Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

Ooooo You are right Cardiff it is!!!!

Dysco just you wait, his cry will be the worst thing ever and even when your oh tries to settle him you will go and get him from him because you will not be able to just sit there and listen to him cry without YOU trying to make it all better :roll:
And I was even afraid that I will not bond with her loool... I think from biochemical point of view only it's impossible to not to...
I don't know of anyone can understand (maybe not yet for those that they still wait for their LO) but its scary the amount of love that you feel for your LO. It almost hurts I may say and weird thoughts like omg what if sth happens to her/him and I loose him will feel like someone have ripped your heart out...
I don't know how to explain it but though I love her more than anything I hate that feeling of deep sadness and pain that comes out of love.
Anyways it's hard to even understand how I feel never mind explain it on my non native language :faint:
I suppose we can have that discussion again once you girls have your Los :love:
Meantime here it is my super tall little girl (please don't say she is fat lol) having some daddy time:)
She's not fat at all! She's a tall gorgeous girlie who is enjoying her feeds! Chubby babies are healthy babies and the weight drops off when they start to move around! Don't worry about her weight, she's perfect! Xx
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Hi Hope,

Just catching up with things.

How was the first meeting with Amelie and your parents? I bet that was so emotional?

I am glad things are going well, she is adorable.

Ooooo You are right Cardiff it is!!!!

Dysco just you wait, his cry will be the worst thing ever and even when your oh tries to settle him you will go and get him from him because you will not be able to just sit there and listen to him cry without YOU trying to make it all better :roll:
And I was even afraid that I will not bond with her loool... I think from biochemical point of view only it's impossible to not to...
I don't know of anyone can understand (maybe not yet for those that they still wait for their LO) but its scary the amount of love that you feel for your LO. It almost hurts I may say and weird thoughts like omg what if sth happens to her/him and I loose him will feel like someone have ripped your heart out...
I don't know how to explain it but though I love her more than anything I hate that feeling of deep sadness and pain that comes out of love.
Anyways it's hard to even understand how I feel never mind explain it on my non native language :faint:
I suppose we can have that discussion again once you girls have your Los :love:
View attachment 27194
Meantime here it is my super tall little girl (please don't say she is fat lol) having some daddy time:)

I totally understand what you mean hun. I didn't think it was humanly possible to love something as much! I thought I loved my pets and my hubby (which i do ofcourse!) but is nothing compared to how much i love Cam. Quite simply, I would die for him. I look at him sometimes and feel so overwhelmed by how much i love him, i could cry!!

Amelie got a present yesterday :love:

First whole night away from my baby :(
Me parents had her the whole night :( and though she was 2 floors away from me I missed her like crazy :(
Regardless to say that 1/2 of the night i was wondering how she is doing :roll:
Dear mummy

I am almost 2 months old. You can't believe how much I progressed! I can now properly see you and smile at you and if I am rested and in good mood I chat with you :)
Thank you mummy that you cuddle me when I am tired and cry so much and dont forget though I am a tall girl and I look older the truth is that I am still so little.
What both you and me love most is mummy cuddles :love:

Amelie is almost 2 months old :love: her little face changed so much and looks like a proper baby not like a newborn anymore.
I think she is cute and she becomes cuter every day but I am biased lol.
Awww the sunglasses pic is so cute!!

I think i will struggle the first night Cam goes in his own room and he will be right next door!!

I agree with dysco- there should be more piccys pleeeeeeease!!!

How were your parents when they met her? Bet they fell in love with her instantly!!!

Here she is
Currently yelling at me instead of sleeping... I tried everything lol :(

ImageUploadedByTapatalk1352410857.841755.jpg becoming chunkier every day :roll:

My parents are completely crazy with her lol. They are chatting and playing with her every available second lol.
God knows what I am going to do once they go back!
Oh and at the airport when we went to pick them they left their baggages and they came to greed the baby. 1/2 h later they remembered that maybe they have to go pick them :lol: they completely lost their minds with her :D
Yay for piccies and love that you parents are so in love with her, of course they are she's gorgeous! Any progress on the work front for you yet? Xx
Naw babies are be fat and cuddly and chunky she's gorgeous

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Amelie is actually beautiful :) such a wee cheeky face already!

Oohh! Scotland is a good choice. I am on the west coast, but it's only 1 1/2 hours drive to Edinburgh city Center. It really is a beautiful country. I will be taking my little boy lots of places. A couple of weekends ago my boyfriend walked up Ben Nevis. Stunning pictures!xxx
Amelie had a hard evening and night. She was a little poorly and vomited all of her feed and then was inconsolably crying for 5 h until I finally managed to get her to sleep. She had a tough night too, fidgeting around and crying in her sleep almost the whole night :( that obviously meant that I got no sleep at all but everything is forgotten when she was smiling away to me this morning.

There is nth harder than seeing you baby being poorly and cry so much and you can do nth to make it better :(

Sometimes I really think that I wasn't emotionally prepared to be a parent. Her pain it hurts me so much that is unreal :(

I can't wait for her to be older to be able to tell me what's wrong.
Awww :hug: for you and :hug: for Amelie.

Hope she feels better soon.

Cam had a col back along and it was horrible! I had stern words and told him that under no circumstances is ever allowed to be poorly again as mummy finds it far too upsetting!! Lol!


Fast asleep looking at the Christmas tree (don't ask...)
Aw hope she feels better too!!!
Christmas tree already :) xxx
It's Father's Day apparently here in Norway and this is Amelie's outfit for daddy :)
It's still a little big as its 4-6 m size but she outgrows in length the clothes way too fast :faint:

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