Ladies with dogs!!

Hi Hun I have three dogs two labs and a great Dane, I would recommend any of them however the great Danes tail is a bit of an issue as she's so damn happy all the time it's like getting whipped lol xx
Cazza, you have Malamutes? I want to come and live with you!!!! I do adore them, I've always wanted one.

We have a small terraced house, though, so only ended up with a small Japanese Spitz. I would recommend my girlie any day though, she is wonderful with people <3

Hey we're just down the're welcome anytime for Malamute hugs!!

If you want to see my gang, my website is

Needs updating though!!

In love!!!! :kiss:
i thik westies are great family and kid friendly dogs! obviously not too big either. i grew up with a westie, billy. and i was devasted when he died =((((
You're definitely better going with a breed that will suit your personality and lifestyle. So if you're easy going, laid back, don't like to exercise that much, get a breed that matches...if you're energetic, always out on walks, out and about, get a much more energetic breed etc etc But even though you research a breed that suits, it always will have its own personality in there.

I have two staffies who are a complete pain in the hole at the mo! That's awful of me to say isn't it :oops: Nah, I love them with all of my heart but they have changed completely since I've been pregnant and especially within the last few weeks.

They are both sisters from the same litter and have so different personalities, one is laid back and lazy, the other is a nut! These last few weeks, they have been sooooooo mooky and I'm not even kidding. My OH will on occasion, take them out for a walk if I'm absolutely shattered or sore due to pregnancy and they won't walk far for him.

They want to come back to the house, more than likely cos I'm not with them, but its driving me nuts cos then they seem all depressed cos they're stuck back in the house. I open the front door for them when weather is good so as they can wander in and out, but they'll stay in more than go out. I'm hoping that when baby is here, that they'll dog up and stop being so mooky.

I too grew up with dogs and really wanted my own, so I've had my girls for the past 3 1/2 years from puppies (was a daughter substitute thiing as getting pregnant just wasn't happening for me at that time and after 7yrs of trying to let nature take its course) and I can tell ya, they have been more damned hard work since I've been pregnant than they ever were, and that's including being puppies!

I wouldn't swap them or give them away for anything though, cos I know no one else would treat them as well as I'd expect them too. And I'm hoping that baby and they will get as much pleasure out of each other as I did when growing up alongside dogs. Its just damn hard work and such a huge commitment which I never reaslised as I was never soley responsible for the dogs I grew up with. They were always looked after by my Mum.

They are fantastic with my DS. He adores them. I got them when he was 11-ish. But even with other kids they are so gentle and will allow unlimited petting and hugs from them.

Oh flip, sorry for the rather long post! That wasn't intended :lol: x
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We have a 4yr old staffy. << Thays him laying next to AJ in the pic.
Weve had him from a pup and he's fantastic. What I will say if we were to do it the other way around and have baby 1st I wouldnt have got a dog. Too much hard work! Glad I got the hard puppy years behind us before AJ came along.

Like everyone else said baby gates are fab for separating LO's and dogs. I dont leave them alone together, AJ knows not to be nasty and Buddy knows not to touch AJ's things or take off him. They are great friends.

I have found with AJ having a dog he loves all dogs so were teaching him that all dogs arnt nice and not to go upto and stroke them.
I think its how you bring the dog up within your family and choosing the right dog for you.
My dogs will be going through a period of transition soon, to get them used to the idea of something else in the house!! I'm going to borrow a pushchair for a few weeks and take it out for walks with them!!

I'm a member of a staffy forum and that's what I was advised to do, as in, as soon as my pram arrives (which is next week) take my girls out alongside it. A lady also said that she played baby noises and cries to her staffies to get them used to the sound so as they weren't fazed by the real thing when baby returned from the hospital. Also one gave her hubby a piece of the baby's clothing to take home, still with the baby's smell on it so as it could get the smell of the baby, so as, again, the new smell wasn't a big deal for the dog. x
My dogs will be going through a period of transition soon, to get them used to the idea of something else in the house!! I'm going to borrow a pushchair for a few weeks and take it out for walks with them!!

I'm a member of a staffy forum and that's what I was advised to do, as in, as soon as my pram arrives (which is next week) take my girls out alongside it. A lady also said that she played baby noises and cries to her staffies to get them used to the sound so as they weren't fazed by the real thing when baby returned from the hospital. Also one gave her hubby a piece of the baby's clothing to take home, still with the baby's smell on it so as it could get the smell of the baby, so as, again, the new smell wasn't a big deal for the dog. x

We did that with one of AJ's babygrows when he was born. OH brought it home Buddy had a sniff and wasnt really interested.
We never took him for a walk with the pram but whenever I got new baby things I would let him have a sniff but he was never allowed to touch/take baby things and so far we haven't had even 1 chewed toy and AJ is 2 1/2 yrs! x
A dog should never snap. Ever. A child should be able to stamp on it, pull it, poke it...

:shock: I'm sorry but in no way do I agree with this. That is just pure animal abuse and children who are not brought up to respect animals. This statement saddens me.

Why should a dog take all that? Its a living, breathing thing that feels pain when hurt! The only way a dog can stop this bullying from happening is to react and warn by growling or snapping, and if backed into a corner, then biting. I would not expect a dog to sit and take abuse from anyone! Therefore my DS is closely watched when around my dogs, as are they too. My baby will never be left alone with my dogs (not even my DS at 14 is left alone with them). Also my baby, as is my DS, will be taught not to abuse any animal and to respect them.
We have 3 English springer spaniels, all under a year old! One of my reasons for taking early maternity wad to be able to spend a considerable amount of time with the OH and get their training off to a solid start whilst we have the time. They're all working five and just today we've had the youngest out in the field with the shotgun for the first time. She wad great. Although now she is out cold asleep, bless!
Is pretty much go with all the advice that's been given do far. If you had a puppy first end got the first few months out the way then had baby it would be ok, but if it was me now, is wait til baby was about 4/5 ish. Puppies are like babies, I remember my first few nights with my first puppy, I cried each night due to lack of sleep and frustration!

If you're quite outdoorsy type is recommend spaniels, probably more of a cocker than a springer though xx
Hi we have 2 dogs Brandy who's an Irish Staffie and Tyson a "proper" Staffie lol both brilliant dogs, amazing with our kids (and other peoples)

I personally hate how Staff's get a bad rep, ANY dog can turn and do serious damage, i agree all dogs need to be treated for what they are ~ animals~

Im very careful with our dogs espec with other people as you say "you never know"

IMO its how you treat them and bring them up, i do believe Stafies are known as "nanny" dogs because of how good they are with children

Wouldnt advise a puppy with a newborn tho just for the sheer work involved training them xx
A dog should never snap. Ever. A child should be able to stamp on it, pull it, poke it... You need to encourage lots of physical contact from a young age so the puppy just takes it on the chin.

That is how you end up with dogs attacking children.

We have 3 - a terrier, a bull lurcher (1/4 staffie, 3/4 greyhound) and an ex racing greyhound. Out of allof them, the greyhound is the best with children. He adores them! I think the fact they are messy and drop food etc is something to dowith it lol! The lurcher is a very good boy, provided i'm with him and the terrier isn't fantastic.
and I love her to bits now, but she was diabolical as a puppy!

This: is the face of evil.

lololol she's a true Spitz!!! Mals are horrid horrid puppies, really unruly. Once they reach 4/5 years they sort of calm down!!

Love her - she's gorgeous!!
Aww, thank you so much!!! :cheer: I think it was mainly me not really knowing what to do with a puppy as she was my first, she was an adoring, clever little thing.

A bit clingy and manipulative as well though, and that created problems because we resisted buying a crate for ages (didn't like the idea), but once we did, all our problems disappeared.
Cazza, I need you in my life! I have a chocolate Labrador who is 12 months, our relationship is a complete nightmare!
I don't know how to handle him at all!

I'm a very sad dog owner at the moment :(

I have a beautiful staffy called Kali. I love her to bits but it is very hard work having a dog and a baby! They are pretty inseparable but I would never leave them alone together. Kali is so good with ella though, follows her everywhere and very protective- to the extent dh was play growling at ella and Kali grabbed his sleeve and pulled him away! She definitely lives up to the nanny dog reputation! She's not good with other dogs though which is another added stress :-(
I think Sarah makes an excellent point, kids have to bought up to respect dogs. Children run up to my jack russel in the park cos he looks like a puppy and he's great with kids but I don't encourage strangers to pet him, especially kids, unless I'm right there. It scares me that some children are not cautious enough. Its a tough balance. I'm nervous about having our JR and the new baby, but they will never be left alone together and baby gates will be the way forward! Knowing how much work a puppy could be I wouldn't want to go there with a new baby to manage too!
I think Sarah makes an excellent point, kids have to bought up to respect dogs. Children run up to my jack russel in the park cos he looks like a puppy and he's great with kids but I don't encourage strangers to pet him, especially kids, unless I'm right there. It scares me that some children are not cautious enough. Its a tough balance. I'm nervous about having our JR and the new baby, but they will never be left alone together and baby gates will be the way forward! Knowing how much work a puppy could be I wouldn't want to go there with a new baby to manage too!

Funnily enough regarding teaching kids to respect dogs me and the dh have had this conversation again today with Alisha-mae our youngest, we caught her teasing Brandy earlier on and i resorted to showing her pics of dogs bites,

Some might think thats extreme but also did this with dd1 a few yrs back when we caught her teasing the dog, i believe my girls are old enough to know this and we explained very strongly this could happen to her if she didnt treat the dogs right

Dogs cant tell you when they've had enough the only way they let you know they aint happy is to turn xxx
defo go for a labrador they are they sweetest natured dogs ever, we have one who lets the kids pull him about play with him and he just loves it, he is so soft, he is great around my horses, one day my horse trod on his foot poor dog moaned a little till he got off and beleive me it bloody hurts x x but he would never of bit him.

He loves cats other dogs, water anything. and he is very obedient too

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