
Lol, that must have been a shock for you oh, defying medical science :rotfl:
I cant believe they have got away with selling fake tests! Don't they realise they are playing with peoples emotions!! I'm quite angry on your behalf!
I don't understnad how the fake tests work? Surely if they wares to make more money they would
make the tests so they come up neg therefore getting more money as people would just keep buying
more. So how does it work then a fake
pos???X x x
a fake positive is something that has gone wrong on the production line i think they are either fake or dodgey but i dont really care anymore i just feel empty feel like i might as well just have had a miscarriage!! i thought i was pregnant, picked names out bought a few maternity bits, was given a few new born baby grows and was left in a room on my own for 3 hrs being told i was 99% likely having a miscarriage before they told me about the tests so i feel really gutted! :( think the shock has worn off now and the reality has sunk in! o well
Oh hun thats so horrible for you. You've still lost something, even though it wasn't a miscarriage. Think positive and I really hope next month is your month xxx
thanks i picked a moses basket out as well im such a donut! i dont know why i let myself get so attached i told myself i wouldnt
Hi Evie, All sounds normal to me and i'm sure you will be buying the crib soon! It's only month one of trying and you've aready had two succesful pregnancies so i'm sure you'll be njoying sleepless nights and endless nappy changes soon enough. Hugs to u x
yer i know . . . just feels like i missed out on something i know its early days but i dont think it would matter how long i would have been trying for even if this would have happend 6+ months down the line i think i would have felt the same i just keep telling myself now - there was nothing to even plan for its alright and i get another month of fun trying :D and i keep smiling lol and that helps i feel alright one min then down the next but i just have to keep telling myself that i didnt have a misscarriage so stopt it! but it hard . . but atm im in a happy mood as im having one of them swinging days sooooo im just gonna pold on i think and see what happens as i go
Sorry Hun big hugs. I didn't mean to sound rude earlier I just was interested in how it worked! Sorry was incenstive of me x x
Hope you feel better soon. Get some good tests and that BFP will be here soon. xx
Sorry to hear how things worked out Evie, I know it's easy to say you didn't lose a baby but the feeling of loss must be the same, so big hugs from me :hug:

Like you say you get to have more fun trying lol, just don't put yourself under too much pressure :)

take care, I hope the bug goes soon and you can start feeling better!
if ur getting bad cripple abdominal pain and back ache dont listen to ur hubby my hubby told me to wait and at the time i didnt know i miscarrying if your risking a miscarriage theyve got to keep an eye on ur blood and how much ur losing. u can get some sort of blood poisoning my dad said to me so he made my hubby get me to hospital 3 days i was in agony for and if u feel like ur having contractions then go the hospital please dont leave it any longer than uve already have gud look im hoping its nothing to worry bout for you x
if ur getting bad cripple abdominal pain and back ache dont listen to ur hubby my hubby told me to wait and at the time i didnt know i miscarrying if your risking a miscarriage theyve got to keep an eye on ur blood and how much ur losing. u can get some sort of blood poisoning my dad said to me so he made my hubby get me to hospital 3 days i was in agony for and if u feel like ur having contractions then go the hospital please dont leave it any longer than uve already have gud look im hoping its nothing to worry bout for you x

ive just been reading the end of ur post an sorry i didnt read it all i thought u was still having the pain. im so sorry it hasnt worked for you :(:hug: xx
its ok im getting used to it now - starting over again and starting to feel better now yesterday i had a really bad day yesterday but today i am really happy again so thats good :)

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