*** August 2021 Mums ***

Hi everyone! And congratulations to you :) I was hoping I could get some advice. I'm 25 years old and suffered a miscarriage in March after finding out baby stop growing at 4 -5 weeks at my 7 week scan. Ive just found out that I'm pregnant again (unplanned) I tested positive at 3 weeks 6days. I'm now at 4 weeks 4 days. But I'm struggling to feel happy. Reasons being obviously im scared that I'm just going to lose another pregnancy & also when I broke the news the first time to my mum and step dad the initial response was so horrible that I have severe anxiety about telling them again even though after a few days they came round.. I just dont want to go through all the shoiting and fighting again especially if I'm to lose the baby again. But it's really affecting me not being able to tell them. I've decided to not mention anything until I've had my first scan & know if everything's ok or not. I'm really fighting myself, my partner knows this but I'm was hoping I could get some advice from you guys :/
Thank you

Bella, first of all, congratulations!

This is only my first pregnancy, but I’ve been through many years of fertility issues, so I empathize with that feeling of fear. I feel it, too. I wish I knew how to make it go away and be completely optimistic. It does help a bit to focus just on today and not think about all of the weeks to come. “Today I’m pregnant.” is my new mantra.

I’m so sorry that you don’t have the support you need and deserve from your parents. Maybe this time around they will handle the news better. Follow your heart and tell them when it feels right to you. I am wishing for the best for you!
I had my first scan this morning. The technician found a gestational sac in my uterus measuring 5+2. Right on track! There was no visible yolk sac, though, which has me worried. According to my doctor, that’s normal, though. I was hoping to see more to boost my confidence that this is a viable pregnancy, but I didn’t get that, and I’m disappointed. Next scan is January 4th.
Having had a scan is fab in its own way! Means you can feel reassured that your pregnancy is happening in the right place. It’s so so early on there isn’t much to see :)
As maddie98 said try and feel reassured the doctor said it was normal. The wait is so long I know but it’s so so nice to see how quickly they grow!!
Congratulation :)

when are you due ?
Hi everyone! And congratulations to you :) I was hoping I could get some advice. I'm 25 years old and suffered a miscarriage in March after finding out baby stop growing at 4 -5 weeks at my 7 week scan. Ive just found out that I'm pregnant again (unplanned) I tested positive at 3 weeks 6days. I'm now at 4 weeks 4 days. But I'm struggling to feel happy. Reasons being obviously im scared that I'm just going to lose another pregnancy & also when I broke the news the first time to my mum and step dad the initial response was so horrible that I have severe anxiety about telling them again even though after a few days they came round.. I just dont want to go through all the shoiting and fighting again especially if I'm to lose the baby again. But it's really affecting me not being able to tell them. I've decided to not mention anything until I've had my first scan & know if everything's ok or not. I'm really fighting myself, my partner knows this but I'm was hoping I could get some advice from you guys :/
Thank you
First of all congratulations!! :)

I can only imagine how you’re feeling. I had a MMC at 11+3 the first time around. And when they scanned me baby measured 8 weeks... it made my second pregnancy only anxiety and couldn’t relax not feel happy. i then decided to get a private scan at 9 weeks... didn’t mean it would stick but I guess I thought at the time it would have still been a better thing !
i have been anxious all along until scan. I thought I’d throw up in the car on our way there but then when they found a heart beat during the scan it took allllll the anxiety away!!! i still felt anxious until about 14 -16 weeks I am not going to lie...

a pregnancy after a MC is never the same. But there’s often a rainbow baby at the end of it and it’s worth all of it !!
Huge congratulations and fingers crossed this little one sticks !!
Congratulations, Anna!

Hi! My name is Elizabeth. I’m new here. I’m 35. Almost two years ago DH and I gave up TTC after almost 8 years. We were told we had less than a 1% chance of conceiving naturally. We had a few failed IUIs and many monitored and medicated cycles. Nothing worked. I never saw a BFP, not even the faintest of lines. We decided IVF wasn’t for us. So we grieved the loss of what was not to be and decided to move on with our lives as a family of two and a fur baby (see profile pic).

Well... on Wednesday (12/9) I noticed AF was late. Only a day, but still. Late. So on a whim, I dug out an HPT from my old stash and took a test. And to my complete and utter surprise, it was clearly positive. So, of course I went out and bought more.

My estimated due date is August 16th. I’m sooo nervous to even say that though because I am still in denial that this is real and am so anxious that something will go wrong!

View attachment 91876
Hi Elizabeth! I feel the exact same way.

Trigger Warning for loss:

Tentatively dipping my toe in here. My husband and I have a beautiful little girl, Emmie, who’ll be three in February. We started trying for baby number two almost two years ago and have had four losses. The last of which was in September and I had to have surgical management.

I had been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic and they tested tissue from the last loss. Came back as triploid, which is where either two sperm fertilise one egg or one sperm fertilises an egg with two sets of chromosomes, so you end up with an embryo with three sets of chromosomes. Loss at 7.5 weeks, heart stopped beating at 6.5 weeks.

I am on progesterone pessaries (as was last time, but baby wouldn’t have survived or would have passed away shortly after birth).

Hoping this is our rainbow and we can complete our family. EDD 30th August!

I thought I would get this thread started! Please let me know when your due date it and I’ll add you on!

I can’t believe I am back on here exactly two years later! EDD is my DD’s Birthday

16 - QuackQuack :yellow:
17 - Maddie98 :yellow:
19 - Anna@work :yellow:
26- sparks31211

here’s to a happy, healthy 9 months!! Xx
How’s everyone doing ?! :)
Anymore symptoms ?

I started feeling nauseous all day long since Christmas EVE ‍♀️
How’s everyone doing ?! :)
Anymore symptoms ?

I started feeling nauseous all day long since Christmas EVE ‍♀️

Hi, Anna! A little bit of nausea on and off but not to the point of vomiting, just enough to make me feel generally unwell. And my boobs have been a bit tender, too. And I don’t think I’m imagining a tad bit of lightheadedness too!

My next scan is a week from today. Do y’all have any scheduled yet?
Last edited:
Hi all!

New here but would love to join!
I am 25 currently 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I am due on 21st of August! Excited and nervous!
My first baby, cant wait! got my first appoitment tomorrow.
I have health anxiety so I do try not to worry or Google anything! Reading some comments helped me alot already as i am experiencing mild cramping! X
Hi all!

New here but would love to join!
I am 25 currently 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I am due on 21st of August! Excited and nervous!
My first baby, cant wait! got my first appoitment tomorrow.
I have health anxiety so I do try not to worry or Google anything! Reading some comments helped me alot already as i am experiencing mild cramping! X

Congratulations! And welcome!

I’ve found some peace and calm after deleting all of my pregnancy apps and staying away from Google.

I’m looking forward to hearing how your first appointment goes!
Hi, Anna! A little bit of nausea on and off but not to the point of vomiting, just enough to make me feel generally unwell. And my boobs have been a bit tender, too. And I don’t think I’m imagining a tad bit of lightheadedness too!

My next scan is a week from today. Do y’all have any scheduled yet?
Lucky you!!
I’ve only just got a call from the midwives today. They’ve scheduled my telephone appointment on January the 20th (because of covid) and then when I hang up I need to go for blood test and urine test then only they’ll book my 12-13w scan!
I think I’ll try and get a private scan at around 9 weeks. Makes me feel more reassured after I had a MMC measuring 8weeks at 11weeks pregnancy !
I feel so so awfully nauseous :sick: I managed ok at work yesterday. We’ll see how tomorrow morning goes ! it’s so hard with a toddler I can tell I play a lot less with her and she’s a bit angry at me but I really can’t do much more !
Tired! Thankfully no sickness yet but need more breaks than usual.
Congratulations !! when would your due date be ? :)
Lucky you for no sickness ! Hope it stays that way for you!!
(I am happy to say I normally take for the team as I get violently nauseous for months !)
Hi all!

New here but would love to join!
I am 25 currently 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I am due on 21st of August! Excited and nervous!
My first baby, cant wait! got my first appoitment tomorrow.
I have health anxiety so I do try not to worry or Google anything! Reading some comments helped me alot already as i am experiencing mild cramping! X
Sorry your message Only just appeared on my end. I seem to have problems with the forum ...
I was so so so anxious first time around. I ditched Google and only stayed on this forum it helped tons! And i really started feeling more relaxed at about 16-18 weeks when I could feel like bubbles moving !
Congratulations! And welcome!

I’ve found some peace and calm after deleting all of my pregnancy apps and staying away from Google.

I’m looking forward to hearing how your first appointment goes!

Thank you! It went okay, wayyy to long though! Nothing special really, but i got my questions answered at least
I am mostly excited about my first scan so I can be sure and can share my excitment with everyone! When you guys have told people that you are expecting? ( or planning to tell)
Thank you! It went okay, wayyy to long though! Nothing special really, but i got my questions answered at least
I am mostly excited about my first scan so I can be sure and can share my excitment with everyone! When you guys have told people that you are expecting? ( or planning to tell)
Planning to tell close relatives and close friends after 1st trimester scan and results for dawn syndrom etc. telling more distant friends in some kind of social media appointment after 20weeks scan as we want to know gender and it will stop people asking!!
Thank you! It went okay, wayyy to long though! Nothing special really, but i got my questions answered at least
I am mostly excited about my first scan so I can be sure and can share my excitment with everyone! When you guys have told people that you are expecting? ( or planning to tell)

After so many years TTC, I couldn’t resist telling close family over the holidays. I emphasized that I am still in the very early stages. It’s comforting to know that I am in my family’s prayers and that I will have support if something happens.
Hello August mummies, I'm new here. I was originally supposed to be having an end of July baby but its been pushed right back to the 19th August!
Hope you're all doing well
Hello August mummies, I'm new here. I was originally supposed to be having an end of July baby but its been pushed right back to the 19th August!
Hope you're all doing well
Welcome :)
That’s a proper push back ! How did that happen ?! you’ll be my due date buddy !
Welcome :)
That’s a proper push back ! How did that happen ?! you’ll be my due date buddy !
I'm not entirely sure I understand it myself! Had an early scan due to spotting/pain. They originally couldn't see anything so suspected a miscarriage but my HCG levels continued to rise. I've had 2 scans since and baby has continued to grow and a heartbeat is now visible.
Its just much earlier than my LMP would have suggested. I've been told to expect my duedate to change again at the 12 week scan though.
Aw lovely to have a due date buddy :)

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