Babies and Dogs...


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
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I just wondered if any of you mums to be have big dogs? We have a mastiff who lives in a kennel at the bottom of our garden, (the chickens have the top half.) He is 3 years old and a big softy. He's allowed into the kitchen and the front room in the evening for a couple of hours but spends most of his time in his kennel and run. I am concerned as to what he is going to be like when baby bean comes along. He is my Bf's dog and when I moved in 2 years ago, he was very jealous and still does bark at me when I hug my bf. I have decided that Im not even going to risk letting the dog see the baby so they are going to be kept completly seperate. Do you think this is the sensible thing to do? He's in no way vicious, he's never hurt anyone. But he weighs 10 stone and is big and dopey and has bruised my legs many times by just bumping into me. He's not allowed anywhere near the chickens by the way incase he treads on one by accident lol. Would like to hear people's thoughts please? Thanks x
I would definitely keep them separate. Owners of dogs always say they are not vicious but you just don't know how they will react to a new baby, it's just not worth the risk.
I am a dog lover and have had dogs most of my life but I just dont think dogs and babies are a good mix - especially when the dog was there first.
I personally wouldn't have any kind of dog around my baby.
We have a springer spaniel-mad as a brush but so so friendly. We plan to sit baby on the sofa and introduce the dog to baby that way. I know he is great with kids as he is our family dog that hubby and me adopted from my dad and has been around young babies and toddlers. Maybe you could take baby to your dog and just let him see the addition to your family. I think as time goes on it will be hard to keep the dog and the baby separate espcially as your baby grows and becomes toddler age etc
A lot of dogs become protective of babies and will just sit and watch baby. It's upto how you want to play it. There maybe some advice in the Internet on how to introduce them x
Hey hun...
We have a Border Collie who is soooo hyper lol and we were in the same situation as you and were a bit unsure of how he was going to be with the baby. My little lad is coming upto 26 weeks old and they get on so well :), the dog very rarely bothers him and when he does he just likes to lie/sit next to him. When Leo was a new born and used to cry, my dog used to just lie with his nose through the bars of the crib and look sad lol.

I suppose you never know what dogs are going to be like with kids/babys and they are very unpredictable but one things i will say is to think long and hard because if you try keeping the dog away from the baby and then at a later date want to introduce them the dog then might think that theres something up and wonder why they were separated if you get me? He is also quite protective of our baby too... Sorry if i havent made much sense there but i know what i mean lol.

Good luck hun and hope you find the right thing to do :) xx
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We have a springer x cocker spaniel who will be 3 when baby arrives. He is very bouncy and loves to lick people if they let him so me and my hubby are doing lots of training now to stop this (I never let him lick me but some people seem to like it which is disgusting!). The dog trainer/ sitter that we used has advised us not to keep baby hidden from him as it will make him wonder even more what is going on and cause greater stress for all. Ive been putting anything we buy for the baby in the living room/ kitchen so that he can get use to the smell. He is kind of use to babies and toddlers as he comes with us when we go to stay with our niece and nephew in Manchester and they adore him. He is very good with young children and seems to instinctively know to be more gentle. I keep saying 'baby' so he knows the word when we hear a baby cry or he is with a friends baby. We can separate him from the baby if needed but I would prefer for him just to get use to the baby and if for example the baby is asleep in the moses basket in the living room, I would make the dog follow me out of the room even if i have to wake him up just to follow me to the toilet.

My main rule though for dog/ baby (and children mix) is NEVER leave them alone together. I know my dog very well and he can tolerate a lot but I just would never trust him enough to risk it. (and when we have stayed with our niece and nephew I constantly have to be on guard as their parents will often leave them in the room on their own with charlie despite me asking them not to)

Have you got a dog trainer that you could ask for some advice? Maybe do some training and it could also resolve the jealous over you. A dog needs to know that they are at the bottom of the pack in relation to any human they come into contact with.

Also, and this is just my personal opinion, i think that having animals and babies together isn't a problem as long as they are always supervised (and also depending on the nature of that animal). Its has got to be right for you and your family though and you just need to think about what is going to make life easiest for you.
I have a crazy mutt too. A patterdale terrier. He is spoilt rotten and has been our baby since we got him as a pup 3 years ago. I have already brought pram home for him to get used to it and he has been encouraged to sniff around and get used to other baby bits and pieces. I will try to encourage DH or someone to bring nightie that I cuddle baby in in hospital home to let dog smell the baby before we come home. It will all be about being really sensitive to his needs and anxieties when we first come home with baby. I want us all to be a family and the dog was here first. I am not stupid and it will be a very slow process and the baby will never be on its own near the dog. You can never trust dogs around children full stop.
I would however encourage you to think about if you are sure you want to
Keep dog and baby totally separate then what kind of life will dog have? If he isn't going to have attention like he needs anymore then maybe u need to consider (the sad option) rehoming him???? Just a thought, but obviously not an easy one.
Good luck xxxxxx
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Lots of very good points. My attitude was they are staying completly seperate, but then I think to myself will that make the dog worse. The dog has never been around children, he's only really know me and my bf and his mates that come round. I think as he's such a big dog, we are best too keep seperate, easy done as the dog lives in the garden anyway. Has has a whole area fenced off, the chickens free range in the rest. Its hard because if he was a smaller dog, we would intorduce baby to him. My boyfriend didnt count on meeting me and becoming a daddy so soon when he got the dog. Its a hard one..
and may I add, the dog is totally spoilt rotten and is treated as the baby of the house. I think im going to consult a dog trainer... s
We have a English Bull Terrier, these are made out to be vicious dogs but are loveable and protective. She had never been around kids until my sisters boyfriend brought his daughter one day and Bella my dog never left her side. followed her everywhere sat with her and just looked out for her and this is a dog which is "vicious". I will be slowly intergrating Bella with Beth when we bring her from the hospital simply because Bella is a house dog, always as been and i think providing that you never leave a child alone and you simply are stern with dogs and children when they are old enough to torment dogs any dog ill be great.
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I don't have a dog and won't be having one around LO either. My mum used to work in a kennels for many years and knows which dogs are known for having a good temprement and being gentle. Having said this she has always said it doesn't matter how gentle/dopey/loving the dog is, you have no idea if or when they may turn and become viscious. We were offered a staffy puppy a few weeks ago and even though they can be very loyal dogs, if they do turn and bite it is near impossible to get them to let go. I would never risk that with a child and I will be wary even when walking near dogs out and about. I also think that you can't guarantee that by keeping a dog and baby apart you won't have any problems. The dog could get out or be let out or anything.
We have a terrier cross, I won't be changing an awful lot, Lola (the dog) already has her own 'place' but is a house dog, I have baby gates for her so she's restricted to where she goes and she has always been fine with my nephews (ignores them) they know not to stroke or go near her without an adult supervising any interaction but I would never leave any dog or young child unattended together (my older two are fine with her) I grew up in a farm and was more afraid of the cockerel and chickens than I was of te dogs ;-) good luck xxx
Dogs tend to turn when they are being wound up by kids though, this is never shown in the news. I mean come on, us adults can easily tell someone to piss off if they are annoying us but what can a dog do?!

Seriously think it's more common sense tbh. Dogs tend only to get angry when being pushed it is down to the owners after all.

That simple
But if someone else winds the dog up and a child comes along it may take it out on them. At the end of the day, a dog is still an animal and they can be unpredictable.

OH wants to get an alsatian (sp?) at some point, but I don't! I'd be scared of it!!
I just feel very strongly about dogs in general even without children being involved. Each to their own! x
My cousin I the same Babyem :) she just doesn't feel settled around dogs (or cats) for that matter and whenever she's here she's always looking at signs that Lola may 'turn' we tend to put her in her bed when she comes around (dog not my cousin lol) I think you are right and it is definitely a matter of personal choice and opinion, I think you need to have confidence in your self and your dog handling ability and never ever trust a dog, they can't tell you they are having an off day or are in pain and therefor cannot be predictable. Xxx
I don't mind tiny dogs, like yorkshire terriers but any other breed I'm not keen on. Not a big animal fan tbh. I hate dogs jumping up at me or sniffing around! I don't have a fear/phobia, just really not keen x
The thing is our dog isnt your average size pooch, he weighs 10 stone and he is waist height to me. He has a huuuge head and he will literally bowl me over with excitement when I get in from work of an evening. He is very territorial and doesnt take to strangers in the house. He is restricted to certain rooms in the house, and I do think it will be easy to keep both baby and dog seperate, because of the fact he lives in a kennel in the garden. Its no comparison, but I have kept chickens for the past year, and he's never managed to get to them. We keep him behind a locked gate whilst the chickens are out in the garden during the day, and then the dog comes in during the evening. I was thinking of doing the same sort of thing when baby arrives. When the baby has gone to bed, the dog can come in to see us. During the day he is in his run/kennel anyway so it shouldnt make much difference. I knowmy dog isnt vicious, but he has been known to jump up and help himself to food off of the side in the kitchen, imagine the damage if he jumped and knocked the baby over in a highchair trying to pinch food. I suppose its like having a small donkey in the house, not very practical lol.
I wouldn't let a dog that hasn't been correct socialized near a baby. A dog that spends most of its day in the yard it's not a correct socialized dog. Maybe with some obedience training and lots of patience it will be ok. But I understand that you have no plans of having the dog living with you inside the house (other than the couple of h in the kitchen?)

Anyway a family dog that has been raised in a family, it's correct socialized with kids, other animals etc and has done some obedience training is totally possible to have in a home with kids without problems.
Because its all about dominance and establishing dominance for a baby it may be a little difficult a dog especially a young one should never been left alone in a room with a baby/kid that doesnt have full dominance established.

I have a 10 month old puppy. She is very social and quite well mannered but she didn't have any occasion to be socialized with any kids (other than seeing them at the park and that's all)
She does obedience everyday and she lives in the house with us. She will be introduced to the baby from the beginning and she already has many of the baby things in the living room and she knows to only smell them and not play with them.
But she is a puppy and therefore with unpredictable behavior and she gets overexcited with strangers and kids so she will not be left alone on the room with the bean.
She is currently working on the command go to your mat where she learns to stay on her dog bed in the living room and ignore what's happening around her for a short period of time...
Gosh, I was worrying about my cat and the baby never mind a 10 stone dog.

I have to agree with Hope, this dog is not your typical "household" dog and I think he needs to be kept as far away from baby as possible.

He still barks if you and OH cuddle? How will he feel when OH has bub in his arms :shock:

I don't mean to scaremonger and I know I am not a dog owner BUT I wouldn't want my baby anywhere near this kind of dog :shock:

Gosh, I was worrying about my cat and the baby never mind a 10 stone dog.

I have to agree with Hope, this dog is not your typical "household" dog and I think he needs to be kept as far away from baby as possible.

He still barks if you and OH cuddle? How will he feel when OH has bub in his arms :shock:

I don't mean to scaremonger and I know I am not a dog owner BUT I wouldn't want my baby anywhere near this kind of dog :shock:


I agree.. x
He is an outside dog, and we have no plans to let him stay in the house. In fact when the front room is finally decorated, he will only be allowed as far as the kitchen. I have been in touch with a dog trainer who is going to come to the house to work with us. But yes Carnat he does bark when me and oh hug, so he is going to be sooo jealous when baby arrives. We have the option of him going to live in Wales on my father in laws farm, but I love him and I want to try and see if we can train him and get him used to not being the baby of the family and gettin what he wants before we go down that route. I think the OH will just have to walk him every evening and give him lots of attention when he's home, but as far a baby is concerned, they will be kept seperate. I cant risk it and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened.. I didnt think this whole dog thing would stress me out as much as it has though.

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