An awkward situation.

Thank you sammielou sounds like a good plan. Yeah I think if I did just list everything I would end up angry or emotional hahaha don't wanna be doing that! xxx
After reading through the comments and tinselcat pointing out the leaching part it reminds me off my ex and I moved to an entire different country and he still haggles my family from my sister to congratulating my mother in shop on the birth of my baby :/ I'd say gtfo while you can and while that type of person hasn't managed to leech on to someone else close in your life so it's harder to get rid! I would seriously move schools and not be bothered if it would freak me out that much!

That part where Russellm says she gets snappy reminds me of that vid going round fb where he tells a joke about telling his teacher to mind her goddamn mf business!

But that's what it comes down to it, there is no reason for you two to hang out your daughter doesn't like her or her son and neither do you so just tell her, I don't see the point why we should hang out!
Haha thank you very much! Agreed some people just dont know when to stop eh xx
Only just catching up with this thread but omg she sounds like a nightmare! You think she would get the hint wouldn't you?!

Just keep snubbing her etc x
Luckily her husband was there with their son this morning and my mum picks Sofia up on a Wednesday so I don't see her til tomorrow. Nice little break from her lol xxx
She sounds like a nightmare! I'd say that Sofia was really upset by what happened the last time the son came round and you don't want to put her in that situation again and force them to be friends when they're not.
I really hate pushy people!!
I have nothing to add that hasn't already been said but just couldn't leave without stating what a bloody weirdo this woman sounds like!!

Hope you manage to get away from her!
I've had a nice break from her over half term which has really helped regain my patience. She's already text me today... About to do the school run to face her for the first time lol! I'm just gonna play it cool today and if the psychoness starts again I shall be just telling her how it is. Xx
I think you're going to have to for your own sanity! How did the school run go? X
Obviously everything everyone has said is right on. I'll add that now that I'm a mom I have found that I have to force myself to be assertive and confident even when it's super super uncomfortable because I know what I do and how I am will be the strongest influence on my children. I want a strong assertive daughter so I have to be strong and assertive too.
Yes Kholl I agree... Well of course after picking Sofia up from school she pounced on me as usual and was all over getting me to agree to a play date! She wanted to pin me down to this Thursday and I said no. Simply no, she then proceeded to text me this evening saying "Hun I am free Thursday evening just thought you could check your diary to just see if you were as well" to which I replied "I have already said no, sorry" God some people just don't get the hint do they! Xx
Oh my, she sounds too much. I wouldn't have the patience for it!
How's it going now? Is she behaving a bit more normal?
I think just be a grown up and say you don't feel your children are compatible as playmates and no longer wish to socialise them. I imagine she will take offense be a bit off with you for awhile but eventually that's goes away and then you just have to be civil in the playground.

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