Giving Birth

I'm going natural birth - i go through phases of fear and excitement about it - i guess its just mind over matter with a lot of the initial pain, and I'm hoping the gas & air, and pethidine will help with that too!

I like the idea of doing it myself, and bringing our daughter into the world as naturally as possible.

I would obviously go for the c -section as an absolute last resort though :(
My sister has had 2 c-sections as her kids would not fit through her narrow pelvic bone. She's going to have another one this time. She lives in Germany but in the UK you can only have a c-section for a known medical reason (as above) physical or psychological.

I'm not looking forward to the pain of birth either but I am going to;

a) Get pumped full of drugs ;)
b) make sure I have a vertical labour
c) have an epidural
d) not have an epistiotomy

I'm really ickle, 5'1, so I'm more scared I'll rip or baby will become distressed.

My only consolation is knowing that after I've given birth I have an excuse to beat up my husband :rotfl:
Where they cut you so that you are a bit bigger for baby to come out :shock:
I'd rather that then tear to be honest :oops:
:shock: Oh my god!

That sounds fun :rotfl: << note the sarcastism lol.

Oh well bring on the pain I say it'll make me a tougher woman :rotfl:
Well they do say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

Women have been giving birth for hundreds of years - we'll all be just fine :D
Where they cut you so that you are a bit bigger for baby to come out
I'd rather that then tear to be honest

My friend who has a baby said that apparently its better to tear than to have an epistiotomy. Something to do with healing and damage to the nerve ends in girlie bits.

Apparently you can avoid both (tear or being cut) by doing something called perineal massage which is supposed to be really good.

I want a natural, i had a c-section with Kiara and the rocovery was the worst and i wouldnt wish it on anyone.
9 out of 10 doctors here make you have another section if you have had one in less then 2 years , i dont know who my doctor will be yet so i have no idea what the plans are yet . The previous doctor i had said if its another big baby i will have to have a section cuz i cant fit the baby out , Kiara had gotten stuck and they said her head was too big.
I honestly think that the labour was nto as bad as i thought it would be , alhtough i wasnt abloe to push her out... so i think all of you will be fine :)

ive also heard its better to tear than have epi they dont always give a local when they cut as they reckon you are soo stretched you cant feel friend had one no local and nearly kicked the drs head off ouch!!!
b4 i got pg i always thought i'd hav a section if i eva did hav children- "the easy and dignified way" as i saw it! but i'v since changed my mind coz of the recovery time etc., and am going 4 a home water birth now. i SO hope nothing goes wrong so i can hav the birth i want!

but, if u really hate pain i think u can request a section. a girl at work is having one because she is so scared of pain; i think if u just big it up to the docs how scared u are and say its really stressing u then they will consider going with ur wishes for ur mental well-being!

good luck on deciding, and it all going how u want it x
why dont they have an epidural for the pain or are they worried that it wont work or be enough? am i being naive?
Dinski said:
Where they cut you so that you are a bit bigger for baby to come out
I'd rather that then tear to be honest

My friend who has a baby said that apparently its better to tear than to have an epistiotomy. Something to do with healing and damage to the nerve ends in girlie bits.

Apparently you can avoid both (tear or being cut) by doing something called perineal massage which is supposed to be really good.

oh yeah u can buy perinneal massage oil on the tinternet to make the skin good n stretchy! i'm gonna get me some, lol
Vicky_Gazerimmer said:
Ok I have started to think about how I want to give birth lately and I just wondered if anyone else had decided?

I have been told you can request a C section if you don't want the pain of a natural birth, but is that really good for the baby?

This is my first baby but I understand fully that a natural birth will hurt to buggery :rotfl:

Is anyone here requesting a C section or are you all going natural (if you can). Theres so much to start thinking about!!!


OMG im shocked that you can just request a c section so thatyou can avoid the pain of a natural birth! what a farce!
its disgusting. anyone would think childbirth was a modern day wonder!
women in third world countries give birth at the side of the road then get back in the paddy fields and carry on working with the baby strapped to their backs!
I can't understand why a woman would opt for a c-section to avoid the pain when thats all she'll suffer with afterwards if she has one.

Fingers crossed and legs wide open for a natural birth please :dance:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

oldermum i haven't gorgotten my promise you know. will send in new year. :hug:
Thankyou Budge :hug:

Oh the womans theme tune in labour 'Push It' by Salt n Pepa :D

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