** April 2019 Testing **

So sorry to hear that @chattychar1990 and @Helen88uk ! Sending loads of baby dust for the next cycle.

@GeekMaker you're not out until the witch rears her ugly face haha I've ever thing crossed for you!

@SugaryIris good luck for Monday and the fertility appointment!

I almost dtd last night... Almost.. I'm due to ovulate apparently in the next couple of days but honestly... The time before we tried to do it our dd woke up and wanted cuddles immediately so lost her mind. Last night... Literally just getting started.. She's out cold asleep but has a bad cough, starts coughing and projectile vomits absolutely everywhere like a scene from the exorcist. I'm pretty sure we will never be able to even have sex again to make a baby xx

Oh bless her I hope she feels better soon! Can’t you sneak into another room and have a quickie?

Negative test today. I guess I just wait for AF to get here. Hurry up I say! lol

Sorry to everyone AF got and Geekmaker I hope you get your answer soon :)

Somehow I'm already up to CD28? This month has absolutely flown by. No idea when I ovulated so no idea when I should be expecting AF, haha. I'm guessing this will be a longer one though as my boobs are usually sore by now but they still feel fine.
Sorry to everyone who is out for April

We are trying to dtd every day from CD 12-17 so far it's going as planned but no idea if we will complete the goal

This is cycle 27...so when your feeling bad about hitting double digit girls .. Don't worry I am almost hitting number 30 .. Ahhhhh so depressing

My opks aren't peak yet so just got to keep going Not sure what this cycle would be like after ivf and loss, I was told it could be a bit mixed up .

We have a wedding this coming Wednesday so trying to look forward to that but I wish April would do one so I can count down to getting booked back in for FET.

Booked a wknd away for husbands bday in May and should be ovulating that wknd if this cycle isn't delayed . Hoping I get a positive opk tmrw but who knows.

@Maximus17 I totally understand that. We ended up laughing about it too in the end,

@SugaryIris shes been totally fine today its just a horrible cough and I guess she coughed too much and brought up her last bottle of milk. We can't go to another room sadly as we are currently living with my parents and its overcrowded here hahah xx
Sorry for anyone else who is out for April so far. @GeekMaker I really hope if AF is coming then it hurries up so you can get it over with and onto the next cycle. Fingers crossed she never shows though!! :D :D :D

I think I am on CD 22 and according to my apps due to ovulate in 3 days. The only problem is my app is all over the place at the moment due to a 60 day cycle I just had from Jan to March where I think it was annovulatory but I can't be sure as I wasn't tracking anything other than the dates my period were.

Out of interest, where in a cycle would ovulation usually happen? I mean roughly of course cuz everyone is different; xx
Sorry for anyone else who is out for April so far. @GeekMaker I really hope if AF is coming then it hurries up so you can get it over with and onto the next cycle. Fingers crossed she never shows though!! :D :D :D

I think I am on CD 22 and according to my apps due to ovulate in 3 days. The only problem is my app is all over the place at the moment due to a 60 day cycle I just had from Jan to March where I think it was annovulatory but I can't be sure as I wasn't tracking anything other than the dates my period were.

Out of interest, where in a cycle would ovulation usually happen? I mean roughly of course cuz everyone is different; xx

Usually about 14 days before period, it can be hard to predict if your cycles aren’t regular. Are you using opks? X
Sorry for anyone else who is out for April so far. @GeekMaker I really hope if AF is coming then it hurries up so you can get it over with and onto the next cycle. Fingers crossed she never shows though!! :D :D :D

I think I am on CD 22 and according to my apps due to ovulate in 3 days. The only problem is my app is all over the place at the moment due to a 60 day cycle I just had from Jan to March where I think it was annovulatory but I can't be sure as I wasn't tracking anything other than the dates my period were.

Out of interest, where in a cycle would ovulation usually happen? I mean roughly of course cuz everyone is different; xx
Ideally, on CD14, but that's text book ovulation. I have ovulated on CD13 and even CD18. It all depends on the LH surge and if the ovary is able to expulse the egg.
Sorry for all the bfns and those having a hard time, TTC struggles and infertility sucks balls.

That's me out. AF arrived bloody early making it a 24/25 day cycle. Think it's the DHEA so don't think I'm going to keep on with it anymore.
Sorry for all the bfns and those having a hard time, TTC struggles and infertility sucks balls.

That's me out. AF arrived bloody early making it a 24/25 day cycle. Think it's the DHEA so don't think I'm going to keep on with it anymore.

Sorry Sydney and everyone else who’s out :hug:

April hasn’t been too lucky so far, hoping for some bfps soon and that next month is better for everyone else x
Sorry for all the bfns and those having a hard time, TTC struggles and infertility sucks balls.

That's me out. AF arrived bloody early making it a 24/25 day cycle. Think it's the DHEA so don't think I'm going to keep on with it anymore.
So sorry Sydney...
Sorry to ask but what is the DHEA?
Sorry to everyone with a Bfn
I’m in the 2 week wait I think. No idea as i’m not testing but going to keep having sex just in case.
Usually about 14 days before period, it can be hard to predict if your cycles aren’t regular. Are you using opks? X
I have used 2 now...but I am new to this. Cd19 and cd21 and both negative but very faint line. Is there always a faint line or does it ever show up completely blank? I feel completely clueless with these haha to be fair I started so late in my cycle just to get a hang of them. My app says due to ovulate in 3 days but might not be accurate so I thought I'd use them these next few days and verify the accuracy of the app and maybe even make it more accurate for next month xx
I have used 2 now...but I am new to this. Cd19 and cd21 and both negative but very faint line. Is there always a faint line or does it ever show up completely blank? I feel completely clueless with these haha to be fair I started so late in my cycle just to get a hang of them. My app says due to ovulate in 3 days but might not be accurate so I thought I'd use them these next few days and verify the accuracy of the app and maybe even make it more accurate for next month xx

I always have a line on the but everyone is different, you need to be using at least one a day if you have any hope of finding your peak xx
I always have a line on the but everyone is different, you need to be using at least one a day if you have any hope of finding your peak xx
Thank you :) since my app says due to ovulate in 3 days I'm going to use them every day now for a bit. I'm trying to temp too but it's so hard cuz I get up at such different times .. Like I've been up since 5 and I nearly burst for a pee and my dd decided she wanted milk when normally she wouldnt be awake til about 9 so she was crying and it's not like I could just leave her while I take a temp . Xx
Thank you :) since my app says due to ovulate in 3 days I'm going to use them every day now for a bit. I'm trying to temp too but it's so hard cuz I get up at such different times .. Like I've been up since 5 and I nearly burst for a pee and my dd decided she wanted milk when normally she wouldnt be awake til about 9 so she was crying and it's not like I could just leave her while I take a temp . Xx

No you definitely couldn’t wait, poor little sausage, I’ve never temped, I tried to for a cycle but dh gets up at weird times to go to work and disturbs me and I could tell from my temps it was making them really irratic xx
I was due to test yesterday but didn’t, as I’ve felt like AF was on her way since Friday...had cramps and sore boobs, but no AF as yet!
Will test today, but I think I must just be having a longer cycle than expected (first cycle after first proper period since coming off the pill)
I was due to test yesterday but didn’t, as I’ve felt like AF was on her way since Friday...had cramps and sore boobs, but no AF as yet!
Will test today, but I think I must just be having a longer cycle than expected (first cycle after first proper period since coming off the pill)
Keeping everything crossed for you!! Test test test x
Sperm analysis is back. His count is 60 million, motility good but there are some deformities.
My oh went to doctor and wouldn’t let me go with him, he got back and said I wish you’d gone now. (Brilliant) he didn’t understand much of what was being said. The doctor was very vague about results and wouldn’t say of good or bad. Quick google and count is on the lower side of normal I think. He’s really worried about the deformities so we aren’t really any future forward and no idea if it’s good or bad results. Any ideas ?
Sperm analysis is back. His count is 60 million, motility good but there are some deformities.
My oh went to doctor and wouldn’t let me go with him, he got back and said I wish you’d gone now. (Brilliant) he didn’t understand much of what was being said. The doctor was very vague about results and wouldn’t say of good or bad. Quick google and count is on the lower side of normal I think. He’s really worried about the deformities so we aren’t really any future forward and no idea if it’s good or bad results. Any ideas ?

ok so 60m is a LOT! lol mine had 10m! :/ if you look on nhs its below 15m thats a issue.
depends what deformaties you have? see i didnt hear results massively as at the start he refused to put the phone on loud - its when i heard her talking about options i said to him you put that phone on speaker NOW! and he did and i started with the questions she said qoute 'the rest great but the count is low' i would be more interested in motile moving sperm as thats apparently they are the ones that will do the egg!! did you get that info? example, dh has 66% moving. there was no mention of deformaties for us, our only issue was low count. Id try and get the %'s and what exactly abnormalties means

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