~*~April Testing Thread~*~ 2 BFPS SO FAR!!!

Everyone must be busy BD'ing!!!!

I'm on CD8 today, doing the SMEP this month so BD'ing CD8 (today) then every other day until +OPK then every day for 3 days. Haven't warned my hubby about this yet so he might be in for a surprise :-)

Have my test date as the 26th April based on last cycle but as cycle #2 off the pill this month hoping it might be slighty shorter, once O will adjust it.

Not long for you Sebbiesmum until testing - are you going to wait until 14dpo to test? I'm addicted to doing tests put going to stick to weeing on the OPK sticks!

Looking forward to seeing some BFPs on here! x

20th please for me, thanks you. x

Updated to here!!

Summertime- my will power is absolutely Zippo when it comes to testing so will probably crack way before 14 dpo! :lol: I am also addicted to weeing on things haha! Will probably have a sneaky test at 11 dpo! With our angel baby I got a positive at 9 dpo, so I'm wondering if this one (if there is one in there) Will follow suit! If not then yes I probably will wait the full 14 days if it's negative

Good luck everyone :dust:
Ovulated today :) trying to wait till after af is due but will see lol xx

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Ovulated today :) trying to wait till after af is due but will see lol xx

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Good luck Millie :)

8 dpo today and having really strong cramps in my right..so strong they were they made me say "oh gosh" out loud (would of been oh f*ck but young ears were around :lol: )..my cat seems to be very affectionate today nuzzling my arm and purring at me, she's never this loving at all so I'm hoping all this is good news! :)

Felt a bit nauseous this morning but that passed, and one sore boob when I lent on it..but also that's passed too and too much info again..but CM is none existent..im drier than Ghandi's flip flop down there :lol:

Praying for a bfp this cycle :bfp:
Oooooh cat thing sounds the most promising sign!!! My cats knead and sleep on my stomach when pregnant as early as tww! And never do it otherwise xxx
Will have to see if they do it over the next couple weeks but atm they only come over when Imogen is in the swing and asleep ha ha so they don't getuch chance! Xx
:dance:I'll be testing on the 19th if I can hold out that long af due 14th
Well my best laid plans are out the window as hubby isn't well so can't DTD and my fertile window is fast approaching but whilst he is then on a stag do.

holding onto the fact that cycle are longer than 28 days at the mo since coming off the pill so might ovulate CD20 or after when he should be back and feeling better!

Good luck for testing everyone, not until the 26th for me if manage to DTD so a long wait!
From my other thread I think I have a bfp (or the startings of one)..and just incase you can't be bothered to look.. here it is again!:


Good luck to those who are still to test :dust:
eeeeeeek congrats!!!!! knew it!

I'm 3dpo now and Imogen is asleep and no cats coming over yet haha so we will see! I might wait till af is due to test and just guess off how the cats are hahaha! xxx
From my other thread I think I have a bfp (or the startings of one)..and just incase you can't be bothered to look.. here it is again!:


Good luck to those who are still to test :dust:

Aaaah! It's looking darker today!! :dust:


Congratulations! line much darker today, really pleased for you!! xx
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OMG congrats Sebbiesmum! Told you a cold was a good sign- it means your body is working really hard to protect the baby already. How exciting :) xxx
From my other thread I think I have a bfp (or the startings of one)..and just incase you can't be bothered to look.. here it is again!:


Good luck to those who are still to test :dust:

Oh hunni!! Your symptoms have been the same even your last cycle .... what happened with your cm business? And a massive congrats to you sweet!! Xxx
Congrats SebbiesMum! I still hold to the idea that running the testing thread is good luck. So happy for you! H&H 9 months.
From my other thread I think I have a bfp (or the startings of one)..and just incase you can't be bothered to look.. here it is again!:


Good luck to those who are still to test :dust:

Oh hunni!! Your symptoms have been the same even your last cycle .... what happened with your cm business? And a massive congrats to you sweet!! Xxx

My body likes to torment me a lot when it wasn't our turn!, but this time it was our turn..Ahh the CM, it remained dry until yesterday when i had a massive flood of Creamy, Sticky CM and then today I got my bfp..So theres hope yet :)

Good luck everyone & Thank you =) x
Omg congrats sebbiesmum that's amazing news fingers crossed for everyone testing this month

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