*August Mummys - Our Tri3 Thread*

I didnt pick a name till he was born.
There was a woman in the bed next to me on the ward who hadnt got a name for her daughter and said she wont name her untill she had to register her at 6 weeks!
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Eeeeee good luck Almeria, Georgie and Tracey! :yay: All these August mummies popping now, I almost feel a little bit sad after all we've been through together! :cry: All the best to everyone xx
So do we move to September thread now?? Oh I always knew I was going to be a September mummy. My original due date was 3rd September so that's my aim now ha ha.

Its sad to see us August mummies all at the end of our journey eh? I feel like I know you all.....

Got midwife coming at 3pm today to my house to do another sweep - hopefully she can start things off for me again. My hubby on nightshift tonight though.....
Will he not be able to get cover if you go in labour whilst hes working? Have you got another birth partner just in case. Im going to miss our thread now that its september
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Yay so Almeria has had here little boy :)

Any news Tracey? Fingers crossed baby's here soon

Anyone heard from Georgie?

I can't believe we're in September already x
Ive really loved sharing this journey with you all.

I will keep looking in on the september thread to see how Tracey is getting on whilst i wait for a text to say shes in labour.
Same here, even though I didn't post a lot I always read what was going on. Maybe we should have a thread in Baby and Toddler? X

Tracey can't wait to hear your news xx
Thanks girls!! Lurking in between both threads I dont know where I belong he he....

I got my 2nd sweep today at 5pm when midwife visited me at home. I am now 2-3 cms dilated and she gave me a good sweep. Membrane intact and now they leave me alone till maybe Wednesday next week. They did say Tuesday but that's Joshua's birthday so I said I would not do a sweep that day.

I'm getting period-like cramps just like Tuesday and maybe they will again develop into contractions through the night but knowing my luck will fizzle out again. Back is seriously killing me I have hot water bottle on it now. Eyes are closing I'm so tired so better do what body tells me and go get some kip.

Will copy and paste this to September thread..... ha ha traitor that I am !!!
nowt happening.....back is killing me though. Waiting game
good luck tracey, can't be long now!!!!

i would love to meet up with all you guys in a baby and toddler thread!

Im going to start a August Mummys thread in baby and toddler, come over!!
did georgie get back in touch with anyone, not seen a thread...?

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