*** August mummies 2019 ***

I have my scan tomorrow! I’m so nervous/excited

I’m sure I read you turn a corner and start to feel better about 10 weeks cuz that’s when baby starts using the placenta rather than sucking the life out of you lol. I shit myself whenever my symptoms wear off for abit though! So I can’t talk lol
I have a very annoying pain on my right side. It was there a while ago. Then went. Then came back today.
It’s absolutely tolerable and I strongly hope it is my round ligament...
luckily meeting the midwife tomorrow. Wonder if that would send me straight for a scan?

Any one with one sided pain?
Good luck with your midwives appointment @Anna@work.

I’m really hoping that the 10 week hump thing is true :-) I could really do with a break haha.

So I was talking to my husband about my bump being big so early :-) and I think he may have been on google he told me with great confidence, not to worry, we’ve probably got the dates wrong and it’s further along than we think, and it’ll just be born earlier. I got the giggles, and ask him if he remembered the whole IVF thing when he watched them transfer an embryo. On a specific date. :) Daft sod.

Also after a friend doing a full blown panic on us about how fast NCT classes book up, I just booked (and paid for :-o) ours. It seems stupidly early.

Let us know how your scan goes @Dinkydizzy
Can’t wait to hear about your scan dinkdizzy! X
Had my midwife appointment!
She was quite nice I have to admit knowing that I burst into tears as I walked in the room as I felt so sick. Felt much relief afterwards !
Thanks to the hormones pushing me on this emotional roller coaster !

I did tell her after 10 minutes when she mentioned the scans that I wanted it in a different hospital than the one they are linked to (as I work at that other hospital it’s just much easier!)
And she turned! She was so annoyed. Telling me how much more paperwork she would have to do and telling me I should have told her before! I did apologise and said I told the lady on the phone when I made the initial booking!!

All of a sudden after this she started speeding everything up talking really fast etc. I could really feel how annoyed she was as she insisted on how busy her clinic was today and that last time I wasn’t pregnant I didn’t ask for this etc. I insisted this wasn’t my decision anyways :-D si she will book everything at the hospital of my choice!

I mentioned my anxiety about miscarry and the bad right sided pin I have had. But she said I had nothing to worry about and that I will have my scan at 12 weeks like everybody else!

I’ll book a private one this afternoon hopefully for this week!!
What are NCT classes Katiepie? I don't live in the UK!

I don't get why the midwife was so annoyed about it Anna@work it will mean less work for her once you're transferred!:lol:
Hopefully you will get your private scan soon! Fx!x
Baby has a heartbeat :) never been happier lol, 9+3 I’m measurinf so new EDD of August 11th altho she said it will be properly confirmed when I’m scanned again in 3 weeks :)
Congratulations dinkydizzy!
I am on the website to book mine and hesitate getting it this weeke or wait for 9 weeks to see a bit more!! So happy for you!
Congratulations dinkydizzy!
I am on the website to book mine and hesitate getting it this weeke or wait for 9 weeks to see a bit more!! So happy for you!
Not gonna lie, baby is still abit of a blob right now lol, just waiting for the picture to get printed off and I’ll show you all x
I’ve got scans at 12,16,20,28 and 36 too sonfeeling a lot more relaxed :) x
Awww look at Blobert!:lol:
So happy to hear all is well! Now you can relax a bit more!:cheer:
I have booked my private scan for Monday !! :)
Hopefully I’ll feel as exited as you dinkydizzy!!!

I love the name blobert!!!
Had my midwife appointment!
She was quite nice I have to admit knowing that I burst into tears as I walked in the room as I felt so sick. Felt much relief afterwards !
Thanks to the hormones pushing me on this emotional roller coaster !

I did tell her after 10 minutes when she mentioned the scans that I wanted it in a different hospital than the one they are linked to (as I work at that other hospital it’s just much easier!)
And she turned! She was so annoyed. Telling me how much more paperwork she would have to do and telling me I should have told her before! I did apologise and said I told the lady on the phone when I made the initial booking!!

All of a sudden after this she started speeding everything up talking really fast etc. I could really feel how annoyed she was as she insisted on how busy her clinic was today and that last time I wasn’t pregnant I didn’t ask for this etc. I insisted this wasn’t my decision anyways :-D si she will book everything at the hospital of my choice!

I mentioned my anxiety about miscarry and the bad right sided pin I have had. But she said I had nothing to worry about and that I will have my scan at 12 weeks like everybody else!

I’ll book a private one this afternoon hopefully for this week!!

I'm so sorry you had such a crappy experience :(

Early reassurance scans are wonderful I had one with my son. I'm considering another x
That’s great that you are getting that many scans x
I have booked my private scan for Monday !! :)
Hopefully I’ll feel as exited as you dinkydizzy!!!

I love the name blobert!!!
Good luck! And hopefully your next midwife will be less of a cowbag lol x
That’s great that you are getting that many scans x
They want to keep and eye on my cervix length, they don’t know why I had a late miscarraige, the hospital never scanned me until after I had the miscarraige, I was fobbed off with it occurring over a weekend basically and by the time my scan came round on the Monday my miscarraige was already complete so I think they just want to cover all bases
Also I guessed I’d be moved back 2 days as I ovulated on CD16, can’t believe I was so bang on lol

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