*** APRIL 2021 testing thread ***

Ok guys, sorry for the gross pic but... Evening of 7dpo, I had a stark white hcg test this morning but now this weird egg-white milky cm is showing up. I had a long hold on this one, but didn't test as I'm planning on using fmu to keep consistent.

Is this promising or does it not mean anything? I've been very gassy/bloated this whole time and started getting little cramping pains on 5dpo that haven't stopped although they are very sporadic.

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I'm not sure what that could mean, but keep testing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is doing well. I’ve had a few days phone detox and just relaxing with the family and feeling much more positive now.

AF has just finished. My cycle was 30 days ish last month so I’m not going to start CB OPKs until CD10 which will be Tuesday. I ordered some cheap ones that should arrive next week.

Just checked March thread and saw @Littleperson BFP which is great news and gives me hope will happen eventually just need to be patient a d stay positive.

@Kris402 I'm not sure you can read too much into the ewcm and 7dpo but early to be getting a BFP so try and hang in there a few more days before testing xx
Stay positive, we've got this! Xx
Thankyou ladies. I’m cramping is that normal at 4DPO. It’s not bad but I know it’s there xx

@Clarkecharm the only symptom I got was the bleeding. No excess CM or anything. I’m barely cramping now to be honest I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had a baby in the last two years or if I should be worried. Guess I’ll see soon enough x
Congratulations @Littleperson!

Have tested for the last few days, all of them negative. 10dpo today so I'm pretty sure I'm out. I think AF is due tomorrow, no signs yet though.
@Clarkecharm the only symptom I got was the bleeding. No excess CM or anything. I’m barely cramping now to be honest I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had a baby in the last two years or if I should be worried. Guess I’ll see soon enough x

I’ve had barely any cramping at all in this pregnancy so far @Mrsbridge17 and was also wondering if it’s cos I’ve had a baby within the last few years, my first pregnancy I had literally non stop period pain and now this time nothing at all! Well it doesn’t seem to be a bad sign as I’m 12+2 now, sick as a dog and had a scan at 8 weeks with everything right on track, so I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about for you either x
I’ve had barely any cramping at all in this pregnancy so far @Mrsbridge17 and was also wondering if it’s cos I’ve had a baby within the last few years, my first pregnancy I had literally non stop period pain and now this time nothing at all! Well it doesn’t seem to be a bad sign as I’m 12+2 now, sick as a dog and had a scan at 8 weeks with everything right on track, so I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about for you either x

I am booked for a viability scan on Friday @night owl not sure what they expect to see at just over 6 weeks (minimum) but oh well! Hope your well! X
AF got me this evening.

I think I'll probably get another cycle in before the end of April though so I'll stick around, at the very least I'll be testing before the end!
AF got me this evening.

I think I'll probably get another cycle in before the end of April though so I'll stick around, at the very least I'll be testing before the end!
Sorry lovely xx
Finally reached ovulation week! Suppose to ovulate on Thursday and since my cycles have been pretty regular, I am expecting that to be right if not a day ahead. DTD last night and hoping to DTD the next two or three days to make sure our chances are good!

No real signs of ovulation yet so hopefully that changes in the next day or two. Fingers crossed!
9 DPO and there's some brown spotting going on this afternoon. Very, very light, only noticed when I went to the bathroom. Implantation spotting hopefully?

My HCG strips have been negative the last 3 days but if I'm implanting now hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday I'll start seeing something. AF due Saturday so.. fingers crossed ladies!
9 DPO and there's some brown spotting going on this afternoon. Very, very light, only noticed when I went to the bathroom. Implantation spotting hopefully?

My HCG strips have been negative the last 3 days but if I'm implanting now hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday I'll start seeing something. AF due Saturday so.. fingers crossed ladies!
Fingers crossed lovely xx
9 DPO and there's some brown spotting going on this afternoon. Very, very light, only noticed when I went to the bathroom. Implantation spotting hopefully?

My HCG strips have been negative the last 3 days but if I'm implanting now hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday I'll start seeing something. AF due Saturday so.. fingers crossed ladies!
Oh I so hope this is it for you xxx
AF got me this evening.

I think I'll probably get another cycle in before the end of April though so I'll stick around, at the very least I'll be testing before the end!
Aww sorry, good luck for this cycle x
9 DPO and there's some brown spotting going on this afternoon. Very, very light, only noticed when I went to the bathroom. Implantation spotting hopefully?

My HCG strips have been negative the last 3 days but if I'm implanting now hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday I'll start seeing something. AF due Saturday so.. fingers crossed ladies!
Keeping my fingers crossed xx

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