*** August 2021 Mums ***

At least you know when it is now and can look forward to it.
I'm hoping once the worlds longest month January is out of the way the rest of the pregnancy will fly by!
Yes it’s exactly that! The first trimester is always dragging strangely. If you think it’s actually the only trimester when we don’t know we’re pregnant for 4 weeks or should feel a lot faster !
Hi Elizabeth! I feel the exact same way.

Trigger Warning for loss:

Tentatively dipping my toe in here. My husband and I have a beautiful little girl, Emmie, who’ll be three in February. We started trying for baby number two almost two years ago and have had four losses. The last of which was in September and I had to have surgical management.

I had been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic and they tested tissue from the last loss. Came back as triploid, which is where either two sperm fertilise one egg or one sperm fertilises an egg with two sets of chromosomes, so you end up with an embryo with three sets of chromosomes. Loss at 7.5 weeks, heart stopped beating at 6.5 weeks.

I am on progesterone pessaries (as was last time, but baby wouldn’t have survived or would have passed away shortly after birth).

Hoping this is our rainbow and we can complete our family. EDD 30th August!

Oh my goodness.
I don’t come on here much anymore but over the moon to see this <3 zx
I had my dating scan on Friday. Everything was fine and my due date has now changed to the 15th of August.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I had my dating scan on Friday. Everything was fine and my due date has now changed to the 15th of August.
Hope everyone is doing well.
That’s fantastic news !! :) I changed your due date on the first post :)

i la feeling a little bit better here although I am now taking ondansetron for the nausea. It sometimes works sometimes doesn’t but it is definitely nice when it does work. Saying that when I don’t take it I can tell I am not as bad as a few weeks ago but still shattered and fairly nauseous! It’s just a tad less debilitating !!
How’s everyone been? I feel like we’ve all been very quiet on here !

for mums who’ve had babies before, do you know how esrly we can feel movements second time around?! I feel like I am imagining things but when I am super still and super quite I get mini mini flutters and no ideas if it’s wind or baby!!!
This is my second baby but can't say I've felt any movements yet. I believe you do feel them earlier than with your first though. My friend is also pregnant and first felt hers around 15 weeks.
I'm with you on being shattered. I'm trying not to take naps now as they just make me feel worse.
I hadn't had any sickness for about 2 weeks and then today it started again. I do feel sick often though.
Had my scan yesterday and they measured baby to be 13+5! So they’ve moved my die date to the 15th :)

I feel a lot better most of the time all of a sudden which is so nice!! Still tired but a bit more human and not having to take so many tablets for the sickness !
Had my scan yesterday and they measured baby to be 13+5! So they’ve moved my die date to the 15th :)

I feel a lot better most of the time all of a sudden which is so nice!! Still tired but a bit more human and not having to take so many tablets for the sickness !

We are still due date buddies then! Glad you're feeling a bit better.
I had a bit of a scare at the weekend. Randomly started bleeding but baby is fine, I've got an infection.
Hi ladies! We had our dating scan yesterday evening and were put forward a few days on my dates - EDD of 27th August. I’ve had some guesses of the gender from our scan photos in a tri 2 thread but will pop them here in case you gals want to have a say! I’m thinking boy and freaking the F out as I have a girl and a tonne of beautiful girls clothes. This is going to be EXPENSIVE!! x

I’d say boy too but I’ve never been good at guessing !i am totally with you though! i have a girl. Wouldn’t mind bot or girl this time but would be so much easier if it’s a girl again !!!

is anybody having earlier scans before 20w to know gender ?
Also should we move to a tri 2 thread ?!
I’d say boy too but I’ve never been good at guessing !i am totally with you though! i have a girl. Wouldn’t mind bot or girl this time but would be so much easier if it’s a girl again !!!

is anybody having earlier scans before 20w to know gender ?
Also should we move to a tri 2 thread ?!
My gender scan is at 17+1 weeks! Couldn’t wait! Haha I know right! Gosh. It would break my heart to sell her beautiful clothes too. Hormones are not being kind to me! I was thinking that! Yes maybe we should move to a Tri 2 thread (as crazy as that seems!!) woo! How are you feeling Anna? Xx
My gender scan is at 17+1 weeks! Couldn’t wait! Haha I know right! Gosh. It would break my heart to sell her beautiful clothes too. Hormones are not being kind to me! I was thinking that! Yes maybe we should move to a Tri 2 thread (as crazy as that seems!!) woo! How are you feeling Anna? Xx
I have started the new thread in tri 2 :)

i al feeling a lot better and back to work which is actually really nice, keeping me busy!

i could wait any longer either and have booked a private scan on Wednesday next week !!!!
I just realised in your signature your little girl is Emmie Rose!
mine is Emmeline Rose ! How similar !!
I have started the new thread in tri 2 :)

i al feeling a lot better and back to work which is actually really nice, keeping me busy!

i could wait any longer either and have booked a private scan on Wednesday next week !!!!
I just realised in your signature your little girl is Emmie Rose!
mine is Emmeline Rose ! How similar !!

No way!! That’s crazy! I love coincidences like that.

Eeee so excited for your scan! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now too.

I had to go to the EPAC today as I had a little blood last night but baby is fine and kicking about. I am on the cusp of having a short cervix though (25mm and anything less than 25mm is considered short) so I’m back on progesterone pessaries and seeing the consultant again at 16 weeks. Nice to get extra scans but not thrilled about potentially being high risk. Not sure if that affects my ability to have a water birth or not but I hope not as it’s a risk of early delivery rather than issues during delivery.

Hope everyone else is doing well?

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