
same here, only just read this but I hope everything is OK and that you're being looked after x
Still no news? :( I wonder if they kept her in overnight for a scan this morning. Wouldn't surprise me with the amount of pain she's been in.

Hope you're ok Evie :hug:
Thought there might have been news :( Hope it went well xx
only just read thread. Hope everything is ok evie, thinking of you x
Hmmmm where is evie? I hope everything is ok xx
I was wondering that too... was hoping we'd have some news by now :(
I was thinking that thought we'd have heard by now
She doesn't usually come on till later though so maybe she's just busy....fingers crossed
I just got home and logged on expecting news! hope everythings alright xxxx
just read this!!

I cant really add anything that hasnt been said already but i hope your ok evie!! xxx
oh evie, i hope you're thoughts are with you hun xxx
it really is too quiet for Evie.... I hope she is ok....
this isnt like her at all....

anyone got a contact num for her?

really hope everything ok x
no baby - i will put another post up in a bit :( im so sorry for keeping you all waiting x x x x x x
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