*** August mummies 2019 ***

Has anybody had their booking appt with midwife yet? I’ve just booked in but have an important meeting afterwards so trying to guard if I can fit them in on the same day. How long does it typically last?
Has anybody had their booking appt with midwife yet? I’ve just booked in but have an important meeting afterwards so trying to guard if I can fit them in on the same day. How long does it typically last?
I have mine tomorrow evening! I'lI be 6 weeks so am not expecting too much. If I remember correctly it can take about 30 to 40 minutes since they have to explain quite a bit.
When is yours?x
I’ve had some light pink after going to the loo. First got some yesterday dinner time and had it a few times since.
I’m besides myself with worry although I know it’s meant to be normal.
I never had this with my two precious pregnancies so I don’t know what to think.
When do you have an appointment with your midwife hun?
Hope the bleeding stopped!x
I have mine tomorrow evening! I'lI be 6 weeks so am not expecting too much. If I remember correctly it can take about 30 to 40 minutes since they have to explain quite a bit.
When is yours?x
It’s not til 11th Jan although I’ll have had 2 scans by then as I’m currently under the emergency gynae, as they had to rule out an ectopic and I’ve had 2 miscarriages this year so they’re kindly keeping a closer eye on me.
I’ll be 8 weeks then!
When do you have an appointment with your midwife hun?
Hope the bleeding stopped!x

Unfortunately it hasn’t stopped and got heavier. Too scared to go to the toilet.
I’ve now got an appointment at the epu tomorrow to check what’s going on.

I can’t lie I’m gutted and just hope this bean is ok. X
Unfortunately it hasn’t stopped and got heavier. Too scared to go to the toilet.
I’ve now got an appointment at the epu tomorrow to check what’s going on.

I can’t lie I’m gutted and just hope this bean is ok. X

I really hope that little bean hangs on!!
Keep us posted hun!:hug:
Has anybody had their booking appt with midwife yet? I’ve just booked in but have an important meeting afterwards so trying to guard if I can fit them in on the same day. How long does it typically last?
Mine took an hour and a half that’s without the bloods being done as she had no pink top vials
Unfortunately it hasn’t stopped and got heavier. Too scared to go to the toilet.
I’ve now got an appointment at the epu tomorrow to check what’s going on.

I can’t lie I’m gutted and just hope this bean is ok. X
I’ve been having the same issue even passed a massive clot thought all was over but still there in scan have a scan Wednesday in a hope to see some growth I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you
I’ve been having the same issue even passed a massive clot thought all was over but still there in scan have a scan Wednesday in a hope to see some growth I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you
Thank you lovely.
It’s hard to stay positive and not think the worst.
Hopefully some answers tomorrow at least. x
Has anybody had their booking appt with midwife yet? I’ve just booked in but have an important meeting afterwards so trying to guard if I can fit them in on the same day. How long does it typically last?
I have mine 27th dec and I’ll be 7+6 my midwife said it will take about an hour
Welcome to all the new joiners. Crikey lots going on hard to keep up.

First GP appt tomorrow....nervous and excited.

Can anyone who is not a first time mum give me some info on roughly the running order of appts to expect with NHS.

I know nothing other than a 12 and 20 week scan is normal.

A rough idea/timeline type thing would be super helpful.

Thanks ladies x
Welcome to all the new joiners. Crikey lots going on hard to keep up.

First GP appt tomorrow....nervous and excited.

Can anyone who is not a first time mum give me some info on roughly the running order of appts to expect with NHS.

I know nothing other than a 12 and 20 week scan is normal.

A rough idea/timeline type thing would be super helpful.

Thanks ladies x
it was 12 years ago when I had my first baby but I know that if its your first pregnancy and everything seems to be going absolutely fine you will only be seen at the hosp on your 12 week and 20 week scans, other than that you’re just dealt with by the midwife, she sees you more with your first baby than any other babies after that, if I remember right it was every 4 weeks or so, then if you get to 40 weeks and beyond she will see you once a week x
It’s not til 11th Jan although I’ll have had 2 scans by then as I’m currently under the emergency gynae, as they had to rule out an ectopic and I’ve had 2 miscarriages this year so they’re kindly keeping a closer eye on me.
I’ll be 8 weeks then!

I've got my 1st midwife appt on 6th January, but decided to visit the early pregnancy unit at hospital later this week to hope for confirmation that there is something in there, and in the right spot. I'm at 5+1 today, so not counting on seeing much.

Nausea started today, so I am trying to take that as a good sign. Still, the April mmc does haunt a bit.

Good luck to everyone that is anxious about their bean!
Well can’t believe I can officially join this thread, got my BFP this morning at 11DPO! Estimated due date is 29 August. X
Good morning all !
And congratulations EmmaN27!!!

Question to all of you...
i woke up at midnight with HORRENDOUS lower tummy pain... so bad it woke me up. Ended up on the sofa crying and thought I would throw up as the pain was so bad !
I have had this once or twice many months ago while not pregnant.
It feels like my tummy is contracting so much... can’t tell if it’s coming from my womb or bladder !
Anyways... pain was gone after. I still feel some cramping but have had cramping since I discovered I was pregnant ....
also feel so anxious today but can’t tell if it’s anxiety or morning sickness/ nausea (which would be kicking off first time!)

I have tried to contact the midwives (I didn’t book my first antenatal booking yet) but none of the numbers I have been given are answering !

Did any of you ever felt such pain at night ?
I am 4+6 today... not sure an early scan would do anything anyways..? And I have no bleeding...
fingers crossed this little been will stick :(

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