my MW and sister were amazing at passing each contraction, talking me through it quietly.. I counted to 5 on each breath in and each breath out.. The place I was in, sounds so stupid, I wasn't in that room, my eyes were closed, I was counting my breathing and hearing the words they were saying.. If I hadn't of been in that "place" I don't think I would have coped as well as I did xx
Sleep as much as u can . I had along time from when waters broke to having alex and i wished i had ate and slept more to keep my energy up. I didnt pack food for me and ended up being induced by drip onday 2 not havinfood with me and staying awake.wheni should of slept really was not clever
I honestly have no idea what I want for my birthplan really, apart from a possible epidural. The advice is great girls, thanks, helping me prepare that little more :) x
eat and sleep as long as possible , I was in slow labour and didn't sleep much .. not a good idea . Baths are fantastic for pain . As the other girls say go with the flow and breath deeply through pain .
Make sure your OH knows what's in your birth plan. It's all fine and well being written down but the MW's tended to ask rather than read and if you're in no fit state to reply then OH/birth partner is your voice. Don't just tell your birth partner what you want, tell them why you want it so they understand. I went in fairly open to advice but with some things I didn't want. My OH helped me to stick to to my plan as much as possible whilst listening to what I needed then and there too.
Stay calm, keep breathing, listen to your mw!
1st labour didn't do any of that, panicked and had an awful labour!
2nd labour, stayed calm, breathed slowly, it was a fantastic labour and experience!
Try not to push until mw says. If you push too soon, your more likely to tear.
2nd time they told me to push, I waited a little longer and ended up with a tiny graze, that was it! It wasn't even sore after birth!!
believe in your ability and listen to your body
each contraction is 1 step closer
and if it doesnt go to how you expected to be, dont worry or stress just go with the flow and keep an open mind
if you feel sick off the pain relief ask for the anti sickness jab (not sure if all hospital do this)
I know its not really labour based but have lots of ready meals and frozen meals ready for when you come home.
Get someone to run around while your in hospital and empty your bins and change your sheets , makes all the difference in the world , also prepare your nursery so have nappies and creams ready and your sterilizer set up , you'll be tired when you come home.
Enjoy your first cuddles and remember it ! its the most amazing feeling ever .
Invest in Arnica tablets and tea tree oil , it aids healing .
Ask visitors to bring milk and bread and things you may not feel like poping to the shop for the first few days .
Be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to cry its OK to be emotional and its normal .
Cabbage leaves really help when your milk come in and your breasts are sore (no idea why) , my nan suggested it .
Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed
There is no shame in needing pain relief during the labour .
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This thread is reminding me of that song "wear sunscreen" lol
i say get some sleep because you will feel so tired and after birth you may be sick or feel very sick have a nice cup of tea helped me x
stay calm and go with what your body tells you. no doubt your birthplan will go outta teh window but at least its there as a guide.
stay focused on every contraction and the more pain you get its that bit loser to holding your beautiful baby in your arms!
definately be calm is my best advice. At one point in my marathon labour I totally lost the plot and had a mini tantrum ( :blush: ) and being in that mindset made everything awful. I pulled it back together again after that. Definately stay calm. Get people around you to be calming too, my fav memory is OH holding my hand and when a contraction came I would do my slow breathing (hypnobirthing: awesome!) but Id just tap his hand so he knew I was having one. Sounds stupid but I felt the need to tell someone I was having a contraction somehow.

And make sure youre somewhere you feel safe and comfortable, I wish Id stuck up for myself more on that front. And ENJOY it, sounds stupid, but your body isjust the most amazing thing and the fact that you have grown a baby and your body knows how to make that baby be born is just incredible, dont fight it, be in awe of yourself, youre amazing!
listen to the midwife,and make them listen to you, my 1st 4 births were amazing, shame about my last one. i was left on induction ward with my husband delivering baby cause midwife never listened to me that i had very fast labours and i was in labour, i ended up with a 2nd/3rd degree tear i had never teared before never had a stitch, midwife said it was cause of the speed but they all been fast, we pressed the buzzer and were ignored when she finally came in she said i have given you paracetemol what more do you want hubby said look baby is here. I understand my labours are very rare but i wish i had insisted and made her listen to me, then i may have made it to labour ward where midwives have always been really understading of my type of labours. and i believe because they tell me what to d opush dont push pant is why i have always had a positive experience and more calm and never a stitch before then.
aw lovely thread, makesme think righ tback to being there!
Great advice, stay calm and enjoy it. It seem slike it lasts forever but looking back is only a few (hours/days!!!)
Breathign echniques and hypnobirthing are something I realsie I need to do for next time as I could not relax through my contractions and made them even worse. x
^^ def true, OH said he couldnt tell when I was having a contraction, cos I looked so peaceful, thats why I had to tap his hand. I still felt them obv, but I just went more into my body and blocked everything out IYKWIM. I kinda miss being in labour, which is ridiculous cos I had days of it! :lol:
I am loving this thread! Such great advice ladies! Keep it coming lol! X

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