Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

Feeling a little sad that my parents are leaving tomorrow :( I will miss them :cry: and their help with the baby had been invaluable :(
I dont know how I will go back on being alone all day with no adult company.
Thankfully my oh has one week vacation beginning with Monday so we make the transition a little easier.

Monday also is the start of my diet :faint: not mentally ready for that either...
My parents just left :( I cried my eyes out :cry: they didn't want to leave me or the baby.
I could imagine how sad they are leaving the baby as I would die if I was away from her and that made me so sad thinking that they may feel the same for not seeing Amelie for so long :(
Such a silly girl I am... I have been away from how studying etc since I was 17 years old.
Today was the first time I cried for them leaving??????
Oh bless you hun. :hug: Its a whole different thing to leave yourself or them leave you with the little one. It sounds like they have been so great with both of you. Do they have a plan to come back any time soon? or are you going to go there? You said you had some exams to take back home?
Oh bless you hun.

It's kind of different saying goodbye this time as you are now a parent yourself?

At least your OH is around next week to make things a little easier.

maybe youcan plan thier next trip soon to cheer you up? :lol:

I live so close to my in-laws and parents I take it for granted how much help I have to hand

Thank you girls :love:
I am better today :) though Amelie is still on a food strike...
She drank the whole day like 300 ml of milk :faint:
No idea what I am going to do with her :( that's the 5 day on a row...
Thankfully she didn't loose any weight though God knows how she didn't...
I swear if she was close to 4 months I would have given her some semi solid food by now....
She seems ok, no fever of anything and she Dosent seem dehydrated so I didn't panic just yet....
But better start eating or I will loose it lol...
Today she also manage to lift her head while on her bouncer and bang her head on the music plastic toys and I also put her in the cot with her feet on the bottom and found her with her head on the bottom :roll:
How on earth she managed to do that???? She was even in a sleeping bag :faint:

But here comes a big victory ! She stayed on the floor on her playmat for a whole 5 min before she started screaming loool :faint:

Who loves you more than mummy?? Nobody does...
i am a happy bunny today :) Amelie slept through the night for second time in a row. Now we have to work a little in getting her to bed earlier at night but she is still little and the truth is I will miss her so much if she sleeps the whole evening :blush:

Good morning mummy :love:
:love: love love love that gorgeous pic!!! so glad she started sleeping through, thats awesome for you hun!!! xx
Thank you dysco :)

We are getting there I suppose eventually...
Tonight though she slept through the night she started crying inconsolably at 3 and 5. A pacifier fixed it both times though at 5 I got her on bed with us as she was keep loosing the pacifier...
Poor baba was asleep the whole time so maybe she had a bad dream? Though what possibly bad could she be dreaming I don't know???
Barely got 3 h of sleep with all that...

I also got a cold and hopefully I will not give it to her. Though I heard her coughing earlier...

It snowed last night and everything looks so nice but its stupidly cold.

We never really get snow as we live so close to the ocean so it was nice to see everything white. I doubt it will last though....
OMG she is just too cute for words!!

I'm glad her sleeping is getting better, hopefully last night was just a blip.

Fx she doesn't get your cold. Hope you're not feeling too poorly?.

I love snow!! Ofcourse everything comes to a grinding halt when it snows here as we aren't used to it. I hope it snows here this year (not too much though! Lol!). Still want to be able to get out and about. A white christmas would make Cameron's first christmas just perfect!

Must be time for some more pictures of the gorgeous miss Amelie

Good morning!
Miss Amelie is a proper little madam lately...
Last night she decided that 5 o clock is play time making me come downstairs with her as she was repeatedly waking. My oh and she is even in her own room...
And today she decided that she wants nth more than carrying her around and showing her things and the moments you out her in the bouncer or whatever she screams the house down :roll:
Mummy is completely shattered as she is not quite light weighted to carry around like that all the time lol :lol:
The puppy decided that the firewood is her toy so we have firewood all over the living room (the bloody puppy did all tat the 5 min I went in the toilet to have a pee and brush my teeth...)
The dishwasher is leaking on the floor and outside is freezing, snow and ice so we can't go anywhere...
My boss is pestering me to finish reviewing an article and Unfortunately the food is not cooking by itself so ready made lasagna it will be....
Here she is last Saturday having daddy time...ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354619314.882575.jpg while he is clicking on his iPad...ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354619350.436444.jpg and here yawning her head off but refusing to drop the little monkey!!!!
Ok that was a massive rant lol...
Swit swoo missus! You are one hot mummy!!!

Amelie is just so cute! She is so tall isn't she...a model in the making?

Sounds like you're being kept busy, you poor thing :hug:

Cam has been quite clingy the last couple of days. Not necessarily wanting cuddleds, but he starts crying if i leave the room, bless him

Hope you are stunning!!!!! Nice to put a pic to the name :) I still think she looks like daddy tho...!!! She is a wee doll... Just beautiful xxx
I can't believe after all this time Hope you finally post a piccie!!!

My God you are stunning.

Amelie obviously takes after Mummy in her looks :lol: :lol:

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Aww you girls :blush:

I don't look like that anymore (I am also much younger there :roll: ) but getting there once I find time to cook some proper food to eat lol...

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