Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?

Witch got me yesterday. So effed off!!!!!!!!
This is sooo frustrating. I don't know what we are doing wrong. People and their ' got preggo - first time' - really piss me off. I confided in a friend lately and she was lucky enough to get pg first time. Her little-un has just turned 1. He is extrmely cute. Bt my friend just doesn't understand the frustration I'm experiencing. Thank goodness for pg forum! People who say just don't get stressed about it - I wish I could scream at them to EFF OFF. Grrrrrr! I know they mean well but it doesn't help much does it?

I know exactly how you feel. It annoys the hell out of me these people who get pg 'accidentally'!! How can it be an accident I ask myself? I also get annoyed with people who are pg and moan about their symptoms. I would LOVE to have their symptoms & be in their position.

If it wasn't for PF I don't know who I could moan to, it feels so much better talking to strangers I feel. It's abit like counciling for

I have to now wait 2 cycles to try as my operation I cancelled his week is booked for 3 weeks time. :(
leeleekitty I hear you! It's so hard. I find it really hard to not cry Everytime a new person announces their pregnancy in the office. It's normally someone who then exclaims "well we weren't even trying but are thrilled!" aghhhh!
Then my friend said to me the other day, just chill out it will happen naturally!! Oh really? I have PCOS and have had three miscarriages - what the heck do you know love? Grrrr. Lol
Anyway, one thing I do believe is we will get there eventually. It might not be now and it might not be next month but our time will come and in the mean time we have to prep our bodies to be as healthy as possible.

After another BFN this morning I am prepping for witch to arrive. Still no cm going on for me, not even a hint of a line. Only thing in my favour is very sore boobs. A big thing for me will be my temp tomorrow which would normally drop around 11dpo

X x
Amber what op are you having?
I'm scheduled for my HSG in two weeks time if witch gets me x
Amber what op are you having?
I'm scheduled for my HSG in two weeks time if witch gets me x

It's an operation to correct a hearing problem, I was booked in on Friday 13th. But I was so sure I was pg even though I was getting :bfn: so the surgeon said it wasn't worth the risk. Then typically :witch: gets me today & I'm re-booked in for 3 weeks time. So me & DH have agreed to be 'careful' this month so I can get my op out of the way & then concentrate on ttc.

Good luck with your HSG.
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Lee lee I totally feel your pain!!

My friend got preggo on her first cycle after stopping the pill so although she also says the 'it'll happen soon' line I just wanna scream you don't understand!!!!

Thank god for PG!!

I just point blank don't believe people who say they got pg by accident. If you're not taking contraception then it's not an accident, is it?

I'm ttc in secret from everyone except very close family on my side and three very close friends(and all you guys on here of course!). If we ever get our BFP it will seem like it happened so easily but that's not really the case; I wonder how many of these 'surprise' pgs are the same?

Mrspc that's exactly what I think. They should be more careful & take more precautions.

Good luck with getting your bfp x
I could bash my head against a wall this morning. As you know I've had two BFNs on days 9 and 10 past ovulation,
I was feeling pretty pants about it, but then last night at around 7pm suddenly got very rosey cheeks and burning ears. Followed by, and this is a biggy for me, a nose bleed at 4am. The last time I had a nose bleed I was 5.5 wks preggo.
So I get up and my OH says, well that sounds good but don't test today cos you've only got a clear blue digi and no frers and you will be sad if it comes back neg (he listens , he knows the FRER tests are the most sensitive)
But what do I do? Yup, I tested anyway. Not pregnant it says in all it's digital glory.
So now I feel crap.
I'm also new to temping and didn't like my temps today. Yesterday I woke and it was 39.9 and this morning it was. 39.7
I temped at 5am instead of. 7.30 as was leaving for work early so clutching at straws that the time difference is relevant here? What do you think girls?
My temps have been 36.2 pre ov then up to 36.5, 36.6 for a couple of days then a couple of days at 36.7/8 then 36.9 and today 36.7 at 11dpo.
Might get a FReR tOday.
X x x
Grrr I shouldn't be let out on my own. Ended up buying a FRER whilst out shopping and I was that convinced this month was the one I did the test on the way back to the car. After putting shopping in car looked and it was a massive :bfn: really think im out now. No symptoms for a couple of days and the :witch: is due in the next few days
Sorry, Tink :hugs:

It's becoming a cliche but you really aren't out til the witch shows up, it could be a shy one? fx

I could bash my head against a wall this morning. As you know I've had two BFNs on days 9 and 10 past ovulation,
I was feeling pretty pants about it, but then last night at around 7pm suddenly got very rosey cheeks and burning ears. Followed by, and this is a biggy for me, a nose bleed at 4am. The last time I had a nose bleed I was 5.5 wks preggo.
So I get up and my OH says, well that sounds good but don't test today cos you've only got a clear blue digi and no frers and you will be sad if it comes back neg (he listens , he knows the FRER tests are the most sensitive)
But what do I do? Yup, I tested anyway. Not pregnant it says in all it's digital glory.
So now I feel crap.
I'm also new to temping and didn't like my temps today. Yesterday I woke and it was 39.9 and this morning it was. 39.7
I temped at 5am instead of. 7.30 as was leaving for work early so clutching at straws that the time difference is relevant here? What do you think girls?
My temps have been 36.2 pre ov then up to 36.5, 36.6 for a couple of days then a couple of days at 36.7/8 then 36.9 and today 36.7 at 11dpo.
Might get a FReR tOday.
X x x

Sorry :hugs:

Just have to wait and see, you never know?

I could bash my head against a wall this morning. As you know I've had two BFNs on days 9 and 10 past ovulation,
I was feeling pretty pants about it, but then last night at around 7pm suddenly got very rosey cheeks and burning ears. Followed by, and this is a biggy for me, a nose bleed at 4am. The last time I had a nose bleed I was 5.5 wks preggo.
So I get up and my OH says, well that sounds good but don't test today cos you've only got a clear blue digi and no frers and you will be sad if it comes back neg (he listens , he knows the FRER tests are the most sensitive)
But what do I do? Yup, I tested anyway. Not pregnant it says in all it's digital glory.
So now I feel crap.
I'm also new to temping and didn't like my temps today. Yesterday I woke and it was 39.9 and this morning it was. 39.7
I temped at 5am instead of. 7.30 as was leaving for work early so clutching at straws that the time difference is relevant here? What do you think girls?
My temps have been 36.2 pre ov then up to 36.5, 36.6 for a couple of days then a couple of days at 36.7/8 then 36.9 and today 36.7 at 11dpo.
Might get a FReR tOday.
X x x

It's so hard not to POAS isn't it! Try not to beat yourself up, are you 11dpo today? See if af arrives tomorrow & if your temp drops again.

Hope the :witch: doesn't get you xx
Oh girls this is doing my head in.
12 dpo today (well, 11 or 12 my chart isn't spot on clear)
BFN this morning :o(
Symptoms more hopeful than ever;

Very sore and enlarged boobs
Nipples looking kind of darker but in a dark red kind of way
Lower leg cramps
TRIPHASIC temps. This morning my temp rose to 37.0 making it triphasic on FF!!!
Very very emotional

Surely I would have my BFP by now?????

How is everyone else? X x

Vid how are you? X
Lara hunni, BFN here too... but I am not too disappointed as my temps rose back to 36.9 (after a dip yesterday). I dont have many symptoms, but the throbbing pain down there. Great to know that your symptoms are strong (Esp. the triphasic pattern!) - I have a very good feeling for both of us! :) Its just taking time for the stupid HPTs to pick it up!! :dust:
On the other hand, is being crazy optimistic a pregnancy symptom? :lol:
Hey Vid! Weirdly I also have good vibes about both of us, which is strange because I never have good vibes about me!

I am hoping that these are just shy BFPs for us! Interestingly when I read about the triphasic temp pattern it mentioned that this happens after implantation, so perhaps I got implantation on 10dpo?

Sound possible?

I will try and give you a link to my chart

How are you feeling now?

I feel rotten? Abit headachy and my lower legs still feel tight and crampy x x x
Hello. Well I got up to POAS and Clearblue Digital Pregnant 1-2 weeks!!!!!!!! In shock :-) Xxxxxxxxxxx
Hello. Well I got up to POAS and Clearblue Digital Pregnant 1-2 weeks!!!!!!!! In shock :-) Xxxxxxxxxxx

Oh fantastic, lucky girl and huge congratulations!!!!

That makes me feel uber emotional!!

How many DPO are you today?? x x x
I felt slightly nauseous in the morning and now my boobs are killing me as I am wearing a slightly snug jacket. Lower back pain has increased... all in all good things are happening :)

Yes! Even I have read that triphasic happens after implantation and it takes at least 3 days after implantation for a BFP to turn up. So 2moro or day after should be the right time for you sweetie!

I had severe implantation pain on Sunday and then a brown discharge and a dip in temp on Monday - so all pointing to Sunday implantation. No wonder I dont have a BFP yet!


And EssJayPea, congrats! :)
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