Elective c section - anyone requesting one?

I had a very long & very complicated birth with LO parts of it were extremely scary and Im doing it all over again now so it's always as bad as people make out!

People kept saying to me after LO I bet you won't do that again for a long time and even 5mins after I said I would do it again in a heartbeat! This time I'm terrified of having to have a section because I can't hear the thought of not being able to labour or feel my baby being born because although these things are painful they are so worth it, it's the most amazing experience you can go through and this is comin from someone who had a 63hr labour and ended up in theatre having forceps although they thought it would end in emergency section! Im thankful everyday it didn't but this time I want to feel my baby come out!
I am scared of normal birth but I am a lot more scared if I had to have a C section, the long recovery really doesn't appeal to me and makes me think it would be harder to bond with baby straight away. Good luck, hope you decide what's best for you. x
This has been a really interesting read. I've always always wanted a vaginal birth. It must be the most amazing experience, even if it hurts like hell and I end up with a split up to my earlobes. I would give anything to be able to do it and pray that I don't end up with a c-section, although if I do, that's just life. I will try not to be disappointed.

I'm one of these crazy bitches who thinks I can have a homebirth with nothing but gas and air... yada yada... but I think I'm going off the homebirth thing now :shock: Hubby is too scared something will go wrong, plus living down a single track country lane is hardly helpful.

It's entirely up to you, though. I hope you reach a decision that makes you happy, and that you can have what you want.
its has been interesting to read ur thoughts on c-section, however after experience of both i would never, ever ever opt for a c-section again in my whole life it was the most traumatic experience of my life, it took me 5 years to even consider getting preganant again over fears of another c-section, to which i did get pregnant and i was petrified all the way through of going through the same ordeal as the first time, however i actually managed to give birth naturally with no pain relief and no episiotomy and it was the greatest experience of my life...one i had hoped for first time around!!! i had the the option of c-section then and again this time and my decision is still no i want VBAC.....

you talk about complications with labour, but this is MAJOR surgery we are talking about and its much more complicated than you think!! there are lots of risks involved its not a case of slicing u open and ur done, it can result in serious complications afterwards too!! many women have the scenario of there wound not heaing or coming open again and still not bein able to look after their baby because of this.....i felt totally inadequate when i had my c-section although it was emergency, i felt ike i had lost control and emotionally i couldnt cope with my experience, i couldnt even discuss the section for many months as i would physically cry my eyes up...if end up with one this time i will never ever get pregnant again!!

its your choice by all means, but i would seriously consider all ur options even councelling as its not a decision to be taken lighly xxx
Lyndsey, so glad you had a positive experience 2nd time around & good for you xxx
Hey Hun

I will be having a c section next time round. The doctors said I can request one as I had such a traumatic birth.

I had a vaginal delivery with forceps lost 3 litres of blood and wasn't even conscious to see little one being born.

I had four blood transfusions and was in hospital for a week before and a week after . Not the best experience , for me I'll be having a c section to avoid the mental stress I experieced last time. At least with a c section I'm in control of when I go in etc .

5 months on I'm still suffering from an infected episiotomy and will be going in for reconstructive surgery. Don't let me put you off!

We've all had varied experiences, at the end of the day it's your choice xxxxx

Hi ladies,

Now, I know some of you will have strong opinions against elective c sections, but I would really appreciate the experiences of anyone who has had one or asked for one on the NHS since the new law came in.

I have known for years that I do not want to have a vaginal birth and not because I am scared of pain, just because it's not for me. When I told my midwife today she made me feel really bad. I knew she would have strong views against it, but I am now worried that I might not get to choose how my baby is born and that makes me feel quite angry.

I know the recovery time and length of hospital stay for a c section is longer, but I feel this is a small price to pay to avoid all the horrible things that can and do frequently go wrong with vaginal births.

Am I the only one that feels this way?


I personally will be going naturally + no pain relief and will refuse all intervention by midwives and doctors unless there is no option.

but i do feel that you could do with more information on c-sections as there are MORE risks giving birth by section than naturally, not less. I would however say it is your personnal choice and you should feel comfortable with your choice. x
The guidelines are not official yet and until they are the old rules apply.

Even under the new guidelines, I don't believe you have 'a right' to a section.

If you have a fear of childbirth and that is your reason for wanting a section then you should be offered counselling to allay those fears. I reckon that being worried about an episiotomy will not convince many obstetricians to offer an elective section if there are no other medical issues. Sorry hun.

Here is the link.


For what it's worth I find it hard to understand why a first time mother would opt for this over a natural birth if there was no medical reason to do so. I can understand in incidences where a woman has experienced a traumatic birth in the past and is mentally scarred from a vaginal birth experience, and obviously if there is a medical recommendation that it will be safer for baby and mother but not otherwise.

Just my 2ps worth though.

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