testing the new toy... Excuse the mess I am getting there...

helping mummy to fold the clean clothes away!!!
I just had a wtf moment this morning... One of Amelie's 6-9 m pants is short

I can't possibly get her 9-12 pants as even the 6-9 are falling of her

I know that she is beautifully growing but my pocket is fast growing smaller if she wears pants only 2 weeks and then outgrows them... Maybe I start dressing her only in dresses

she is still on 0-3 and 3-6 tops... And 6-9 vests and she better stay in them for at least a couple of months. I just bought her 6 vests!
Anyway we are going to the mall today and then the Christmas market and in our way home we will pick some Chinese food.
Tomorrow if the weather will turn up ok we are going to try the stroller as she outgrew the carry cot long ago and until now we used the car seat on the buggy that she actually outgrew too so we have no other choice than using the stroller and buying a new car seat.
There is a car seat problem as he next stage rear facing is from 9 kg and she is not there yet so in a big meeting with car seat sellers, the police road safety and the maxi cozi dealer they are sending us a head extension for the car seat

while we are waiting for the safety milestones to be reached to move her in the next stage car seat