Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

How is your wee cutie now? I hope you got a good night in. My baby slept loads after her 1st lot too. Didn't take a feed for about 6 hours which is a worry but I knew she'd tell me if she was hungry....and she did! Our next lot should be on monday but I didn't fancy it on christmas eve incase she became poorly so they let me wait until 3rd jan xxxx

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She is better thank you Gayle, she didn't sleep loads but I was happy enough that she stopped crying lol.
I have a weird problem with Amelie. Everyone struggles to get their baby to sleep trough the night and its usually 7-7 or 8-8. Amelie Dosent sleep through the night yet and I would have been absurd to wait her to do it while she is not feeding enough during he day. So she is waking once for a fast feed and I don't mind at all.
But I am not so sure I want to make her sleep from 7 or 8? Once that this happened I missed her terribly and my oh that's comes late from work was sad that he didn't have time to play with her :(
So we usually put her for the night at 10 on her swing in the living room where she falls asleep looking at a lava lamp and we carry her upstairs when we go upstairs. Until 10 she naps every 90 min and self settles in her Moses basket.

Am I making a terrible mistake here maybe????
I've no idea but I know what you mean. I don't ever put daisy grace to bed and leave her. I usually go to sleep then myself, or like you, put her in her carry cot until we are off to bed. Her daddy is only here with us 3 nights and often doesn't get in till late so he misses her too. I feel 8-8 is a long time to be without cuddles too but at the same time I'm greatful for the rest as I'm by myself its not so easy to get everything done.

Guess you just have to do what ever is right for you and bean xxxx

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I felt awful putting Cam to bed and leaving him up there all alone to start with. I made oh turn down the volume on the tv and sat listening to the monitor all night! Now it doesn't bother me at all. Its nice for me and oh to have some time to ourselves.

Emily we still get loads of time as Amelie literally sleeps every 90 min. So she may sleep 7-8 play until 9.30 and then sleep for the night.
I don't mind putting her upstairs for naps at all. It's only for my convenience that she stays downstairs until we go to bed all together as she practically sleeps at the same time with us. If I start putting her down at 8 for example for the night then I will put her directly upstairs but I doubt she will want to sleep so early the little monkey.
Yesterday she slept 7-8 and the 10-5, 5-9.30 at 10 at night she was playing on the jamperoo with my oh until I scooped her out of his claws and put her in her swing to fall asleep lol.
I suppose I will start considering putting her down earlier but it Dosent help that she is not tired enough at that h as she sleep so much during the day. It's impossible though to make her stay awake more than 90 min in one go during the day as she starts crying and rubbing her eyes and yawning her head off...
Hard work those beans are :lol:
They certainly are!!

At the end of the day hun, you need to do what works for you. If all going to bed at the same time works best then do that. There's no right or wrong, its all individual personal preference.

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1356172607.244411.jpg testing the new toy... Excuse the mess I am getting there...
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1356172676.702323.jpg helping mummy to fold the clean clothes away!!!

I just had a wtf moment this morning... One of Amelie's 6-9 m pants is short :roll::shock: I can't possibly get her 9-12 pants as even the 6-9 are falling of her :wall: I know that she is beautifully growing but my pocket is fast growing smaller if she wears pants only 2 weeks and then outgrows them... Maybe I start dressing her only in dresses :roll: she is still on 0-3 and 3-6 tops... And 6-9 vests and she better stay in them for at least a couple of months. I just bought her 6 vests!
Anyway we are going to the mall today and then the Christmas market and in our way home we will pick some Chinese food.
Tomorrow if the weather will turn up ok we are going to try the stroller as she outgrew the carry cot long ago and until now we used the car seat on the buggy that she actually outgrew too so we have no other choice than using the stroller and buying a new car seat.
There is a car seat problem as he next stage rear facing is from 9 kg and she is not there yet so in a big meeting with car seat sellers, the police road safety and the maxi cozi dealer they are sending us a head extension for the car seat :shock: while we are waiting for the safety milestones to be reached to move her in the next stage car seat :wall:
Wow she is growing super fast!!! Sounds like u will have a lovely weekend xxx

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Bless her, she is just gorgeous!!

I would never dare put Cam in amongst the clean washing, he'd puke all over it for sure! Lol!!

She is so lovely and cute as a button! You have some lovely plans? When do you celebrate Xmas? 24th or 25th? Will it be Greek Norwegian or Canadian? Xxx
We celebrate on 25 in Greece but as in Canada they celebrate on 24 we are going for both!!! I have actually no idea what they are celebrating here. We are going to some friends all that if we don't get completely snowed in!!!!!
I hope you will have a warm nice first Christmas with Ollie. Is your family visiting you? I need more Ollie pictures btw
Hi Hope :) I'm joining in your journal tho I know I've missed quite a bit... Love the pic of Amelie in the basket! For the clothes, have you checked out ebay as you can get some real bargains there... xx
Merry Christmas!!!

Thought i would pop on and say it now as I'll be too busy tomorrow.

:hug: for Amelie

Have a wonderful first christmas with your little girl


Merry Christmas to you and your family Hope :) Hope you have a lovely time for Amelie's first Christmas! xxx
Merry Christmas Hope sweetie!

Lots of love to you, OH and the beautiful little Amelie

Happy 1st Christmas together. Have you had a magical day?? Hope little Amelie is feeling better today and has enjoyed being spoilt by santa.

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Thank you girls I hope you had a wonderful time. Our Christmas was quite and peaceful. The weather was horrible so not much happen and as we have no family here the presents were limited.
Amelie got spoiled rotten with presents but is spoiled every single day after all :p

Today while I was playing with her ( I was holding her hands and help her per my face) she found that so hilarious that se started laughing. Smile is wonderful but laughing is the most quite thing ever!
I am so glad to see her so happy.
Well too bad that this Dosent last long!!! Baby mood swings, 2 min later she was whining and eventually crying :roll:
She is still not sleeping through the night, well she does sometimes but it's not sth constant and I don't think I can do much about that if she Dosent start eating more through the day.
Also she still sleeps like almost a newborn (she starts crying for sleep every 90 min) so she gets loads of sleep during the day and she is probably not tired enough during the evenings/ night.
Anyway I don't mind that much really.
I love her so much!!!
Our gorgeous babes deserve to be spoilt!! Glad it was a nice time for u all. X x x x

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Hey Hope! I hope you and Amelie had a lovely Christmas. I seen your threads.... Sorry she is being a little madam for you.
How is she doing with her feeding??xx

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