*** August mummies 2019 ***

Hi ladies.
Hope everyone had a lovely new year
I've been keeping away from here as I thought it was all over for us. After our bleeding a few weeks ago I had some more about 10 days ago(4 days after a scan) they said it was just a yolk and sack. So been on egg shells waiting til yesterday for another scan:2ww:
Went in and the lady who scanned us was lovely. She asked us what we saw last time and then surprised us with a 8w3d little nugget:baby:
I burst into tears and some dust went into the OH eyes just at that point:lol:
Fantastic news!
Hi ladies.
Hope everyone had a lovely new year
I've been keeping away from here as I thought it was all over for us. After our bleeding a few weeks ago I had some more about 10 days ago(4 days after a scan) they said it was just a yolk and sack. So been on egg shells waiting til yesterday for another scan:2ww:
Went in and the lady who scanned us was lovely. She asked us what we saw last time and then surprised us with a 8w3d little nugget:baby:
I burst into tears and some dust went into the OH eyes just at that point:lol:

So pleased for you xx
Hey ladies,

So last night the pain and bleeding got worse, and I did end up miscarrying. I have to go to the early pregnancy clinic tomorrow morning just to be scanned and check everything. I won’t go in to detail, but I know I miscarried and the nurse I spoke to agreed.

I’ll be leaving the thread, but thank you all for your support and I wish you the healthiest and happiest pregnancies! Xx

So sorry to hear this, Rainbow. Sad start to the year. Wish you strength and fingers crossed for the future. X
I'm so sorry Rainbow... Can't imagine what you're going through... Sending you loads of hugs.:hug:
Great news Nicipoo! I have my scan tomorrow and will be 8+2, am curious to see what the little bean is up to!

Happy new year ladies! 2019 will be a memorable year for sure!:lol:
Well I have much sympathy for those of you who have suffered with bad morning sickness. I have had a lot of acid reflux and nausea in the evenings (seems to be bigger meal doesn't help)

Only been sick once until this morning....felt quest as normal when I woke up but having breakfast usually sets me straight. No no not today.....finished my bowl of cereal and saw it again 2 mins late lmfao. Oh the joys. Felt vile all morning. Just been nibbling on snacks at my desk at work...but I work in retail so can't hide in the office all day x
Ooo I’m so annoyed. After being discharged from the fertility clinic I was given a letter to hand deliver to my gp to notify them of the pregnancy, so I could be referred to the midwives.

I delivered it in person, on the same day, the week before Christmas, to a pretty surly receptionist.

That was two weeks ago, I rang up today to ask what was happening as I hadn’t heard anything, and was told “oh well we don’t do anything, you have to ring the midwives and sort it yourself”

Well it would of been nice to bloody know that TWO WEEKS AGO.

Honestly, all sympathy that they’re busy, I understand, I actually was a medical secretary for years, but it just about sums up that practise.

So I’m now spending the afternoon repeatedly nipping out of the office to the carpark to attempt to make a private phone call to the midwives. Which appears to be permanently engaged.
Well I have much sympathy for those of you who have suffered with bad morning sickness. I have had a lot of acid reflux and nausea in the evenings (seems to be bigger meal doesn't help)

Only been sick once until this morning....felt quest as normal when I woke up but having breakfast usually sets me straight. No no not today.....finished my bowl of cereal and saw it again 2 mins late lmfao. Oh the joys. Felt vile all morning. Just been nibbling on snacks at my desk at work...but I work in retail so can't hide in the office all day x

Nikkibiscuit that was me on Boxing Day... thought it was a one off...
haven’t managed to go to work since as I keep having food coming back up in my mouth.... shame food doesn’t taste as nice the second time around !

I have had such a horrible week :-O I have called my gp practice today. They have arranged a phone consultation about one hour after my call. And my doctor has prescribed me some anti sickness tablets as being sick all the time. I nibble all day makes it not as bad but still pretty awful.
I have tried to go to the shop earlier and it was an absolute struggle. I just wanted to get out and go lie down back hole :(

I’ll start those fancy tablets tonight... hope they help :(
Ooo I’m so annoyed. After being discharged from the fertility clinic I was given a letter to hand deliver to my gp to notify them of the pregnancy, so I could be referred to the midwives.

I delivered it in person, on the same day, the week before Christmas, to a pretty surly receptionist.

That was two weeks ago, I rang up today to ask what was happening as I hadn’t heard anything, and was told “oh well we don’t do anything, you have to ring the midwives and sort it yourself”

Well it would of been nice to bloody know that TWO WEEKS AGO.

Honestly, all sympathy that they’re busy, I understand, I actually was a medical secretary for years, but it just about sums up that practise.

So I’m now spending the afternoon repeatedly nipping out of the office to the carpark to attempt to make a private phone call to the midwives. Which appears to be permanently engaged.

I feel your pain I spent 3 days playing phone tag with the community midwife cos I work in retail so can't just answer my phone! Eventually she gave me her clinic times and I got her on my second attempt (of day 3 of phone tag) good luck
Ladies struggling with sickness, I really feel for you it sounds awful.
Luckily I’ve not been sick although I’m totally off meat now just the thought of it makes me nauseous.
I’m finally coming out the other side of chest infection which was especially miserable as medication options were limited. I have never felt so tired in my life, I can’t do anything but sit and sleep.
I had a scan on Tuesday which showed I was measuring a week behind at 6+2 rather than 7+2 which is a bit worrying. I can’t believe something as tiny as 6mm is making me so exhausted!
Nikkibiscuit that was me on Boxing Day... thought it was a one off...
haven’t managed to go to work since as I keep having food coming back up in my mouth.... shame food doesn’t taste as nice the second time around !

I have had such a horrible week :-O I have called my gp practice today. They have arranged a phone consultation about one hour after my call. And my doctor has prescribed me some anti sickness tablets as being sick all the time. I nibble all day makes it not as bad but still pretty awful.
I have tried to go to the shop earlier and it was an absolute struggle. I just wanted to get out and go lie down back hole :(

I’ll start those fancy tablets tonight... hope they help :(

Fingers crossed for you. It is a small price to pay for something so wonderful....especially when you have been LTTTC but we do get the rough end of the deal as ladies don't we lol.

The savoury nibbling def helps . .I feel like hunger pangs make me feel worse so if I can keep a little something grazing on the go that's the way forward. No big meals for a while me thinks x
Hi ladies, hope you are all coping well?

I had my scan today at PMU and saw our little peanut! Everything is where it should be and saw the heartbeat, relieved is an understatement! I only measured as 6 weeks not 7 but they weren’t worried at all and despite the all day puking, my health is just fine.

I hope this news might help anyone else worried about early bleeding. It doesn’t always mean bad news
Hi ladies, hope you are all coping well?

I had my scan today at PMU and saw our little peanut! Everything is where it should be and saw the heartbeat, relieved is an understatement! I only measured as 6 weeks not 7 but they weren’t worried at all and despite the all day puking, my health is just fine.

I hope this news might help anyone else worried about early bleeding. It doesn’t always mean bad news

Great news whippetmum! I had a scan on Tuesday with exact same results re: measuring behind. Glad it’s all good news for you :)
Hi ladies, hope you are all coping well?

I had my scan today at PMU and saw our little peanut! Everything is where it should be and saw the heartbeat, relieved is an understatement! I only measured as 6 weeks not 7 but they weren’t worried at all and despite the all day puking, my health is just fine.

I hope this news might help anyone else worried about early bleeding. It doesn’t always mean bad news

Great news <3

I still don't have much in the way of symptoms. I'm 7 weeks today at a guess. I can't remember how I was last time. Got the midwife on Monday can't wait. Be nice for someone to confirm it's real cause I still don't believe it :good:
Anyone UK based NHS had booking appt. I've got the maternity notes app with all my notes put on from booking appt. An appt made for you has just appeared for the 21st Jan.....Just says antenatal appt. I'm hoping it's my dating scan...she said letter would come in the post so I'm guessing letter will follow and maybe the app has just updated when they put the appt in x
Anyone UK based NHS had booking appt. I've got the maternity notes app with all my notes put on from booking appt. An appt made for you has just appeared for the 21st Jan.....Just says antenatal appt. I'm hoping it's my dating scan...she said letter would come in the post so I'm guessing letter will follow and maybe the app has just updated when they put the appt in x

Nikkibiscuit I keep meaning to say I think I saw your post that you’re originally from London and now in the sunny North East? I’m a migrant from London to Newcastle too!
I saw news about digitally available maternity notes, is there already an app you’ve downloaded following your booking appt? Fantastic that you can access it all so easily now!
Great news whippetmum! I had a scan on Tuesday with exact same results re: measuring behind. Glad it’s all good news for you :)

Glad you had good news also! Now if only I could make the morning sickness go away
I ended up being *rushed* into hospital from work with back/side pain, waited 8 hours in agony in A&E and the doctor basically told me it's growing pain, this coming from a doctor who was too awkward and uncomfortable to say vagina. Work refuse to do a risk assessment still I get confirmation from doctors, got midwife appointment 14th January. Why is it all so complicated.

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