Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

God going through those developmental leaps is so hard. among all them by now this particular one the 12 week one is by far the most awful and heartbreaking.
i have never heard so much screaming and whining with the bottom lip out in my whole heart is braking completely every day when the afternoon comes (she seems to be fine during the day???)
anyway according to the wonder weeks, its almost done so i hope better days are ahead of us...
though thinking of the next week vaccines....i doubt it...

i just got amelie in bed again as she was screaming the poor soul. she barely ate but gave her some paracetamol and teething gel just in case...

i hope she will feel better really soon as i need to go to the shops with her to buy her new clothes as she outgrew again hers :roll: she is also outgrowing the car seat in a month probably :roll: so we need some shopping done...

santa is going to bring her a jamperoo, an outdoors swing, an indoors door swing and a toy for tummy time to lay on it and play.
We had one more big crying spell during the evening.

When she woke up from her afternoon nap at around 6 she started immediately cry with the bottom lip out again and nth could stop her :(

I eventually jus wrapped her in a blanket and plopped her on her car seat and off we went to the mall. Obviously the moment we got there she was only eyes to look around at tw Christmas lights... Not even a little cry.
We came home 2 h later and she was already sleeping for 1/2 in the car so I thought we are out of the woods for tonight and as it was already 9 I was planning to just put her with the same blanket in bed...
She started crying the moment we passed the doorway and nth could stop her until 12 o clock. 3 whole hours of CONSTANT crying. Jesus at some point I starred praying for her to stop.
Eventually she just feel asleep in my cuddle exhausted....
Every single day I pray that this developmental leap will bigger off sooner than later...
Motherhood is the hardest thing I ever did...
This morning already slept for 3 h and I can see where is that going already after so much sleep...
I just want her to stop breaking her little heart like that?
Today we also have to bath her as she was sick on herself and we all know how badly bath nights go...
Oh well at least I will see her really happy the 10 min that the bath lasts until I get her out and all hell brakes loose...

She better learn all kind nod new things during this leap lol...

Anyway she starting feeling things with her hands and trying to catch them and bring them to her mouth and yesterday at the mall spent the whole evening trying to fit her thumb in her mouth. I was keep trying to offer her the pacifier as I hate thumb sucking but she had a look every time WTF is that don't you see I am busy here??????
Awwwww hun, sorry you've had a tough time.

You are right though, motherhood is the hardest thing you'll ever do, its also the best thibg you'll ever do.

What a clever girl trying to pick things up! :-) Won't be long until she's got the hang of it!

She's just sooooo gorgeous!

Aw hope! Big hugs... Motherhood really is so difficult. But you know it will all be worth it, and every smile and laugh makes up for the tears. It's horrible when nothing will console them, as a mother you feel it's your job to stop them crying. But sometimes they just cry...
I love seeing William learn new things. This week he is blowing his lips like a raspberry noise, it's so cute. He did it one night and hasn't stopped. And everytime he does it it makes my heart
Developmental leap is over!!!! No more crying!!!!

Also Amelie got an early Christmas present from my parents!! A jamperoo!!! She got absolutely crazy in it. God she loved it :love:
Want pics of the jumperoo!!! As glad the crying is done for now, you must be so relieved! I suspect Ollie will still be in the womb ;) xx
The most amazing thing happened last night :) I put Amelie down to sleep and when she fall asleep she started smiling in her sleep until she laughed! That was the first time I heard her laughing and I swear it was the most wonderful sound I ever heard! I wonder what was she dreaming about???
I love my girl so much :love:
She is still waking once per night but that Dosent really surprise me as she is not eating enough through the day...
My OH bought W a jumperoo last night, go pick it up at tesco on Wed. I'm so going to want him to have a shot! We need Amelie pics! Haha...
Aw that's so cute about her smiling and laughing! They are cute. Makes your heart melt for a smile doesn't it xxx
My baby girls smile has soothed my breaking heart today too! Yeah Amelie Jumperoo pics! She's such a bright little girl, so pretty xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry using Tapatalk-its rubbish tho so can't see tickers or upload pics!
lol :) i will take a picture later when i put her in there. though what i should really take is a picture of coco! the look on her face :lol: its like saying holy bananas whats that new puppy jumping toy????its mine mine mine...
so today is vaccination day. God i hate them :( my poor poor precious baby :( i am sure i will not be able to stop my tears again when she will start crying. the hv probably thinks i am a hysterical mum...
then we have to drive with both cars to the service. my oh car has a problem so i have to drive with him for him to leave his car there and we both drive back with my car, meaning that my poor baby will be all alone on the back seat, probably feeling stressed and poorly after those jabs and none near her to sooth her :( God i really really hate this :(
after that we need some supermarket shopping and some christmas shopping but we may skip the christmas shopping to not overtire the poor bean that may start getting a fever too :(
i just want this day to be done and over.
Don't get too stressed about the jabs, these LO's are stronger than you think.

Aaron had blood tests every 3 hours for 5 days when we were in hospital so I'm used to it now, but he when he cries after his jabs its just for a few seconds, then he's forgotten all about it.

She may not get a fever either - she may just surprise you x
Aw! Hope she's ok!! William wasn't bothered to much. You'll be surprised. Think there worse for the mummies!!xxx
i managed to not cry at the jabs :roll: first time i cried my eyes out :shock:

anyway she is having a fever and crying her eyes out and not eating...and between all that she gives me a couple of smiles making my heart melt. my poor princess :(

its been 6 and 1/2 h since her last bottle and she dosent want to drink not even 10 ml :( i just put her down to sleep with a completely empty stomach :( what exactly i am suppose to do now???let her sleep like that until she wakes? what if she dosent wake until norming or so?

so so stressing...

also 5 ml of paracetamol thats she is suppose to have according to her weight is a crap LOAD to put down the throat of a screaming thinks i am buying the suppositories next time :( anyway hopefully she got around 3.5 ml and lets hope it was enough as i am not looking forward to try giving her again more in the middle of the night :(
Aw! Sorry she's not doing to good!
I'd let her sleep. William slept for AGES after his jags!! Much more than normal. I'd leave her. Don't wake her to feed her. Maybe you could try that approach. Offering her milk when she actually wants it. I know it's hard when your worrying about her eating. William is very much a grazer now. It's maybe them just stopping guzzling :) xxx
She just woke and ate 180 and she was still inhaling the bottle!! I dare not to give her more to not vomit everything...
Still whining...though I got a proper smile too :)
Thanks lolly :)
Hey chick
In terms of paracetamol can u try the six plus calpol and give a smaller quantity ?
My mum mentioned this to me? I haven't tried it but it means not having to get so much liquid down them which can be a nightmare!
Not sure if its allowed tho....ur a doc ull prob know Bette than me!

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