You're definitely better going with a breed that will suit your personality and lifestyle. So if you're easy going, laid back, don't like to exercise that much, get a breed that matches...if you're energetic, always out on walks, out and about, get a much more energetic breed etc etc But even though you research a breed that suits, it always will have its own personality in there.
I have two staffies who are a complete pain in the hole at the mo! That's awful of me to say isn't it

Nah, I love them with all of my heart but they have changed completely since I've been pregnant and especially within the last few weeks.
They are both sisters from the same litter and have so different personalities, one is laid back and lazy, the other is a nut! These last few weeks, they have been sooooooo mooky and I'm not even kidding. My OH will on occasion, take them out for a walk if I'm absolutely shattered or sore due to pregnancy and they won't walk far for him.
They want to come back to the house, more than likely cos I'm not with them, but its driving me nuts cos then they seem all depressed cos they're stuck back in the house. I open the front door for them when weather is good so as they can wander in and out, but they'll stay in more than go out. I'm hoping that when baby is here, that they'll dog up and stop being so mooky.
I too grew up with dogs and really wanted my own, so I've had my girls for the past 3 1/2 years from puppies (was a daughter substitute thiing as getting pregnant just wasn't happening for me at that time and after 7yrs of trying to let nature take its course) and I can tell ya, they have been more damned hard work since I've been pregnant than they ever were, and that's including being puppies!
I wouldn't swap them or give them away for anything though, cos I know no one else would treat them as well as I'd expect them too. And I'm hoping that baby and they will get as much pleasure out of each other as I did when growing up alongside dogs. Its just damn hard work and such a huge commitment which I never reaslised as I was never soley responsible for the dogs I grew up with. They were always looked after by my Mum.
They are fantastic with my DS. He adores them. I got them when he was 11-ish. But even with other kids they are so gentle and will allow unlimited petting and hugs from them.
Oh flip, sorry for the rather long post! That wasn't intended
