** April 2019 Testing **

I am being a pain today, sorry all!
I am going to add Omega 3 into the mix, does anyone know what i am meant to be ordering, preferably from Amazon.
Also got some Maca Tablets in my basket, i am going to start taking these too.
I am being a pain today, sorry all!
I am going to add Omega 3 into the mix, does anyone know what i am meant to be ordering, preferably from Amazon.
Also got some Maca Tablets in my basket, i am going to start taking these too.

im a cautious supplementer so i want for a 'normal' epa/dha dont like over doing it.
They have no after taste are yellow and full of liquid and quite big but fine to take

*edit also i have a lot more cm in my 2ww then ever before, believe these are doing that!
I just took a test which has a sensitivity of 50mIU with smu and got this.
I had a hcg blood test done last Tuesday which indicated that the value was of 8.
I don't think an 8 would appear on a 50mIU sensitive test and it's not a squinter either. Can I be cautiously optimistic about a new pregnancy??

IMG_20190408_113131862~2.jpg IMG_20190408_113123810~2.jpg
I just took a test which has a sensitivity of 50mIU with smu and got this.
I had a hcg blood test done last Tuesday which indicated that the value was of 8.
I don't think an 8 would appear on a 50mIU sensitive test and it's not a squinter either. Can I be cautiously optimistic about a new pregnancy??

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Kitana - i definitely see that line. I'm not going to lie i definitely thought you might be pregnant again, you have had quite a lot of symptoms, the nausea etc.
I would be absolutely over the moon for you if this was a new pregnancy.
You have another appointment this week right? can you get more bloods taken? x
Ladies - just need a little bit of advice please....
I have doctors appointment booked for Thursday that i booked 2 weeks ago because i had really bad skin, it has now cleared up (thank god) but i am considering still keeping the appointment and going to speak to them about fertility instead.
My OH thinks in my appointment i should exaggerate how long we have been trying so we might be able to get some tests done before we hit the 1 year mark.
What are your thoughts on this? shall i go in there ad be truthful and just be turned away and be told to come back once you been ttc for 12 months or should i say we have already been trying the 1 year.
I know 9 cycles isn't long (i am now starting cycle 10) but google doesn't help AT ALL!! and i am convinced something is wrong with one of us and we wont ever get our little dream. xx

I would tell them you’ve been trying longer because it can take a while for any tests or referrals if needed so maybe worth getting the process started just in case you need it xx
Kitana - i definitely see that line. I'm not going to lie i definitely thought you might be pregnant again, you have had quite a lot of symptoms, the nausea etc.
I would be absolutely over the moon for you if this was a new pregnancy.
You have another appointment this week right? can you get more bloods taken? x
I have an appointment next Monday with the gynaecologist as a follow up after the d&c. She told me to take birth control for 2 months but didn't. I'm not allowing myself to celebrate yet since I'm still not sure. But might get a digital later!
I just took a test which has a sensitivity of 50mIU with smu and got this.
I had a hcg blood test done last Tuesday which indicated that the value was of 8.
I don't think an 8 would appear on a 50mIU sensitive test and it's not a squinter either. Can I be cautiously optimistic about a new pregnancy??

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Kitana that’s a definite line! Keeping everything crossed for you x
Thats ok :) i dont think i got enough info either i wish they sent us a copy of the letter but didnt, all i asked about was motility as i was obsessed with it - i didnt know any of the other results :/ but i just remember she said the rest is 'great' but counts low and hes being retested. for us she recommended wellmans conception. ive personally added omega 3 & from today maca. because for us its only for count. did they recommend anything for you guys?
That’s just it didn’t recommend anything just kept saying adequate. My oh is really embarrassed about this all and he is very shy. He over analyses stuff so POSs blowing it all out of proportion. I’ve said he needs to call up and ask grow copy of results so we have facts. The doctor said keep doing what we are doing but didn’t ask about vitamins diet etc.
Thankyou for posting that link too xx
That’s just it didn’t recommend anything just kept saying adequate. My oh is really embarrassed about this all and he is very shy. He over analyses stuff so POSs blowing it all out of proportion. I’ve said he needs to call up and ask grow copy of results so we have facts. The doctor said keep doing what we are doing but didn’t ask about vitamins diet etc.
Thankyou for posting that link too xx

Id personally recommend starting Wellmans Conception as it was advised to us, altho he has been on it before and we didnt get a BFP then... thats why i also added omega 3 & now maca as im not convinced reverting back will help when it didnt before! unless of course there are other issues with us.
I agree get a piece of paper result. i will with the next one we have.
Char - I'd also be all for telling a white lie about how long you've been trying. Look at this way - if there's no issue you're in the same position you are now but if there is an issue you can be dealing with it quicker. Everything takes time in the NHS. We ended up having a few issues we weren't expecting. All in it took about 9 months from initial GP appointment for all investigations and procedures to be completed.
Char - I'd also be all for telling a white lie about how long you've been trying. Look at this way - if there's no issue you're in the same position you are now but if there is an issue you can be dealing with it quicker. Everything takes time in the NHS. We ended up having a few issues we weren't expecting. All in it took about 9 months from initial GP appointment for all investigations and procedures to be completed.
Oh wow, that has completely made my mind up now, i will be telling a little lie on Thursday at my appointment. Thank you @MoominGirl <3 xx
I would defo exagerate it a bit Char, you're only 2 months off a year anyway, and like others have said, it takes a while to get the ball rolling with tests. Hopefully you will get your BFP before then!

Kitana - I really hope this is a new BFP for you! :dust: x
I would defo exagerate it a bit Char, you're only 2 months off a year anyway, and like others have said, it takes a while to get the ball rolling with tests. Hopefully you will get your BFP before then!

Kitana - I really hope this is a new BFP for you! :dust: x
Thanks Em, really starting to believe it's not going to happen for me :( x
Oh wow, that has completely made my mind up now, i will be telling a little lie on Thursday at my appointment. Thank you @MoominGirl <3 xx

Our situation was slightly unusual in that there were potential issues on both sides and we ended up needing tests repeated. I don't think 9 months was too bad considering the number of appointments we ended up having but the time did mount up with all the waiting in between.

We conceived naturally in the end despite the dismal odds we were given so it really was worth persisting in our case even if it didn't feel like it at the time.
Thanks Em, really starting to believe it's not going to happen for me :( x

Ah don't think like that Char, it will defo happen, stay positive! I would feel disheartened like you too, but you are defo going to get your well deserved BFP! Did that psychic reading tell you you would have a June BFP? How crazy would that be if it come true! x
Ah don't think like that Char, it will defo happen, stay positive! I would feel disheartened like you too, but you are defo going to get your well deserved BFP! Did that psychic reading tell you you would have a June BFP? How crazy would that be if it come true! x
I was thinking about that too! I hope she was right! It was oddly specific!

Thanks Emma, I hope this a true bfp!!x
Our situation was slightly unusual in that there were potential issues on both sides and we ended up needing tests repeated. I don't think 9 months was too bad considering the number of appointments we ended up having but the time did mount up with all the waiting in between.

We conceived naturally in the end despite the dismal odds we were given so it really was worth persisting in our case even if it didn't feel like it at the time.
I think its amazing how you conceived naturally in the end. I honestly am starting to believe it really doesn't matter how many times you DTD when your ovulating, its all done to pot luck, and a laid back approach i think works alot for most couples. I am debating dropping my app this cycle and just using OPK's to pinpoint ovulation and taking my supplements. xx
Ah don't think like that Char, it will defo happen, stay positive! I would feel disheartened like you too, but you are defo going to get your well deserved BFP! Did that psychic reading tell you you would have a June BFP? How crazy would that be if it come true! x
Arrr thank you Em. I'm not sure why but this cycle i really am disheartened, i normally just accept that AF has come and wait for the next cycle to begin. I'm wondering if it is because i actually tested this cycle and see nothing.
That is one thing i am hanging on to, the psychic reading did indeed say i will conceive in the month of June and find out in July. I am praying it is true <3 xx

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