*** August mummies 2019 ***

Good to hear the scans went so well! I can't wait for mine now!x
Scan was amazing.
Feeling so emotional and couldn’t believe it. I have a little wriggler
New as the 7th August rather than the 6th

I can finally feel excited

Fabulous news hearyou . So pleased for you. Come join the excitement! I have done the same now 12 week scan is done x
Lovely to hear about your scans ladies! It's magical isn't it!<3

My cat is soooo clingy it's annoying! He's quite big and weighs about 16lbs. He always manages to walk over the bump, I think he's a bit jealous though... Poor thing!

Wow Nikki, estimated at 8lbs8?! But honestly, their guessing is not very accurate. I hope not, for your vajayjay!:lol::rofl:

Haha me too but if genetics play a part it's likely to be a chunky monkey. I was 9lb5!!
Haha me too but if genetics play a part it's likely to be a chunky monkey. I was 9lb5!!
Oh wow! Your poor mum!:lol:
I totally respect women who give birth to large babies. My girl was tiny 6lbs2 and I still screamed like a bear, actual quote of the oh after birth, don't think he would have dared say it during!:rofl:
He's trying to persuade me now into a epidural birth "like-normal-people" since he got traumatized by the bear birth!:lol:
But I had a precipitous labour, which made me lose all control. I don't even remember every detail of the birth because of the the blinding pain. Ouch!x
finally, FINALLY, catching up on some sleep! For the last three months I’ve been lucky if I get 6 hours, last night I got 9.5! Urgh! Thank goodness for that doctor who signed me off.

I did however have crazy twin dreams. As soon as i got pregnant I said to my husband “I don’t know why, but I really have a hunch it’s twins” after our first scan at 7 weeks showed one, i stopped thinking about it (I was very ready to say “I told you so” if there had been two haha) but still having twin dreams.

I think my psyche is messing with me at this stage haha
I was a big baby but my partner was a tiny baby so hopefully we’ll get something in the middle.
I think my all day sickness is starting to ease a bit... (unless I just jinxed it by writing this......)
I still feel very nauseous but it’s like my brain woke up and I am the « real me » again during a bigger part of the day!
11 days until my 12seeks scan an counting... so excited and worried at the same time!
I still have strong right sided pain so hopefully this is a good sign baby’s growing!
The fatigue is starting to wear off too. I think the second trimester is going to be much easier to cope with!

I'm having a stuff-my-face day today. Can't stop eating!:shhh:

Have a lovely day ladies! :wave:
So jealous of you all, my scan will be last of all of us, 19 February, should be 13 weeks then! X
Anyone in this thread wants to join my WhatsApp group chat I've made? (Anyone can join, whatever your DD is) if so please private message me your mobile number. (Must have WhatsApp) x
Anyone in this thread wants to join my WhatsApp group chat I've made? (Anyone can join, whatever your DD is) if so please private message me your mobile number. (Must have WhatsApp) x

No thanks Charlotte, I get crazy when my phone doesn't stop buzzing. Plus with so many people, it's hard to keep up.
What is your due date, so I can add it to the calendar.x
Anyone suffering with piles? How do you get rid of it? :( x
Anyone suffering with piles? How do you get rid of it? :( x

I haven’t had through pregnancy, but I’ve had before, and a squatty potty made a massive difference. Wouldn’t be without one now. If you’ve not heard of them, it’s basically a little step you put your feet on when you’re on the loo, and it makes everything move a lot easier, which helps with the piles. I also found using aloe Vera loo roll when they were bad helpful, didn’t get rid, but helped stop them getting irritated.
Anyone suffering with piles? How do you get rid of it? :( x
Maybe you can ask your midwife next time you see her. It's quite common apparently. My aunt had to have them surgically removed but they were huge and painful.
A friend used a cream to reduce the swelling, I think it was called hirudoid cream. She used it during pregnancy so I think it's probably safe to use.
Steroid nasal sprays but you can't use them pregnant! Nightmare I know I'm the same at the moment xx
Can you use a colloidal silver nasal spray? That would kill germs in the nasal passage. (Health food stores carry them)
Maybe you can ask your midwife next time you see her. It's quite common apparently. My aunt had to have them surgically removed but they were huge and painful.
A friend used a cream to reduce the swelling, I think it was called hirudoid cream. She used it during pregnancy so I think it's probably safe to use.

Ah yeah, I’d forgotten the cream, you can get Anusol HC from the chemist which helps loads, but ask the pharmacist whether it’s ok to use in pregnancy. I just googled it and lots of people are told to use it by their doctors etc, but someone said it says not to on the packaging.

My clinic were really big on trying to get me to take Lactulose if I was having any problems ‘going’ which would help as well, it completely threw them that I’m lactose intolerant though :-o lost count of how many times I had to explain “it will not do what you think it will do!”
No thanks Charlotte, I get crazy when my phone doesn't stop buzzing. Plus with so many people, it's hard to keep up.
What is your due date, so I can add it to the calendar.x
Mine (original) due date is 19thMarch, but im having a booked/planned Csection on 28thFeb x
Hi ladies.
I'm struggling a wee bit to really connect with this second pregnancy.
The first time, I remember proudly announcing to my parents that the baby was now the size of a sesame seed!
This time, I just feel rotten. I feel ill all the time and I've had an upset stomach (putting it mildly!) since before I even found out.

Last time was unplanned but I was so excited. This time, we planned for over a year. Now it's finally happening and I just feel... flat. I just want the rotten feelings to go away. I keep convincing myself I'm going to miscarry, that something is wrong, that this is just my body's way of pre-warning me.

I just don't feel how I thought I would :(
Mine (original) due date is 19thMarch, but im having a booked/planned Csection on 28thFeb x
Uh ok, maybe you could ask mummies in your march group?
Inviting 100+ ppl on a WhatsApp group is very confusing, maybe you could start a March babies group on Facebook and ask those mummies to join you?x
Hi ladies.
I'm struggling a wee bit to really connect with this second pregnancy.
The first time, I remember proudly announcing to my parents that the baby was now the size of a sesame seed!
This time, I just feel rotten. I feel ill all the time and I've had an upset stomach (putting it mildly!) since before I even found out.

Last time was unplanned but I was so excited. This time, we planned for over a year. Now it's finally happening and I just feel... flat. I just want the rotten feelings to go away. I keep convincing myself I'm going to miscarry, that something is wrong, that this is just my body's way of pre-warning me.

I just don't feel how I thought I would :(

I don't have any advice hun....
Hope you feel better soon!:hug:

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