** April 2019 Testing **

Arrr thank you Em. I'm not sure why but this cycle i really am disheartened, i normally just accept that AF has come and wait for the next cycle to begin. I'm wondering if it is because i actually tested this cycle and see nothing.
That is one thing i am hanging on to, the psychic reading did indeed say i will conceive in the month of June and find out in July. I am praying it is true <3 xx

I think there's always going to be cycles that you will find harder than others, and we all had our hopes up for you this cycle as you waited until AF was late, so it's understandable that this one was tough for you <3

It would be amazing if that reading come true, can't believe we're in April already, so wouldn't be much longer if it did! If it happened sooner than that, even better! But defo speak to your GP for reassurance and to get the ball rolling on any tests they can do for you to put your mind at ease that there isn't any problems. xxx
Arrr thank you Em. I'm not sure why but this cycle i really am disheartened, i normally just accept that AF has come and wait for the next cycle to begin. I'm wondering if it is because i actually tested this cycle and see nothing.
That is one thing i am hanging on to, the psychic reading did indeed say i will conceive in the month of June and find out in July. I am praying it is true <3 xx

I’m not suprised you’re feeling disheartened, it really looked promising this month and you’re reaching that point where you feel the need for help and long term ttc is really really hard sometimes.

I hope your psychic is right! Was it an online one or one in person?
I think its amazing how you conceived naturally in the end. I honestly am starting to believe it really doesn't matter how many times you DTD when your ovulating, its all done to pot luck, and a laid back approach i think works alot for most couples. I am debating dropping my app this cycle and just using OPK's to pinpoint ovulation and taking my supplements. xx

We really had given up and I do agree with you that a lot of it comes down to luck sometimes. The cycle we caught I'd ditched all supplements except folic acid/vit d and was doing opks only. We only dtd twice that cycle on the day of pos and 2 days after. It really was the least hard we'd tried in 3 years. I also had no early symptoms and only tested because my period was late for the first time ever! I really had no reason to believe that that cycle was the one.

Even if we hadn't caught, stripping it all back really did help me mentally so it might be a good approach for you.
Thanks Em, really starting to believe it's not going to happen for me :( x

I think a lot of people feel that at times, try & remember compared some people you're very early on in this ttc crap & they did eventually get a BFP.
I think that you need to get DH on board as much as you can early on, he should consider taking / eating omega 3 as well - as for example mine was only really suddenly interested in supplements after bad results bit late then!!
I think its all too often blamed on the women, and i think its natural also, whole time i was so convinced it was my eggs that were bad or my CM it never occured to me once that DH would have any issues at all. and potentially its the only issue we have. but my eggs could be bad and stuff so who actually knows! you can get a private AMH done at any time £100- that will give you a really good look at your egg capabilities. (i know they use AMH as a guide for IVF so must be important & this is another test im chickening out of).
id also add COQ10, i take 500mg, so if your eggs are bad perhaps they will atleast start to improve now rather then later.
Id personally recommend starting Wellmans Conception as it was advised to us, altho he has been on it before and we didnt get a BFP then... thats why i also added omega 3 & now maca as im not convinced reverting back will help when it didnt before! unless of course there are other issues with us.
I agree get a piece of paper result. i will with the next one we have.
Yeah he’s been on wellman conceptionnfor a while and also omega 3. Xx
Thanks Em, really starting to believe it's not going to happen for me :( x
oh no char, you are a very cheerful and positive person, don't let this TTC get to you, it's only been 9 cycles for you right? It took us 1.5 years for our second and it can take even longer. I know it's horrible when you get AF and it does feel like its never going to happen. I really have everything crossed for you so it will happen for you very soon, lots of hugs x
I feel down and confused. Maybe I didn't ovulate or I did later when I gave up on the strips. I dunno I mean everything seemed like I did exactly when I thought. But I think I was wrong.

Like I wish AF would come. I also wish my dr would help me instead of not helping unless I miss 3 cycles in a row! Sorry just...blah. Not a spot of anything...nothing and I am now like 4-5 days late and had that neg test yesterday.
Thank you ladies... I'm so emotional, it's not helping! It's not full blown AF yet but am scared this is another miscarriage. I will test again tomorrow morning and see what the test says. Am going to have a good cry later, after the OH leaves for his night shift and DD is in bed.:cry:
Ladies - just need a little bit of advice please....
I have doctors appointment booked for Thursday that i booked 2 weeks ago because i had really bad skin, it has now cleared up (thank god) but i am considering still keeping the appointment and going to speak to them about fertility instead.
My OH thinks in my appointment i should exaggerate how long we have been trying so we might be able to get some tests done before we hit the 1 year mark.
What are your thoughts on this? shall i go in there ad be truthful and just be turned away and be told to come back once you been ttc for 12 months or should i say we have already been trying the 1 year.
I know 9 cycles isn't long (i am now starting cycle 10) but google doesn't help AT ALL!! and i am convinced something is wrong with one of us and we wont ever get our little dream. xx
I went to my GP after 1 year of ttc and told a white lie it had been 1.5 years and they referee me to fertility clinic where I went though all the tests and took over 1 year then I had 6 months wait for ivf plus another 3 to start so all in took me 21 months from referal, so I would highly recommend it as takes SOOOOO long
I think its amazing how you conceived naturally in the end. I honestly am starting to believe it really doesn't matter how many times you DTD when your ovulating, its all done to pot luck, and a laid back approach i think works alot for most couples. I am debating dropping my app this cycle and just using OPK's to pinpoint ovulation and taking my supplements. xx

I've tried charting everything to nothing several times and still not pregnant, I don't think it really matters.. Its all down to luck!

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