** April 2019 Testing **

Normal sperm densities range from 15 million to greater than 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You are considered to have a low sperm count if you have fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate

quoted :)
Sperm analysis is back. His count is 60 million, motility good but there are some deformities.
My oh went to doctor and wouldn’t let me go with him, he got back and said I wish you’d gone now. (Brilliant) he didn’t understand much of what was being said. The doctor was very vague about results and wouldn’t say of good or bad. Quick google and count is on the lower side of normal I think. He’s really worried about the deformities so we aren’t really any future forward and no idea if it’s good or bad results. Any ideas ?

Sperm Motility | Understand your Semen Analysis
these people are great. funny named website but great. have a look thru :)
ok so 60m is a LOT! lol mine had 10m! :/ if you look on nhs its below 15m thats a issue.
depends what deformaties you have? see i didnt hear results massively as at the start he refused to put the phone on loud - its when i heard her talking about options i said to him you put that phone on speaker NOW! and he did and i started with the questions she said qoute 'the rest great but the count is low' i would be more interested in motile moving sperm as thats apparently they are the ones that will do the egg!! did you get that info? example, dh has 66% moving. there was no mention of deformaties for us, our only issue was low count. Id try and get the %'s and what exactly abnormalties means
No he literally asked no questions. He’s convinced it’s his fault we miscarried. He’s worrying like mad. I will get him to call up and ask for percentages. Thankyou so much for your reply
Sperm analysis is back. His count is 60 million, motility good but there are some deformities.
My oh went to doctor and wouldn’t let me go with him, he got back and said I wish you’d gone now. (Brilliant) he didn’t understand much of what was being said. The doctor was very vague about results and wouldn’t say of good or bad. Quick google and count is on the lower side of normal I think. He’s really worried about the deformities so we aren’t really any future forward and no idea if it’s good or bad results. Any ideas ?

Hope you don't mind me butting in. I'm assuming he was at the GP. They tend to be a bit vague in my experience.

Get your OH to ring up and ask for a printed copy. We had a lot of issues when going through testing so I started requesting copies of everything. It was so helpful for comparing later.

60 million is a good count btw.

Hope that helps!
No he literally asked no questions. He’s convinced it’s his fault we miscarried. He’s worrying like mad. I will get him to call up and ask for percentages. Thankyou so much for your reply

Supplements like coq10 can help with deformities I believe.

Bless him! He must be feeling pretty sensitive and bad about himself right now. Just remember it only takes 1 good sperm! X
No he literally asked no questions. He’s convinced it’s his fault we miscarried. He’s worrying like mad. I will get him to call up and ask for percentages. Thankyou so much for your reply

Thats ok :) i dont think i got enough info either i wish they sent us a copy of the letter but didnt, all i asked about was motility as i was obsessed with it - i didnt know any of the other results :/ but i just remember she said the rest is 'great' but counts low and hes being retested. for us she recommended wellmans conception. ive personally added omega 3 & from today maca. because for us its only for count. did they recommend anything for you guys?
Thats ok :) i dont think i got enough info either i wish they sent us a copy of the letter but didnt, all i asked about was motility as i was obsessed with it - i didnt know any of the other results :/ but i just remember she said the rest is 'great' but counts low and hes being retested. for us she recommended wellmans conception. ive personally added omega 3 & from today maca. because for us its only for count. did they recommend anything for you guys?

I dunno what to do for my OH, he’s taking omega 3, but can’t take anything with iron or that increases iron absorption so I’m a bit concerned about adding things although I’d like to if it would help x
@Lollypop79 - i am sorry your husband is feeling so shit about this, i don't blame him for not answering questions it must have just been a massive blur for him. Is there anyway you can get him to call the GP and put it on speaker while you are there and get them to send a copy of hes results and what the deformities are. 4 ears are definitely better than 2.
I really hope you can get some answers soon and get on your way to making things better <3 x
Ladies - just need a little bit of advice please....
I have doctors appointment booked for Thursday that i booked 2 weeks ago because i had really bad skin, it has now cleared up (thank god) but i am considering still keeping the appointment and going to speak to them about fertility instead.
My OH thinks in my appointment i should exaggerate how long we have been trying so we might be able to get some tests done before we hit the 1 year mark.
What are your thoughts on this? shall i go in there ad be truthful and just be turned away and be told to come back once you been ttc for 12 months or should i say we have already been trying the 1 year.
I know 9 cycles isn't long (i am now starting cycle 10) but google doesn't help AT ALL!! and i am convinced something is wrong with one of us and we wont ever get our little dream. xx
I dunno what to do for my OH, he’s taking omega 3, but can’t take anything with iron or that increases iron absorption so I’m a bit concerned about adding things although I’d like to if it would help x
My OH takes a multivitamin, Omega 3 and vitamin D daily. I wouldn't add iron either since men don't usually have an iron deficiency. Is he only taking Omega-3 as a supplement?
Ladies - just need a little bit of advice please....
I have doctors appointment booked for Thursday that i booked 2 weeks ago because i had really bad skin, it has now cleared up (thank god) but i am considering still keeping the appointment and going to speak to them about fertility instead.
My OH thinks in my appointment i should exaggerate how long we have been trying so we might be able to get some tests done before we hit the 1 year mark.
What are your thoughts on this? shall i go in there ad be truthful and just be turned away and be told to come back once you been ttc for 12 months or should i say we have already been trying the 1 year.
I know 9 cycles isn't long (i am now starting cycle 10) but google doesn't help AT ALL!! and i am convinced something is wrong with one of us and we wont ever get our little dream. xx

Tests take time tbh your probably already too late to do (what was for us) stage 1 tests the 2-5s and the day 21s. You could say im on cycle 12 now / this new cycle. No 10 cycles isnt a lot not not compared to so many out there. If they do tests it would start next cycle is all i mean to say.
Also you still have 3 before you hit the unusual fertility status.
Depends on your NHS things for us have moved ok forward . Im still waiting for my scan tho but from Febs cycle (i think) onward and some kind of test so far has been done every month.
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Ladies - just need a little bit of advice please....
I have doctors appointment booked for Thursday that i booked 2 weeks ago because i had really bad skin, it has now cleared up (thank god) but i am considering still keeping the appointment and going to speak to them about fertility instead.
My OH thinks in my appointment i should exaggerate how long we have been trying so we might be able to get some tests done before we hit the 1 year mark.
What are your thoughts on this? shall i go in there ad be truthful and just be turned away and be told to come back once you been ttc for 12 months or should i say we have already been trying the 1 year.
I know 9 cycles isn't long (i am now starting cycle 10) but google doesn't help AT ALL!! and i am convinced something is wrong with one of us and we wont ever get our little dream. xx

My doctor was willing to do some blood tests etc on us at 9 months but that was because of my pcos and family history of sisters needing ivf. I understand the frustration, 9 months feels like a life time and because my cycles are so irregular I’d only 6/7 cycles at 9 months!

Its up to you when you go but a lot of drs won’t do anything until 12 months. I’d also say get your oh to also make an appointment, for some reason they don’t always investigate him until after you, which is ridiculous as just as much Chance there is something wrong with a male as female!

I do hope that you get a bfp without drs being necessary though x
Tests take time tbh your probably already too late to do (what was for us) stage 1 tests the 2-5s and the day 21s. You could say im on cycle 12 now / this new cycle. No 10 cycles isnt a lot not not compared to so many out there. If they do tests it would start next cycle is all i mean to say
Yes i wouldn't expect to go to the GP and just be given tests straight away anyway but i would however like to get the process started as soon as possible if i could.
My doctor was willing to do some blood tests etc on us at 9 months but that was because of my pcos and family history of sisters needing ivf. I understand the frustration, 9 months feels like a life time and because my cycles are so irregular I’d only 6/7 cycles at 9 months!

Its up to you when you go but a lot of drs won’t do anything until 12 months. I’d also say get your oh to also make an appointment, for some reason they don’t always investigate him until after you, which is ridiculous as just as much Chance there is something wrong with a male as female!

I do hope that you get a bfp without drs being necessary though x

Thats so true!! Doctors were like we sha test you first then do him & (so far) its him like ... Sexist & if only IF no issues with me it was him so not always just the women but i think thats a general preconceived thing that everyone presumes its the women my mum for eg was proper shocked when i said what issue is so far.. i believe she also thought be me!
My doctor was willing to do some blood tests etc on us at 9 months but that was because of my pcos and family history of sisters needing ivf. I understand the frustration, 9 months feels like a life time and because my cycles are so irregular I’d only 6/7 cycles at 9 months!

Its up to you when you go but a lot of drs won’t do anything until 12 months. I’d also say get your oh to also make an appointment, for some reason they don’t always investigate him until after you, which is ridiculous as just as much Chance there is something wrong with a male as female!

I do hope that you get a bfp without drs being necessary though x

Thank you hun. My OH is well up for getting a doctors appointment aswell and i said i would mention it in my appointment on Thursday. I'm not sure if they like to see you together as couple or separately. I think i may tell them i am on my 12th cycle and see what they say. xx
My OH takes a multivitamin, Omega 3 and vitamin D daily. I wouldn't add iron either since men don't usually have an iron deficiency. Is he only taking Omega-3 as a supplement?

Yeah just a supplement, he has a condition which means he has far too much iron, he needs to give blood a couple of times a month to bring his levels down x
Yes i wouldn't expect to go to the GP and just be given tests straight away anyway but i would however like to get the process started as soon as possible if i could.

It wont be pos for them to test you this cycle is all i mean & they v likely will want to test you first, i personally believe its a process of cheapest first, lol. Its cause u have to be day 5 latest etc and it was very tight for us to get in i went in day 1 and i just v luckily managed to get a 2-5 test in time
Thank you hun. My OH is well up for getting a doctors appointment aswell and i said i would mention it in my appointment on Thursday. I'm not sure if they like to see you together as couple or separately. I think i may tell them i am on my 12th cycle and see what they say. xx

I would do that Charlotte, from experience the wait for tests once you’re referred can be months so better to get the referral in as soon as possible x
Thank you hun. My OH is well up for getting a doctors appointment aswell and i said i would mention it in my appointment on Thursday. I'm not sure if they like to see you together as couple or separately. I think i may tell them i am on my 12th cycle and see what they say. xx

This is what i would do . And i would just go in with your other half . Have him sit in / attend . What we did . They wont be interested in him till 2-5s/21s
I would do that Charlotte, from experience the wait for tests once you’re referred can be months so better to get the referral in as soon as possible x
Thank you hun, i was thinking the same. I would rather do that now then actually wait for the year to hit and then have to wait another few months for testing etc. xx

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