*** August mummies 2019 ***

@Katiepie I had a reassurance scan privately at 7+3 and it calmed a lot of my worries about ectopic for example....cos my cramps were one sided early one for a long time.

Only the last week or so have I let myself start to feel excited. I think 12 week scan and telling family will be the turning point for me. Until then I am studying every day for a bump but it just isn't there yet x
I had a reassurance scan booked for today but I cancelled it cuz the NHS sent me an early one out for Wednesday, wish I had kept it now though cuz I would’ve seen my baby by now lol
I’m embracing every symptom I get lol

Also tmi but last 2 days I’ve had a jelly like discharge, anyone else?

I've had it loads for weeks now, sometimes a jelly-like blob, sometimes ewcm. Tmi sorry! but i just went to the loo and had ewcm hanging all the way down. Yuck! I forgot I had so much discharge during pregnancy. I will ask the midwife tom if it's normal or not. Pretty sure it's harmless!x
Hi all,

Just popped in to let you all know I’ll be leaving the thread and the board for a while and am wishing the rest of you happy and healthy pregnancies.

Unfortunately they didn’t find a heartbeat at my scan this morning. I should be 9 weeks today but I’m measuring more like 6. I’ve to go back in a week for another scan and surgical management.

Best wishes and luck to you all xx

I'm so sorry Vespa. I can't imagine how it feels... Hope your family is there to support you...:hug:
I've had it loads for weeks now, sometimes a jelly-like blob, sometimes ewcm. Tmi sorry! but i just went to the loo and had ewcm hanging all the way down. Yuck! I forgot I had so much discharge during pregnancy. I will ask the midwife tom if it's normal or not. Pretty sure it's harmless!x
I’m glad someone else is getting it too lol. Never had it in a pregnancy before and yeah rotating between ewcm and jelly! From what I’ve googled it sounds normal, but still yak lol x
Today is such a tearful day ...
morning sickness is as usual but my emotions oh my....
I am 7+4 today. Seeing the midwife for my booking appointment on Wednesday.
I have a sick note cover until Friday but told work I would be back tomorrow. Which I now massively regret and I am still wondering if I shouldn’t just stay at home until Friday...

I am kind of hoping I would burst into tears the same facing the midwife on Wednesday as I generally do that thing... I see her and I am all smiles etc and regret it the minute I am gone... like a “why didn’t I tell her how suit I feel?!”

When I had my MMC in August all I remember is someone saying it measured 8 weeks and somebody else saying 7 weeks and a half. I guess this is why I feel so tearful today :(

I am reallly considering private early scan but keep wondering if it would be worth it... should I wait until & weeks? As this would then be later than previous pregnancy and give me a boost... it’s £80 and I really don’t know if it will make me feel better.

Opinions welcome !
Today is such a tearful day ...
morning sickness is as usual but my emotions oh my....
I am 7+4 today. Seeing the midwife for my booking appointment on Wednesday.
I have a sick note cover until Friday but told work I would be back tomorrow. Which I now massively regret and I am still wondering if I shouldn’t just stay at home until Friday...

I am kind of hoping I would burst into tears the same facing the midwife on Wednesday as I generally do that thing... I see her and I am all smiles etc and regret it the minute I am gone... like a “why didn’t I tell her how suit I feel?!”

When I had my MMC in August all I remember is someone saying it measured 8 weeks and somebody else saying 7 weeks and a half. I guess this is why I feel so tearful today :(

I am reallly considering private early scan but keep wondering if it would be worth it... should I wait until & weeks? As this would then be later than previous pregnancy and give me a boost... it’s £80 and I really don’t know if it will make me feel better.

Opinions welcome !
If you haven’t had your booking appointment yet, you may get an earlier NHS scan, I didn’t think I would get one as my midwife said I wouldn’t be seen until 12 weeks but I have been sent a scan out for 9 weeks, I know how you feel my lovely, I am terrified every single day, I did a pregnancy test practically everyday up until last week! I did have an early private scan booked that was meant to be yesterday but I cancelled it when I found out that I was getting an NHS one in the same week. I would defo book an early scan if you think it would help ease your mind, stressing is not good for you or the baby (I’m a fine one to talk!) definitely tell your midwife how you feel, it’s what she’s there for x
If you haven’t had your booking appointment yet, you may get an earlier NHS scan, I didn’t think I would get one as my midwife said I wouldn’t be seen until 12 weeks but I have been sent a scan out for 9 weeks, I know how you feel my lovely, I am terrified every single day, I did a pregnancy test practically everyday up until last week! I did have an early private scan booked that was meant to be yesterday but I cancelled it when I found out that I was getting an NHS one in the same week. I would defo book an early scan if you think it would help ease your mind, stressing is not good for you or the baby (I’m a fine one to talk!) definitely tell your midwife how you feel, it’s what she’s there for x
Thanks for your kind words :)
I just saw that I need a 30 pounds deposit (non refundable) on the only clinic who does them in Bristol.
I think I’ll wait until Wednesday and see if the midwife books me an NHS one first... fingers crossed !
If not I’ll definitely book a private on as I’ll be past 8 week anyways so I guess there will be something nice to see if it’s all good news !
Had such a rough one today it’s mad! Still haven’t changed out of my pj’s! And sickness is so funny it came up my nose hours ago and I can still feel it !

It is so difficult. I have a sick note covering me until Friday but feel like a “weak woman” not going tomorrow. Feel like all my colleagues who had kids in the past are judging me and telling each other behind me back things like “really it can’t be that bad” etc !

Are hormones known to make us paranoid too ? :rotfl:
Thanks for your kind words :)
I just saw that I need a 30 pounds deposit (non refundable) on the only clinic who does them in Bristol.
I think I’ll wait until Wednesday and see if the midwife books me an NHS one first... fingers crossed !
If not I’ll definitely book a private on as I’ll be past 8 week anyways so I guess there will be something nice to see if it’s all good news !
Had such a rough one today it’s mad! Still haven’t changed out of my pj’s! And sickness is so funny it came up my nose hours ago and I can still feel it !

It is so difficult. I have a sick note covering me until Friday but feel like a “weak woman” not going tomorrow. Feel like all my colleagues who had kids in the past are judging me and telling each other behind me back things like “really it can’t be that bad” etc !

Are hormones known to make us paranoid too ? :rotfl:

Awww, love those pajama days! But not when you're feeling so bad...
Get yourself a nice cup of tea and relax at home.:hug:

I would go for the private scan but let's hope you get your NSH one earlier! I saw the little blob again today, it's nice to see a heartbeat, makes me relax a bit. Maybe it could ease your mind too if you got a scan...

Hope you feel better soon hun!x
Thanks for your kind words :)
I just saw that I need a 30 pounds deposit (non refundable) on the only clinic who does them in Bristol.
I think I’ll wait until Wednesday and see if the midwife books me an NHS one first... fingers crossed !
If not I’ll definitely book a private on as I’ll be past 8 week anyways so I guess there will be something nice to see if it’s all good news !
Had such a rough one today it’s mad! Still haven’t changed out of my pj’s! And sickness is so funny it came up my nose hours ago and I can still feel it !

It is so difficult. I have a sick note covering me until Friday but feel like a “weak woman” not going tomorrow. Feel like all my colleagues who had kids in the past are judging me and telling each other behind me back things like “really it can’t be that bad” etc !

Are hormones known to make us paranoid too ? :rotfl:
Every pregnancy is different, just cuz one woman sails through one it doesn’t mean the next woman will! So don’t mind about what other people think and just concentrate on looking after you xx

Also at my hosp the midwife doesn’t book your scans she just passes your details on and the consultant/hospital send you out the appointments x
I'm just back from holidays - boy, the 2 weeks off were needed. Nausea is so bad I have been just laying on the sofa like a bloated whale. Feeling so useless and have no energy to clean or cook. So worried about work tomorrow - don't know how I can stay upright all day.

I'm 8 weeks today and had the first midwife appointment this morning. It went all well and I was told I can go to the early pregnancy unit of a scan before the 12 week one if I need reassurance. I definitely will. As you have discussed here, it will give some peace of mind. Too bad it is first come first served and might have to wait up to 4 hours for a scan time.

I heard about my first mw appointment accidentally when I called the hospital - did not receive any invite letter or email, or even confirmation about my self referral. A bit surprised, as it is a big London hospital. Also, the mw could not see my patient details online as their system was down. Seems a tad worrying, if they cannot get the basic admin right.

Does anyone else have this odd taste in their mouths all the time? Not metallic, but feels like I have not brushed my teeth for days, like this horrible sticky layer that I cannot get rid of by brushing. It comes back straight after, making food taste odd. Just had a cup of tea and it tasted horrible. Had this for a couple of days now and wonder if it will go away or if it is here to stay.
I'm just back from holidays - boy, the 2 weeks off were needed. Nausea is so bad I have been just laying on the sofa like a bloated whale. Feeling so useless and have no energy to clean or cook. So worried about work tomorrow - don't know how I can stay upright all day.

I'm 8 weeks today and had the first midwife appointment this morning. It went all well and I was told I can go to the early pregnancy unit of a scan before the 12 week one if I need reassurance. I definitely will. As you have discussed here, it will give some peace of mind. Too bad it is first come first served and might have to wait up to 4 hours for a scan time.

I heard about my first mw appointment accidentally when I called the hospital - did not receive any invite letter or email, or even confirmation about my self referral. A bit surprised, as it is a big London hospital. Also, the mw could not see my patient details online as their system was down. Seems a tad worrying, if they cannot get the basic admin right.

Does anyone else have this odd taste in their mouths all the time? Not metallic, but feels like I have not brushed my teeth for days, like this horrible sticky layer that I cannot get rid of by brushing. It comes back straight after, making food taste odd. Just had a cup of tea and it tasted horrible. Had this for a couple of days now and wonder if it will go away or if it is here to stay.

I have now been off tea for two weeks.
I am so pleased to read about that taste !
I have had this for a few days now and thought it was really odd !
It’s like a “rotten” taste... as you said as if I didn’t clean my mouth for days!!

I can’t cope with work at the moment so they’ll have to do without me...
Morning sickness is so misleading... ha. Anyone else feeling more rough in the evenings? Been okay most the day, just super tired and then baby decided it would make me throw up after tea and feel sick since.
I’ve got to work 11.30-8 tomorrow, and I’m totally dreading working the late shift. I think I’m going to see how I go and then if I feel rough again I’m going to have to tell them that I can’t do it anymore as I literally seem to feel worse more days after 6pm
I have now been off tea for two weeks.
I am so pleased to read about that taste !
I have had this for a few days now and thought it was really odd !
It’s like a “rotten” taste... as you said as if I didn’t clean my mouth for days!!

I can’t cope with work at the moment so they’ll have to do without me...

Oh, good to hear I am not the only one with the taste issues! I hope we get rid of it soon.
Morning sickness is so misleading... ha. Anyone else feeling more rough in the evenings? Been okay most the day, just super tired and then baby decided it would make me throw up after tea and feel sick since.
I’ve got to work 11.30-8 tomorrow, and I’m totally dreading working the late shift. I think I’m going to see how I go and then if I feel rough again I’m going to have to tell them that I can’t do it anymore as I literally seem to feel worse more days after 6pm

For me my nausea comes on about 3pm ish. I've found lucozade helps! Not the best though I know... I also feel really lethargic around then too. Looking at my diet from tomorrow hoping to introduce energy foods to stop the afternoon crash I'm experiencing.

Anyone look bloated and already pregnant? I'm hiding it from work at the moment until my 6 months probation is over. But that's April! Don't think I've much luck in that lol. I don't know what they're going to say to be honest.
I’m bloated already but I have a fibroid and it’s pregnancy number 5 so doesn’t really surprise me lol, can only just fasten my coat up!

I’ve found bananas help with my nausea and I only really get it if I’m over tired (which is all the time as I’m aneamic lol) if I eat too much or if I’m starving, so pretty much all the time
Morning sickness is so misleading... ha. Anyone else feeling more rough in the evenings? Been okay most the day, just super tired and then baby decided it would make me throw up after tea and feel sick since.
I’ve got to work 11.30-8 tomorrow, and I’m totally dreading working the late shift. I think I’m going to see how I go and then if I feel rough again I’m going to have to tell them that I can’t do it anymore as I literally seem to feel worse more days after 6pm

I feel your pain hearyou ....I've had a few days like this....sick after dinner so u eased off eating full meals at nighttime just had something small then an early night seemed best way to cope. I was ok the nights I worked late tho....I work similar shifts to you as I think I was busy....Altho the fatigue was not fun x
All those with taste issues....I've drank my weight in hot Ribena this last 2 week's.....clears the taste and has helped loads with my cold symptoms. Or also love a good polo mint to help x
@Anna@work ive really struggled with my mood, and anxiety and paranoia have been up there! I feel like I need a pyjama day, but I also don’t trust myself with just me for company when I’m feeling so up and down, so I’m dragging myself to work (I can get away with staring blankly at a computer and forced laughter at bad jokes at the moment). If it gets any worse I’ll think about taking some time off, but I’ve had a lot of mood problems with hormonal treatments in the past, and I’m hoping that it settles alongside my hormones as I go into the second trimester.

As for morning sickness. I end up throwing up every time I brush my teeth. Every. Damn. Time.

Also the bump has arrived! The last week I have had problems with clothes fitting and tights have become horrible to wear. So I’ve given up and brought some maternity leggings and a cheap pair of maternity jeans to wear under dresses. It seems really early (I’m 9+6 today) and I had to question whether I was just getting fat hahaha. I have pathetic abdominal muscles thanks to previous laparotomies so I’m blaming those, and winding my husband up by telling him it’s probably twins.
I gagged first time with the toothbrush last night ! Not fun !!

Had a tepid bath this morning as I felt awful. Made me feel better until i though I was going to faint while still in the water ! I ran out dried myself and went straight back to bed...

Damn can’t wait to need the midwife after tomorrow and tell her this feels like hell!!!

I wish I had an office job. I called off sick again this morning and really didn’t like the tone in my colleagues voice :/

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