The reason I want an elective (or pre planned) c-section is that there is not one case I can find of someone with my condition going full term OR delivering naturally. My body (because of condition) wont cope with labour and I'm a total control freak. My choices are, go into labour, potentially get into a right state and end up out of control having an emergency section then needing a LONG time to recover from section plus illness induced by labour, therefore being traumatised as well as ill and not being the best mum I can be after birth. Or I can push for an elective c-section, not get into a state, not trigger off an episode of illness and be calm and there for my baby after birth. I've had 4 lots of major abdominal surgery, so I know what to expect and what my limitations will be afterwards, I don't need stress and illness added to it!
We know it's going to be hard to get it all confirmed before hand, we would have gone private but I can't risk having an episode and not having the expertise of the NHS at the tips of my fingers.
At the end of the day the guidelines are clear, you don't have to have anything you don't want to, if you dont want a c-section you don't have to have one, if you want a c-section (most people who do aren't idiots and do have a reason), then you can push for it.