Big Brother 7!!!

lol i sit and watch them sleep aswell dunno why its mad...!!
Kim said:
why the hell does it take 2 or 3 attemps for bonner/bonneh/bonnie to say her own name?? She quite clearly CAN say it so why cause all the confusion??? :? :? :?

because that is how Leslie (Lesleh) spoke and she is trying to be her. Shabaz is thankfully a lot calmer then Marco - Marco was not off this world he really freaked me out, i really wanted Jase to hit him during the fight

ccccnddd7hjjjjjjjjjw\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\RQ\\\\\\\\\\\\ and that is Seren's opinion on the housemates. She is on my knee and loves the keyboard.
Oh my God I HATE nicky!!!!

*sobs* "I can't believe you're doing this to me big brother, you have to give me my waterproof eye make-up remover it's sixteen pounds a bottle and I can't sleep with my mascara on" *cry cry*

She's got such a whiney little girls voice gggggrrrrrrr

ARRRRGH I hate her already! :twisted: :twisted:
LOL me too!!!

i loooooove pete! he is great :D

who was sezer talking to on the bed then?? i couldnt work it out

I completely agree Urchin, what a sad cow Nicky is. She HAS to be first out as she's putting me off watching it!
Tan said:
I completely agree Urchin, what a sad cow Nicky is. She HAS to be first out as she's putting me off watching it!

What a performance, what a "victim" did you see her face?? Mason doesn't whinge like that and he's 4!!!

grrrrr I really do hate her now!

Isn't it funny the only clothes she's got is that bunny outfit hahahaha!
I agree - if all your aim is in life is to marry a premier ship footballer and spend his credit cards ---how sad!!
And ' i need my eye make up remover - its 16 quid' oh boohoo... sorry can't stand her!!

Shabaz is getting on my nerves.

Pete seems quite funny but is pushing the tourettes a bit.

see how things go..
i went in for big when i got asked what i would spend the prize money on i said well ermm mmm make up..? pmsl :oops:
and the things big bro ask us to say was unreal... we had to stand in a group of 8 ppl and talk about our selfs... when it cum to my turn i was :shock: :oops: :think: i didnt know what to say...and never got in lol im glad i didnt not with that stupid nicky and bonnie i would of killed them the way there are going on.......( eye make up remover ,) £16 pound gawd get a life.....
Shebaz is the biggest creep ever. i would've punched him by now if i was in there.

I think so far George seems the nicest. Shame he's got the inbred royals' horsey look about him though.
So glad everyone hates nicki! couldnt beleive her. will send the tape of her moaning about going to bed in mascara to the starving and homeless just to show them what real problems are, i mean whats a little malnutrician next to no £16 eye make remover?
you think anyone has ever told her that babyoil gets it off too? :lol:

Beanie i'm so glad someone else hated Marco and wanted Jase to hit him!
i am not a violent person at all yet he made me shout obsenities and chuck stuff at the telly! :oops:

hhmm think nicki may have same effect!

sezer was talking to imogen on the bed i think??!!

I hate nicki, what is she 6 with that voice!! I wear waterproof mascara and wipes and soap gets it off!! silly bitch!

I am confused to everyones attitudes towards petes tourettes. Nicki thinks he is funny when he does it???? so really is she not laughing at him, not with him because he is not doing it to be funny!

And shabaz gave him a cuddle :shock: :? .... he has a disorder that he has probally lived with for a long while! i doubt he needs a cuddle??!!

OMG I hate Shebaz and Nicki, grrrrrr! Leah looks 65 not 35! :lol:
he he Keeley - "Cuddles - the cure for touretts"

Rosieroo you are so right about Leah - she has no facial expressions due to all the botox!
dh was watching last night and looked all confused, when i asked what was up he said 'how come pete burns is on it again?' :lol: i bet Leah would be thrilled to know she looks like a transexual!

yeh i thought it was imogen aswell keely... could be wrong though :think:

glad everyone hates nikki :evil: she was making me sooo mad!!

shahbaz is strange... he loves to touch!! he would give me the creeps if i was in there!! theres already been arguments between shahbaz and sezer... think that will run on and on...!! just got E4 on and shahbaz has been in the bathroom grooming himself 4 coming up to an hour :shock: lol

yer hayley, shabaz would freak me out too. he does not understand presonal space does his, I would be like GET OUT MY FACE I want to be able to see you when i talk not breath you!!! haha xxxxx
LMAO keely!! that guy totally doesnt understand personal space... i like to have my personal space... obviously he doesnt!! hes still grooming himself, he thinks hes a woman i swear!!
thought it was funny when richard made it VERY clear that he really didnt like him :lol: xxx
Im not sure nicky can really be for real?? :think: :think:

Surely someone cannot be that stupid & have such a irratating voice.
She just seems a little too over the top... mind you if she is faking its gonna be hard to continue for the next 3 months!

I cannot bear her, couldnt from the moment i saw her audition. She does make me laugh tho at how stupid she is.

Sezer is annoying me too now , he just rates himself sooo much, he does have a nice body but thats where it ends for me!

Pete seems to have calmed down a bit & I think Lisa seems ok now to

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